
巍然屹立  wēi rán yì lì







  • “小小品种”自豪地巍然屹立
    The "little one " is set to stand tall and proud.

  • 一座高山要巍然屹立多少年,才能被风化冲入海?
    How many years can a mountain exist before it is washed to the sea?

  • 一千多年来,三塔历经风雨剥蚀和多次强烈大地震,仍然巍然屹立
    Although they have undergone more than 1, 000 years disturbance in the winds and rains and endured several violent earthquakes, they still stood erect firmly.

  • 那灰褐色的砂岩,历经风雪露雨冲刷,历数千百年而一直巍然屹立
    Brown to gray sandstone that, after scouringlu yu snow, thousands of years has been enumerate stand tall.

  • 白桦树林,巍然屹立于世界骑马山国家公园,在马尼托巴省,加拿大。
    White birch trees stand tall in Riding Mountain National Park, in Manitoba, Canada.

  • 绵延不绝的长城比纽约与洛杉矶之间的距离还要长。它至今仍旧巍然屹立
    The Great Wall, which stretched further than the distance from New York to Los Angeles, is still staggering in its scope.

  • 更令人震惊的是,群众举报了两年多,这一非法建设群落仍“巍然屹立”着。
    More alarming is that the masses more than two years, the illegal building of communities still "stand" with.

  • 一个面向现代化、面向世界、面向未来的社会主义中国巍然屹立在世界东方。
    For a modern, world and the future of socialist China stands firmly in the eastern part of the world.

  • 四座雄伟的冷却塔巍然屹立而有三座正冒着滚滚热气——它们也在正常运行;
    normally stand erect of 4 grand cooling tower imposing and 3 are risking billow steam -- they also are running;

  • 我国后来能巍然屹立于世界四大文明古国之列,这与黄帝的赫赫殊勋是分不开的。
    All of these brilliant achievements put forth by Yellow Emperor are attributable to the later success of China as one of the world's four countries with an ancient civilization.

  • 一次又一次,他们展现力量、精神和荣耀(和荣耀)。无论输赢,他们都一起巍然屹立
    Time and time again they flexed their power, spirit, and glory (and the glory). Win or lose, they stood together high.

  • 重庆是很时尚且很生活化的城市,巍然屹立的高楼大厦始终没有与底层的民众形成对立!
    The high-rise buildings still stand tall without the confrontation between the bottom of people!

  • 没有无数先烈抛头颅、洒热血的奋斗牺牲,就不可能有中华民族的巍然屹立与伟大复兴。
    Cast the head, struggling sacrifice that spills warm blood without countless martyr, the imposing stand towering like a giant that has the Chinese nation impossibly and great revive.

  • 今天,一个面向现代化、面向世界、面向未来的社会主义中国已经巍然屹立在世界东方。
    "Today, a socialist China geared to modernization, the world and the future has stood rock-firm in the east of the world, " Mr. Hu said.

  • 重庆欧瑞锦江大酒店,作为国际标准的五星级酒店,巍然屹立于重庆市北部新区核心地段。
    As an international standard five-star hotel, Chongqing Jin jiang Oriental Hotel is located at the core area of Chongqing New North Zone.

  • 从灵山大型果园停车场步行至照壁广场,可见三山环抱,灵山大佛巍然屹立,气势雄伟壮观。
    Mountain from the large parking lot on foot to an orchard Zhaobi Square, Miyama can be seen embracing, Mountain Giant Buddha stand, magnificent momentum.

  • 埃菲尔铁塔经历了百年风雨,但仍风采依旧,巍然屹立在塞纳河畔,它是全体法国人民的骄傲。
    As a honor of citizens in Paris, Has experiencing rains and winds for thousands of years, standing near the bank of Seine, it is still endowed with outstanding beauty and grace presently.

  • 一座历经沧桑、巍然屹立的老体育馆,见证着重病在身、时日无多、临危受命的教练许峰辉煌的时刻。
    An experienced vicissitudes of life, stands firmly in the old stadium to witness focus on disease in body, time is running out, stepped in to coach Xu Feng glorious moment.

  • 这里,有人在呼吁拯救英国的教区教堂。它们经历了宗教改革、英国内战和社会变革,至今仍巍然屹立
    HERE is a plea to save the English parish church, still standing after the convulsions of the Reformation, the English civil war and social alteration.

  • 中国将会因现在有成千上万个林浩一样的小勇士而更加繁荣昌盛,中国将会在世界的东方巍然屹立,雄鸡将会高唱!
    China will by now have thousands of little Lin Hao warriors, like the more prosperous China will stand tall in the world of the Orient, cock will be singing!

  • 在茂林之东,巍然屹立的东流山,悬崖峭壁,山高林密,幽谷邃深,雄峻瑰丽,左右曲涧流泉,环绕田畴,景色秀丽。
    Mau Lam in the East, the east stand tall mountains, cliff, the mountain of forest, deep glens Sui, Xiong Jun magnificent, about Qu Jian Liu Quan, surrounded Tianchou, beautiful scenery.

  • 当很久以后的一天枪声平息时,国会大厦将巍然屹立,其顶端矗立的自由雕像成为仍在愈合中的国家团结统一的象征。
    and that on that distant day, when the guns fell silent, a national capitol would stand, with a statue of freedom at its peak, as a symbol of unity in land still mending its divisions.

  • 已成现楼的天健名苑,巍然屹立于深圳市中心区中轴线,外观俊逸,气势恢宏,“空中廊桥”极具都市的动感和张力。
    The crackdown is now, Mingyuan, stand majestically in Shenzhen downtown central axis, exterior touches, momentum magnificent, "air Langqiao" extremely urban dynamic and tension.

  • 登台远眺,可见怀玉诸峰巍然屹立于万里云天,宋朝文人赵蕃有《三清山》诗赞曰:“神月诗僧古道场,山雄吴楚接华阳。”
    Overlooking the stage, that stand tall in Miles Huaiyu Zhu Feng Yun Tian, Cho Sung Dynasty scholar Fan "Sanqingshan Mountain, " Poetry Chan said: "God, Shiseng Road market, Shan-Chu Wu Huayang then.

  • 整个场馆端庄大方,气势磅礴,巍然屹立,与鱼丘湖的碧水相映,浑然一体,颇具汉唐风韵,是一座具有国内一流水平的美术馆。
    The whole gallery is graceful, full of power and majestic. Contrasting beautifully with the Yuqiu Lake, it's a first-rank gallery modeled with the Han and Tang dynasty style.

  • 虽被多少个世纪来的地震所摇撼,多数佩特拉的建筑仍巍然屹立——尽管这座城市衰败了,而后狂风卷起的沙尘又将它的荣耀掩藏了多少年。
    Though rattled by earthquakes through the centuries, many of Petra's buildings stood fast, even as the city declined and storms of windblown sand concealed its glory for another age.

  • 如果说中国工笔画发展到宋代形成了第一个高峰的话,那么我们完全有理由相信,它的第二个高峰定会在不久的将来巍然屹立于世界美术之林。
    If Chinese claborate-style painting developed in Song dynasty and formed the first pinnacle, then we have no doubt to believe that its second pinnacle will imposingly stand erect in the world arts.

  • 他的声音里表达了一种为这个古老城市遭受的苦难而感到悲痛,同时还传递着一种信心——一种相信无论要去忍受什么样的苦难伦敦也将巍然屹立的信念。
    His voice had a tone of sorrow for the suffering of that ancient city, and a tone of confidence, too-a felling of belief that London would be there, no matter what it had to endure.

  • 他的声音里表达了一种为这个古老城市遭受的苦难而感到的悲痛,同时还传递着一种信心——一种相信无论要去忍受什么样的苦难伦敦也将巍然屹立的信念。
    His voice had a tone of sorrow for the suffering of that ancient city, and a tone of confidence, too—a feeling of belief that London would be there, no matter what it had to endure.

  • 巍然屹立造句相关
