
余波未平  yú bō wèi píng






  • 三是北京大机关、大企业较多,集团购买仍余波未平,支撑着房价高端。
    Third, Beijing Great organs, more large enterprises, group purchases aftermath still not ping, underpins the high-end prices.

  • 2007年赛门铁克误杀操作系统曾引起很大的安全灾难,至今诉讼余波未平
    Symantec manslaughter in 2007 operating system has given rise to great security disaster, the aftermath of the proceedings so far-ping.

  • 身为亚太经济大家庭的一员,至今余波未平的东南亚金融危机对我国丝绸出口的影响显而易见。
    A as Asia-Pacific economy big family, up to now the influence clearly that the crisis of southeast Asia banking with not smooth aftereffect exports to our country silk.

  • 全球经济危机余波未平,而美国金融博物馆已经开办展览记录这段历史。这一展览于上周三开始。
    but the Museum of American Finance is already documenting its history in an exhibit that opened on Wednesday.

  • 全球经济危机余波未平,而美国金融博物馆已经开办展览记录这段历史。这一展览于上周三开始。
    The global economic crisis wears on, but the Museum of American Finance is already documenting its history in an exhibit that opened on Wednesday.

  • 在一战余波未平之际来到上海后,邬达克立即加入了一家当地的建筑公司,在那里他的才华闪耀出来。
    On arriving in Shanghai in the wake of World War I, Hudec immediately joined a local architectural firm where his talent shone through.

  • 鹏润家园第一轮让利风暴余波未平,又推出雅苑经济实用公寓,小户型、超低总价掀起又一轮抢购热潮。
    Pengrunjieyuan first round allowing more profits not ping storm aftermath, and the introduction of practical economic Nga Court apartments, small Huxing, a further round of buying an ultra low price.

  • 关于主流经济学家,以及主流经济学家发挥的作用,不同的看法和争论已经进行了多日,至今余波未平
    on mainstream economists, the mainstream economists and the role of different views and arguments have been conducted for several days, not so far aftermath ping.

  • 随着麦卡锡的失势和去世,麦卡锡主义的浪潮逐渐息,黑名单运动也悄然落幕,但它的影响却余波未平
    As the result, the types distributing of American movies was influenced. With decline and dead of McCarthy himself, the wave of McCarthyismcame to quiet down and the Blacklist went to end;

  • 在金融风暴余波未平的今天,如何看待今后中国经济的走势和前景成为眼下许多普通投资者日益关心的问题。
    In the financial turmoil is not flat today, look at how the future of China's economic trends and prospects now become a growing concern for many ordinary investors.

  • 更糟糕的是,在金融危机余波未平之际就对货币政策规范进行更改,这一做法本身就会损害央行官员们来之不易的信誉。
    Worse, a change in monetary-policy rules in the aftermath of a crisis would itself damage central bankers' hard won credibility.

  • 美经济危机展览探索市场经济弊端全球经济危机余波未平,而美国金融博物馆已经开办展览记录这段历史。这一展览于上周三开始。
    The global economic crisis wears on , but the Museum of American Finance is already documenting its history in an exhibit that opened on Wednesday.

  • 宇宙大爆炸在一百五十多亿年后的今天仍余波未平,爆炸当时所释放的能量(即使这些能量看起来似乎微不足道)仍以背景辐射现象的形式存在着。
    Even 15 billion years or so after the Big Bang⑸, echoes of that event still linger in the form of background radiation⑹, only a few degrees above absolute zero⑺.

  • 五年前的这一周,安然和世通两家公司的丑闻余波未平,乔治•布什迅即签署了《萨宾斯-奥克斯利法案》(Sarbanes-OxleyAct,简称为“索克斯法案”),使之成为法律。
    FIVE years ago this week, in the aftermath of the Enron and WorldCom scandals, George Bush signed the Sarbanes-Oxley Act into law.

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