
评头品足  píng tóu pǐn zú








  • 对她的容貌评头品足是不礼貌的。
    He is mindless of his appearance.

  • 人们也开始对它评头品足
    People have also started to criticize and pass judgment on them.

  • 一有机会,他总是评头品足,大发议论。
    Whenever chance/time permits, he was never tired of being over-critical about that.

  • 他很尊重别人,从不随便对别人评头品足
    He shows great respect to others and never makes random personal remarks about them.

  • 拥有快乐的人不需要对它评头品足,而是去传播快乐。
    People who have this joy don not need to talk about it; they radiate it.

  • 我们不是房地产业内人士,恐无能力对房地产界的发展评头品足
    We are not the personages inside real estate, fear incapable judge a head to taste to the development of estate group sufficient.

  • 看着这个无能的人走开以后,他气冲冲地对着送信人评头品足起来。
    When the ungainly man had left, he remarked hotly to the messenger.

  • 杰森:嗨,迈克,你知道对于你妈妈做的事情,我是不便于评头品足的。
    Jason: Hey Mike, it's not my place to second guess what your mother does or doesn't know about these matters.

  • 若非别人问起,不要对皇室、英国经济或《每日邮报》的条新闻评头品足
    Avoid giving unsolicited opinions about the Royal family, the British economy, the headlines in the Daily Mail or any other sensitive issue.

  • 第四个奴仆说:“对她评头品足虽不错,只是减轻不了我站立扇风的疲劳。”
    And the fourth slave said, "It is all very well to talk about her, but it does not make me less weary of standing and fanning."

  • 我常常觉得很好笑:我选择了做演员,这种职业决定了不断有人对你的外表评头品足
    I often find it funny that I chose to become an actor, a profession in which your appearance is constantly being judged.

  • 目光不断注视女性跟对女性评头品足的人,约会后女性会把你列入约会对象的黑名单里。
    Constantly wandering eyes and comments on the female's anatomy could land you in the "block" column back at home.

  • 我的父母总是鼓励我们,并尽最大可能不对我的教练的工作评头品足、不质疑我的训练课程、或者我的能力。
    My parents were positive and tried not to say anything negative about our coaches or the program or to voice any doubts about our ability.

  • 像他那一类人一样,杜洛埃有个习惯,喜欢在街上观察那些穿着时髦或者长相漂亮的女人,对她们评头品足
    Drouet had a habit, characteristic of his kind, of looking after stylishly dressed or pretty women on the street and remarking upon them.

  • 有人对研究俾斯麦的学者的专著不以为然:“你根本就没见过宰相,怎么有资格对俾斯麦的外交生涯评头品足?”
    Someone objected to a monograph by a scholar who studied Bismarck :" Since you have not seen any prime minister at all, how can you be entitled to find fault with the diplomacy career of Bismarck?"

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