
评头论足  píng tóu lùn zú








  • 对她评头论足是不礼貌的。
    It would be rude to remark upon her appearance.

  • 对别人的外表评头论足是粗鲁的。
    It is rude to remark upon the appearance of other people.

  • 你也很讨厌被男人评头论足吗?
    What do you hate being criticized about by guys?

  • 父亲不时对某些牲畜评头论足一番。
    The father commented now and then on certain of the animals.

  • 些男生喜欢对女生的容貌评头论足
    Some boy students enjoy making rude remarks about girls' appearances.

  • 给那些对你评头论足的人一个有力的眼神!
    Give them a strong eye who talking about you !

  • 你对她的穿着评头论足,她可能会不兴奋。
    Revision: You're criticising her dress sense. She might be offended.

  • 他们在更衣室对女生评头论足!(一群死猪!)
    They rate us in the room! ( Pigs!

  • 却一边盯着我马子的屁股,一边对我评头论足
    judging me while he stares at my girlfriend's ass.

  • 虽说听众肯定会对你的穿着评头论足,你的声望却不会受到损坏。
    While the members of your audience would certainly comment on your attire, your reputation would not be harmed.

  • 偶尔,人也是可以虚伪一点的,没必要去让他的新娘对你评头论足
    Occasionally, people are Can be a little hypocritical, it was not necessary to let his bride to you Pingtoulunzu.

  • 环球网友评论说,“土耳其政府有什么资格对中国的事情评头论足
    Said one netizen on Huanqiu. com, "What right does the Turkish government have to comment on Chinese affairs?"

  • 当着苏珊的面米高对她还不错,可是在背后他总喜欢对苏珊评头论足
    Michael was nice to Susan's face, but he was always talking behind her back.

  • 这将美国人分裂成了控制政治生活的“演员”和仅能评头论足的“观众”。
    And it divides America into "players", who control political life, and "observers", who simply comment on it.

  • 网友对于这组照片的曝光格外“兴奋”,不禁对王刚的“女儿”评头论足
    This group of friends for the extra exposure photographs, "exciting", one can not help on the Gang's "daughter" of today.

  • 布莱克维尔说:“在这个时候对她评头论足不太合适,现在她的生活一团乱。
    I felt that it was inappropriate at this time to make comment, when her personal life is in such upheaval.

  • 他从不能严肃地对待这些正式会议,对其议程他总是要评头论足,令人憎恶。
    He could never take these official meetings seriously-always throwing some outrageous comment into the proceedings.

  • 人们老喜欢对他评头论足,说他应该退役了——而他用进球对这些话作出了回应。
    People mess with him and say he has to retire, and he answers by scoring goals.

  • 最近,我和一些工作上的朋友在讨论男人不能对女人的哪些方面评头论足的问题。
    Some work friends and I were recently discussing things that men can not criticize their girlfriends about.

  • 邻居们立即围拢,热心地评头论足,人群中一位妇女热心地介绍说,这里是朱启钤故居!
    The neighbors noticed us and gathered around. A warmhearted woman pointed out to us that Zhu Qiqian used to live there.

  • 由于我比较资深,我可以对分配给我的活计挑三拣四,而且可以对其评头论足、畅所欲言。
    Because I had seniority, I was able to pick and choose my assignments, and say pretty much whatever I wanted to.

  • 如果你们再对我们这一代评头论足的话,那么我就去开个一个月的假来反思一番我的人生目标。
    And, while you are on the subject of me, I need a month's sabbatical to recalibrate my personal goals.

  • 百余个今年的建筑和规划设计接受了专家和普通市民的评头论足,堪称历年来规模最大的一次评选。
    This year more than 100 architectural and design experts and the general public accepted the comment, which over the years the largest selection.

  • 我充满自信地讲着故事,博得了全场每个人的注意,直到突然,我听到前排有个声音在对我的鼻子评头论足
    I was confidently telling the story and captured everyone's attention until suddenly I heard a voice from just in front of the stage commenting about my nose.

  • 国际会议中心一层的大堂和全部展厅,这两天摆满了沙盘、展板、图册,16日起,它们将静候您的评头论足
    International Conference Center of the hall and a full exhibition hall, which occupied two days a sand table, display panels, Atlas, 16th, they will wait for your comment.

  • 凡是她们所看到的人,她们都拿来一个个评头论足,又一一谈到各人的神情举止,只可惜她们特别留意的那个人却没有谈到。
    The looksbehaviour of every body they had seen were discussed, except of the person who had mostly engaged their attention.

  • 我们不用冒什么风险,带着高高在上的优越感来对他人的工作和名誉评头论足。我们从否定批评中来取悦读者,赢得自己的名誉。
    We risk us little and we have pleasure evaluating with superiority the ones that submit us your work and reputation we win fame with negative criticisms which are fun of write and to read.

  • 德高望重的主父母到那些在广播中对政治高谈阔论的人,从一个小孩到一个有杰出成绩的科学家,每个人在教育领域都有权评头论足
    The agents of education can range from a revered grandparents to the people debating politics on the radio, from a child to a distinguished scientist.

  • 新接手一份工作的人都不愿意看见他们的前任者在他们身边徘徊并对他们的工作评头论足——尤其是当他们发现他们的前任者根本没有打算要离开。
    No one who is new in a job likes to have the person who did it before, hanging about and criticising what he is doing -- especially if that person never really wanted to leave.

  • 在周日国际摇滚日的庆祝表演上,数只里约热内卢狗进行了摇滚秀。大家评头论足,发现小狗们身上的装饰极富创造性、原创性,体现出摇滚的气息。
    Dozens of canines were rocking a Rio dog show Sunday in celebration of International Rock and Roll Day. Outfits were judged on creativity, originality and overall rock appeal.

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