
居心不良  jū xīn bù liáng








  • 一种是瞎子,另一种就是居心不良
    Either she is blind, or she's something nasty in mind.

  • 花儿带刺完全是居心不良
    Flowers have thorns just for spite!

  • 他如此把一位少女引入歧途,是居心不良
    It is very wrong of him to mislead a young girl in such a way.

  • 你说他们这是居心不良,我要听他们的话便是胆小鬼。
    You imputed mean motives to them for giving such advice, and cowardice to me for listening to it.

  • 这给某些居心不良的客户经理挪用、侵占客户贷款留下了漏洞。
    This gives some ill clients Manager misappropriation, usurpation loan customers left loopholes.

  • 这份居心不良的决议,应该对世界所有文明的人民敲响了警钟。
    This wicked resolution must sound the alarm for all decent people in the world.

  • 你知道几乎所有已经删除的信息都能够被某些居心不良的人恢复吗?
    Did you know that almost all of your deleted information can be recovered by unwanted parties?

  • 市场上各种消息都有,官方的、民间的,还有一些不良居心的人散布的。
    The market has a variety of sources, official and private sector, there are some bad people who spread evil intentions.

  • 也许一个人看起来很诚实,但是他或她其实居心不良,我们能以貌取人吗?
    Maybe someone looks honest, but he or she has bad intentions. Can we tell by looks alone?

  • 当某些居心不良的人以负面的形式指出你的错误与失败时,千万别发脾气。
    Don't blow your top when one or two people thin­k it's smart to point out your faults and failings in a negative way.

  • 可什么时候开始,消费者的这些权利被不良居心之人变成谋利敛财的工具?
    When can begin, these rights of consumer by bad harbour intentions does the person become profit the tool of accumulate wealth by unfair means?

  • 如果用户浏览了一个居心不良的网站,那么恶意软件就会悄悄置入用户的电脑中。
    If a user browses to a bad Web site, malicious software can be installed on their PC without their knowledge.

  • 高桥香惠认为:“如果我说得太多,居心不良的人就可以看到,事情会变得很糟。”
    Gao Qiaoxiang benefit thinks: "If I say too much, wicked person can see, the thing can become very flooey."

  • 居心不良的流言会伤害工作夥伴之间的信任感,升高冲突,让同事合作的效率大打折扣。
    Malicious gossip erodes trust among co-workers and escalates conflict, preventing them from working together effectively.

  • 居心不良的流言会伤害工作夥伴之间的信任感,升高冲突,让同事合作的效率大打折扣。
    Paul, and author of "How to Reduce Workplace Conflict and Stress. " Malicious gossip erodes trust among co-workers and escalates conflict, preventing them from working together effectively.

  • 我从背心口袋里掏出一把小刀,打开刀子,攥住那可怜畜生的喉咙,居心不良地把它眼珠剜了出来!
    I took from my waistcoat-pocket a pen-knife, opened it, grasped the poor beast by the throat, and deliberately cut one of its eyes from the socket!

  • 拘礼的面具逐渐滑落,人的本来面目——自鸣得意或满怀嫉妒,慷慨仁厚或居心不良——支配了身体。
    The mask of formality gradually slipped and the natural individual, self-satisfied or envious, charitable or spiteful, assumed control.

  • “人肉搜索”的出现,让人们得以探究事实真相的同时,也让一些居心不良的网民做出了无视道德的暴行;
    "human search", allows people to explore the truth, but also to let some Internet users have made ill-ignoring moral atrocities;

  • 这个封面漫画明显旨在嘲笑那些居心不良,有意散布谣言或相信谣传的人,这些谣传始终影响着奥巴马问鼎总统。
    Clearly intended to mock the nasty rumours that still swirl around his candidacy among the ill-intentioned and ill-informed, the cover shows Mr.

  • Sheikh Muhammad在他的在线访谈中谴责媒体的“不良居心”在于”捏造阿布扎比和迪拜之间的差异。”
    In his online interview, Sheikh Muhammad denounced "vicious attempts" by the media to "fabricate differences between Abu Dhabi and Dubai.

  • 那个人想来是希望这些私密照片能在网上广为传播;而现在无数陌生人也确实在充当帮凶,参与到他这个居心不良的行为当中。
    The guy presumably hoped these private photos would go viral online, and now countless strangers are obliging him in his mean-spirited campaign.

  • 居心不良这端,它会沦为嘲谑,这也是为何人们在查觉对方有丝毫模仿意图后,往往立即退缩,建立社交关系的机会随即中断。
    At its malicious extreme, it descends into mockery, which is why people often recoil when they catch of whiff of mimicry, ending any chance of a social bond.

  • 不要这样批评我的偶像。他自己的童年很不好,很孤独。所以他想给帮助那些不开心的孩子。但是有些居心不良的人利用他的善良。
    Hey, don't ever criticize my idol. He had a very bad and lonely childhood. So he wanted to do what he can to help those unhappy children. However, some bastards used his kindness.

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