
飞短流长  fēi duǎn liú cháng







  • 其余都只是飞短流长,以及与此时无关的故事。
    The rest is merely gossip, and tales for other times.

  • 看别人说话的方式就能分辨出来什么是飞短流长
    You can usually identify them by the way they whisper with other workers while looking furtively around.

  • 当掌声响起时,我们又同时听到前排观众叽叽喳喳的飞短流长
    When the applause sounded, we have also heard the front row of the audience Jijichacha Feiduanliuchang.

  • 一时间,各种猜测飞短流长,商品房价格的走势再度成为人们关注的热点。
    For a time, various speculations Feiduanliuchang, commercial housing price trend was again become the focus of attention.

  • 传布飞短流长的好比瘟疫的领导者,相比之下,蟑螂都比他们清洁、和善。
    People who spread gossip are the plague-carriers of our day. Cockroaches are clean, kindly creatures in comparison.

  • 可是有很长一段时间,她深居简出,因为有一些难听的飞短流长,弄得人家对她产生了不合情理的看法。
    But for a long while she had lived in privacy because of certain shameful stories which had caused people to form an unreasonable opinion of her.

  • 常常听到关于冷血动物的言语飞短流长,其实每个人心中都有爱,只不过有的人益出心怀,有的人隐藏于角落罢了;
    I often hear the rumor of cold-blooded animal, in fact every body has love in their heart; but some hide it in a corner ;

  • 除了思想,除了坚定的回心转意,除了心灵缓慢思索该去哪里寻觅爱情、该爱谁之外,别无他物。其余都只是飞短流长,以及与此时无关的故事。
    There are no events but thoughts and the heart's hard cuming, the heart's slow learning where to love and whom. The rest is merely gossip, and tales for other times.

  • 除了思想,除了坚定的回心转意,除了心灵缓慢思索该去哪里寻觅爱情、该爱谁之外,别无他物。其余都只是飞短流长,以及与此时无关的故事。
    There are no events but thoughts and the heart's hard cuming, the heart's slow learning where to love and whom.

  • 飞短流长造句相关
