
家破人亡  jiā pò rén wáng








  • 一些彩票中奖者反而落得家破人亡
    Some lottery winners end up losing their home and family, however.

  • 一些彩票中奖者反而落得家破人亡
    Some people who win in the lottery get family broken up instead.

  • 谁不实行计划生育,就叫他家破人亡
    Whoever does not follow family planning will have his household ruined and his family perish.

  • 在这场战争的浩劫中,多少人家破人亡
    The war was a terrible catastrophe in which many people died and many buildings were destroyed.

  • 湖南某县:“谁不实行计划生育,就叫他家破人亡。”
    Some county in Hunan:"Who dishonest planned parenthood in the line, call he is family ruined. ""

  • 有的手术后病情复发,然经几次手术后家破人亡,等等。
    sickness recrudesces in some people whose families break up after several operations, etc.

  • 实际上,阿富汗有许多人丁兴旺的家庭家破人亡,那是一场大灾难。
    Actually, in Afghanistan, we have large families which have been destroyed, and that is a great disaster.

  • 这种说法通常用在某人的生命有了重大转变时,如家破人亡或失业等。
    It is usually used to describe major changes in one's life, for example death, loss of career or losing a home.

  • 陈范在苏报案中是一个重要角色,他因此一度成名,也因此家破人亡
    Chen Fan was a key person in Supao case, which made him famous for some time, but this also brought him and his family terrible fate.

  • 我恨的人你们将全部死去!你们都去死吧!你们家破人亡是最好的结果!
    It's the best result your families have broken up and decimated!

  • 官方制作一标语写道,“凡不遵守家庭计划政策者,必造成家破人亡。”
    An official slogan reads, Whoever does not follow family planning will have his household ruined and his family perish.

  • 八十二岁的江联辉指著架枪孔,遥想当年战事和家破人亡的怆痛,不禁激动起来。
    Eight-two-year-old Chiang Lien-hui points at a gun port in his wall. He can't help but get agitated when he remembers the sorrow of losing family during the war.

  • 他们大量屠杀我们的祖先,驱赶了他们,使印第安人流离失所,妻离子散,家破人亡
    Their mass killings of our ancestors, expelled them, and ensured that the Indians were displaced, separated from their families, the destruction.

  • 一名老人请了世界第一杀手(杀手之王),刺杀在中日战争中,令他家破人亡的日本财阀。
    With a box of worthless war bonds, an old man hired the king of Killers to assassinate a Japanese trade lord.

  • 如果你不好好照顾你的爱车,等出事之后,家破人亡的代价将比世界上最名贵的车还值钱。
    If you don't take good care of your car, and something happens where your family is injured or killed, it will be more costly than all the new cars in the world.

  • 股票市埸造成了许多家破人亡的悲剧,可是股票市场对现代经济体系的贡献却是不可少的。
    Stock market causes many tragedies—family breaks up and its members die. But stock market contributes a lot to the prosperous development of modern economy system.

  • 约伯家破人亡,在痛苦中挣扎,这些朋友却好象存心要雪上加霜,而不是帮助约伯度过难关。
    As Job struggled with loss and grief, Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar seemed bent on intensifying his pain rather than helping him in his adversity.

  • 即便是在家破人亡之后,我也依然坚信党和政府、公安机关最终会为我惨死的爱子讨还公道。
    Even now that my family has been broken up, I still remain convinced that The Party, the government and the police will finally see to it that my beloved and tragically-dead son receives justice.

  • Bracken说,许多人已家破人亡无能为力,他们都期待着能在一个安详的地方重建家园。
    So many people have lost families and houses there is nothing they can do, says Bracken, with many standing around waiting to be relocated to a safer place.

  • 实际上,阿富汗有许多人丁兴旺的家庭家破人亡,那是一场大灾难。我们能不能自己解决那些问题呢?
    actually, in afghanistan, we have large families which have been destroyed, and that is a great disaster. can we save ourselves from those problems?

  • 但现在普遍对安全性比较漠然,事实上尤其是高层住宅,可以说不出事则已,一出事便可能家破人亡
    But now more widespread indifference to safety, in fact, particularly high-rise residential, things could not have a scene may ruin and death.

  • 梅尼特医生被侯爵兄弟害得家破人亡,对侯爵兄弟怀有深仇大恨,但是为了女儿的爱,可以摒弃宿仇旧恨;
    The plum 尼 especially the doctor is harm by the marquis brothers family ruined, have great enmity to the marquis brothers, but for the sake of the daughter's love, can abandon the 宿 enemy old hate;

  • 然而在实施自己“宏伟蓝图”的过程中,他抛妻弃子,使夫妻成仇,兄弟残杀,最终遭致家破人亡的命运。
    In realization of his "great design", Sutpen deserts his wife and son, which brings the ruins to him as well as his family.

  • 在这些数目字背后,隐藏着一个个家破人亡、梦想破碎的人性故事,他们的生命被那些追求极权主义权力的家伙无情地消灭。
    Behind these numbers are human stories of individuals with families and dreams whose lives were cut short by men in pursuit of totalitarian power.

  • 股票市埸造成了许多家破人亡的悲剧,可是股票市场之对于现代经济体系所作出的贡献,却并非是这些悲剧例子所足以抹煞的。
    Stock market causes many tragedies—family breaks up and its members die. But stock market contributes a lot to the prosperous development of modern economy system.

  • 多少人在今天已经见不到明天的太阳,多少人在今天已经成了残废,多少人在今天已经失去了自由,多少人在今天已经家破人亡
    How many people today have seen the sun tomorrow, how many people today have become disabled, how many people today have lost their freedom, how many people have been killed today.

  • 多少人在今天已经见不到明天的太阳,多少人在今天已经成了残废,多少人在今天已经失去了自由,多少人在今天已经家破人亡
    How many people have seen today, tomorrow the sun, how many people today have become disabled, how many people today have lost their freedom, how many people have broken up today.

  • 周明和晓斌的例子对常人来说很特殊,但在吸毒者中并不是个案,毒品的刺激蒙蔽了他们的心灵,直到让他们一无所有、家破人亡
    Zhou Xiaobin and examples of ordinary people is very special, but not of drug addicts in the case of drugs to stimulate hoodwink their souls, until they have nothing, broken up.

  • 这些牺牲者的幽灵徘徊在历史当中---一个个家破人亡、梦想破碎的人性故事,他们的生命被那些追求极权主义权力的家伙无情地消灭。
    The sacrifices of these individuals haunt history -- There are many human stories of individuals with families and dreams whose lives were cut short by men in pursuit of totalitarian power.

  • 我们再一次看到了充斥着鲜血、家破人亡的惨象以及战争难民的极其熟悉的荒谬场面——一个在同样的地方用同样的方式多次重复着的场面。
    The wanton spilling of blood, the shattering of lives and homes, the flight of refugees: it has all happened in much the same way and just the same places before.

  • 家破人亡造句相关
