
安邦治国  ān bāng zhì guó








  • 儒家的治国之道被汉朝作为治国安邦的信条。
    Confucian ideals of government, were adopted as the creed of the Han empire.

  • 祖马先生当然在许多方面都具有治国安邦的潜质。
    Mr. Zuma certainly had many of the right credentials to lead this country.

  • “和谐哲学”观是当今治国安邦的基本理念和基本方略。
    The value-orientation of harmonious philosophy is cooperation, harmony, stability and order.

  • 由此足以证实,早在远古时期,计量就是治国安邦的一项重要措施。
    From this enough proof, be in early ancient period, metric a be An Bang of manage state affairs important step.

  • 消防安全历来是治国安邦的一件大事,是民族繁荣昌盛的重要保障。
    Fire security has been important for the stability and prosperity of a country.

  • 古为燕赵之地,历史悠久,文化底蕴深厚,取“崇尚文礼,治国安邦”之寓意得名。
    Yanzhao ancient as the land has a long history, profound culture, from "respect for the Man Lai, bringing peace to the country" in its name implies.

  • 丘吉尔是著作等身的作家、雄才大略的演说家、安邦治国的政治家、战争中的传奇英雄。
    Churchill is a famous author, talent orator, statement man who work for the peace, and the legendary hero in the struggles/deference.

  • 成吉思汗圣旨以其丰富的内容,深遂的思想,成为其治国安邦的总指导思想的重要组成部分。
    Based on its profuse contents and abstruse thoughts, Genghis khanimperial edict was one crucial part of his guiding ideology to govern the empire.

  • 历史上,儒家的学说被奉为治国安邦的正统观点,酒的习俗同样也受儒家酒文化观点的影响。
    Historically, Confucian doctrine was regarded as the country's Bang orthodox view, wine is also the custom of the Confucian cultural perspective the impact of liquor.

  • 他文能治国,武能安邦,文武兼备,但他又何等不谦虚谨慎,表现出比一般人更谦逊更成熟。
    His text to the country, Wu will bring peace and stability, both civil and military, but he is not modest, such as how to demonstrate more humility than the average person more mature.

  • 水利历来是治国安邦的大事。安徽省地处长江、淮河、新安江三大流域,洪、涝、旱灾害频发。
    River of river of section chief of ground of the Anhui province, the Huaihe River, Xin Anjiang 3 large drainage area, big, hair of frequency of calamity of waterlogged, drought.

  • 基于儒学治国安邦的理念,中国历代的统治者一般对各种宗教一视同仁,实行较宽容的宗教政策。
    China's dynastic rulers, thanks to their Confucian belief, treated all religions evenhandedly and pursued a relaxed religious policy.

  • 倘若如此,罗马与耶路撒冷便是特例了。罗马时为世界强权,攻城掠池,治国安邦,兴建土木无不在话下;
    And on this count, it is not clear that Rome and Jerusalem fit the bill: Rome was a world power, with a genius for conquest, administration and construction.

  • 以“和”安邦、以“和”治国、以“和”齐家、以“和”平天下,乃中国先人从社会实践中总结出来的重要经验。
    Building a country, a family, even a world in a harmonious way is the important experience of Chinese, which are concluded from the practice in society.

  • 中国儒家推崇忠孝安邦,礼义治国,注重现实生命的人文精神,而西方文化是理性的求知文化,强调以法治国、法律主治。
    In China, confucianism highly respected stabilizing nation by faithful and piety, managing state by courtesy and loyalty. Human spirit in real life has been concerned.

  • 儒家将有节制地利用自然资源视为治国安邦之方略,把珍爱自然天物作为道德教育之内容。这是原始儒学馈赠给现代人的精神财富。
    Confucianists considered using natural resources limitedly the good ways of how to govern a country, and protecting nature as content of moral education.

  • 罗马时为世界强权,攻城掠池,治国安邦,兴建土木无不在话下;而耶路撒冷只是个宗教文化中心,一个小国首都(有时是两个)更始无心考虑侵占远地,或是屈别国于己志。
    Jerusalem was a spiritual and cultural centre which served as capital of one small state (sometimes two) which had no aspiration to conquer distant lands or bend others to its will.

  • 安邦治国造句相关
