
安于现状  ān yú xiàn zhuàng







  • 另一方面,安于现状也是错误的。
    On the other hand, complacency would be a mistake.

  • 他的父亲是弗吉尼亚人,从不安于现状
    His father, a Virginian, was a restless man.

  • 何况安于现状和乐观的天性使你能够将青春延续。
    Moreover, complacent and optimistic by nature will help you last your youth.

  • 也许停止写作,安于现状会对他的声誉更好一点。
    It might be better for his reputation if he stopped writing and rested on his laurels.

  • 如果你对现在的薪资满意,那你可以安于现状了。
    If you're happy with your current salary, it would be easy to just sit back and enjoy it.

  • 从一定程度上来说,安于现状是深植于这个体制中。
    Status Offline To some extent, complacency is built into the system.

  • 也许因为绝大多数深圳人是移民,所以也就一直安于现状
    Perhaps because the vast majority of Shenzhen were migrants, so they have been satisfied.

  • 不能安于现状…是人类最显著的缺点。(瓦特·白哲特)。
    An inability to stay quiet . . . is one of the most conspicuous failings of mankind. (Walter Bagehot).

  • 思龙先生所需要面对的实际困难在于人们安于现状的阻力。
    But the real problem Mr. Sloan had to overcome was the normal human resistance to change.

  • 不要安于现状,当万事了于心的时候,你就会知道何时能找到。
    As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it.

  • 我受够了安于现状,我要做点大事。我想要给这个世界一点创新。
    I'm tired of taking. I want to make things. I want to add something to this world.

  • 很大程度上来说,衡量一个人心境是否平和要看我们是否安于现状
    To a large degree, the measure of our peace of mind is determined by how much we are able to live in the present moment.

  • 他们(青年人)不安于现状,朝气蓬勃,从不满足;他们追求完美。
    They are restless and alive and never satisfied. They seek perfection. (L. 7

  • 对于杰拉德来说,他永远不会安于现状,这使我相信他还有提高的空间。
    There is still plenty of improving in him because he never settles for what he has got.

  • “没有竞争,或许我们更愿意安于现状,心甘情愿地做一个普通人,”徐乐说。
    "Without the competition, maybe we'd be satisfied with the status quo, and willing to be ordinary, " says Xu.

  • 昆明这样的地方生活成本很低,也很舒适,但危险之处在于容易让人安于现状
    The danger of a place like Kunming, where it is cheap and comfy, is that it is easy to grow complacent.

  • 嘉莉天性被动、容忍,而不是主动、进取,因此她安于现状。她的处境似乎还很令她满足。
    Being passive and receptive rather than active and aggressive, Carrie accepted the situation. Her state seemed satisfactory enough.

  • 这些原因可能有些傻或者奇怪,但这确是让人安于现状,在节食上挣扎,久久瘦不下来的原因。
    Some of these reasons might seem a bit silly or odd – but they're all reasons why people can find themselves struggling to even get started on a diet.

  • 即使人们可能崇尚其他东西,但是他们做起事来好像是安于现状,并且缺乏考虑真正改变的意志。
    Even though people may admire other things, they act as if they are mostly happy enough with whatever they already have, and lack the will to consider real change.

  • 可能我妈妈安于现状是不对的,但在1977年的时候确实没有足够的信息可以给一个陌生人解释。
    Maybe my mother was wrong in her complacency, but there was not enough information about EB in 1977 to appease a total stranger.

  • 然而,在一个至关重要的方面,它远不安于现状:它对台湾历史上可疑、道义上站不住脚的领土要求。
    In one crucial respect, however, it is far from a status quo power: its historically dubious and morally untenable claim on Taiwan.

  • 当当生命要求我们去深入我们的理解和同情中的时候,我们总是不想去面对它。我们总是喜欢安于现状
    When life asks us to go deeper in our understanding and compassion, we don't always want to do it. We are satisfied with the level that we have.

  • 世界之所以能不断向前进展,完全有赖人的不安于现状;心满意足之人,总将自己局限于旧有的框架中。
    The world owes all its onward impulses to men ill at ease; the happy man inevitably confines himself to ancient limits.

  • 至于哪种观点将胜出,很大程度上要看油价:油价上涨则安于现状,而油价下跌则将迫使俄罗斯痛下选择。
    Which view prevails may largely depend on the oil price: a higher oil price would point to stagnation, a big drop would force Russia to make tough choices.

  • 我觉得凡事总不应走至极端,极端的尽头,将是不见底的深渊。然而,也许我是个不求上进,安于现状的人。
    I think nothing is prefect. Prefect is in our mind. Flaw is in our reality. We always seek the prefect but we never get the perfect.

  • 他会选择安于现状,做一位重复者,不仅重复他自身的错误,还经常会重复属于他的家庭和文化圈子的错误。
    He is afraid to try new things. He maintains his own status quo. He is a repeater. He repeats not only his own mistakes, he often repeats those of his family and culture.

  • 佛法没有被广泛的宣扬的原因之一,是因为大多数具有举足轻重的上师们都选择安于现状、高高在上的宣扬佛法。
    The reason Buddha dharma is not spreading is because most big gurus are content sitting on their thrones and giving empowerments.

  • 我们走过的路从没有捷径可言,也从不曾安于现状或者裹足不前——这条道路从未属于那些追求名利或享乐的人们;
    It has not been the path for the faint-hearted — for those who prefer leisure over work, or seek only the pleasures of riches and fame.

  • 比如说,在这种教育模式的灌输和压力下,学生们变得安于现状、不敢与众不同、害怕失败,这样,学生的创造力自然也就被扼杀。
    For example, creativity is killed by pressuring students to accept the status quo, by establishing a fear to be different and a fear of failure.

  • 不要安于现状,当万事了然于心的时候,你就会知道何时能找到。如同任何伟大的浪漫关系一样,伟大的工作只会在岁月的酝酿中越陈越香。
    As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it, and like any great relationship it just gets better and better as the years roll on.

  • 安于现状造句相关
