
守身如玉  shǒu shēn rú yù








  • 为一个人守身如玉,是一种幸福;
    When you make out with the person you're attached, that's happiness.

  • 大概是说,为一个人守身如玉,是一种幸福。
    When you make out with the person you're attached, that's happiness.

  • 青年怎样才能守身如玉?那就只有遵从你的言语。
    How can young people remain pure? By living according to your word.

  • 尽管她是婊子,她还立了个贞节牌坊(声称自己守身如玉)。
    A bitch as she is, she builds chastity memorial arch. (she alleges that she maintains her chastity.

  • 无怪乎她在这十二年来,如她自己所说的,一直守身如玉呢。
    And no wonder if , as she said , she lived untouched these last twelve years.

  • 而另外一些人看来,性教育则意味着鼓励青少年在结婚之前守身如玉
    For others, it means encouraging teens to abstain from sex altogether until the time comes for marriage.

  • 凤世雄终于娶到了彝兰,新婚之夜,彝兰持刀守身如玉,凤世雄一怒之下将其放逐。
    Feng Shi-Xiong Yi eventually married into the blue, the wedding night, Yi-Lan knife Shoushenruyu, Feng Shi-Xiong huff his exile.

  • 然而母亲多年来却守身如玉,始终不嫁,别人再劝,母亲也断然不听,母亲说,我不爱!
    However the mother actually had maintained her moral integrity not to marry for many years, the others urged again, the mother also decidedly not to listen, the mother said, I did not like!

  • 然而母亲多年来却守身如玉,始终不嫁,别人再劝,母亲也断然不听,母亲说,我不爱!
    But over the years but Shoushenru­yu mother, never marry, others Zaiquan, categorical­lly refuse to listen to mother, mother, I do not love!

  • 然而母亲多年来却守身如玉,始终不嫁,别人再劝,母亲也断然不听,母亲说,我不爱!
    But over the years but Shoushenruyu mother, never marry, others Zaiquan, categorically refuse to listen to mother, mother, I do not love! - Spreading the lie of the five.

  • 自己守身如玉,你却丧心病狂,与市井的流氓支使龟奴威吓利用无知的少女卖淫,从中牟取暴利啊?!
    Their Coleman, but you frantically, and the kind of threat rogue flagging sense of ignorance prostitution of young girls, from profiteering ah?!

  • ‘哦那你应该不用太担心,’他的好友说:‘你老婆会想开的,她不可能期望你一直为她守身如玉。’
    'Oh, you should not be worried, 'his friend said:' Do you want to open the wife, she can not expect you to have been her Shoushenruyu.

  • 风四娘:没这回事,我风四娘十年前金盆洗开了欢喜楼之后,那我一直守身如玉,我没让男人碰过呀。
    Wind Williams: Not at all, I wind Williams who 10 years ago opened Jinpen happy washing floor, then I have Gary, I did not let men touched ah.

  • 为一个人守身如玉,是一种幸福;和吸引你的人享受性爱,是一种欢愉。你会为了追求欢愉而放弃幸福吗?
    When you make out with the person you're attached, that's happiness. When you make out with someone you are kinda attracted, that's pleasure. Will you give up happiness for pleasure?

  • 我们要为未来的配偶守身如玉,持贞洁的思想和意念;并且只结一次婚,追求忠实和一世情恒久的婚姻关系。
    We will save our bodies and hearts for our future spouse, and once married, we commit to pursue faithful and enduring relationships.

  • 在50年代,你要从守身如玉,也许可以多少有些亲热举动,但是决没有性行为;然后一下子就开始和丈夫进行完全的性接触。
    In the 1950's, one was supposed to go from absolute celibacy… some necking and some carrying on, but not actual intercourse, to suddenly full-blown wonderful, blossoming sexuality with one's husband.

  • 守身如玉造句相关
