
七嘴八舌  qī zuǐ bā shé







  • “占!”“不占!”同学们七嘴八舌地说。
    "Accounted for! " "Not accounted for! " Said Bork, bork, bork students.

  • 结果一公布,大家就七嘴八舌地议论开了。
    Announcement of the results touched off discussions with everybody eager to put in a word.

  • 这些人七嘴八舌地说着,“他脑子坏了。”
    These people gabbed "his brain was broken."

  • 议事厅里大家七嘴八舌地继续讨论这个案子。
    In the court, the ministries discussed the case by varying opinions.

  • 七嘴八舌话春晚,你最喜欢的春晚节目是什么?
    Which is your favorite program in the Spring Festival Gala?

  • 经过几翻七嘴八舌之后,大家一致同意搞修水水利工程。
    After several times in animated conversation later, we agreed to engage in Xiushui water conservancy projects.

  • 七嘴八舌的说出他们的惦记和盼念。(周立波:《暴风骤雨》)
    With seven months and eight tongues, all were talking together. They tried to tell Hsiao how they had missed him.

  • 在记者们七嘴八舌地高声向他提问时,他始终表现得镇定自若。
    He keeps as cool as a cucumber when the reporters shout questions at him.

  • 在报社记者七嘴八舌地高声向他提问时。他始终表现得镇定自若。
    He kept as cool as a cucumber as the newspaper reporters shouted questions at him at once.

  • 邱文镇坦言,平时若顾客七嘴八舌讲价质疑,他忍不住还是会生气。
    Qiu Wenzhen admits that he gets irritated when customers insist on haggling .

  • 万勤给大家提了这样一个看似简单的问题,场下七嘴八舌开始议论。
    Qin million people to mention such a seemingly simple question, the market began to Borkborkbork under discussion.

  • “圈”、“未完成的事业”、“成功”,台下的听众七嘴八舌地答道。
    "Circle", "unfinished business", "success", the audience and the audience replied, Bork, bork, bork.

  • “圈”/“未完成的事业”/“成功”,台下的听众七嘴八舌地答道。
    "Circle " / " half-baked career " / " successful " , the audience gabble ground below the stage answers.

  • 教师节后话,七嘴八舌中,最出风头的是该不该取消教师节,令我深感意外。
    Teacher Festival, then in animated conversation, the most flamboyant of the Teacher's Day should not be abolished, so I am accident.

  • 卡车到达时,乘客们都欢呼起来。接着,他们立即(七嘴八舌地)说起话来。
    They cheered when the truck came. Then they all started talking at once.

  • 我仔细对比,还是真假难辨,怕我看出把柄,商贩们七嘴八舌地阐述自己的诚信。
    I carefully contrast, or whether England, I see something that, traders were asked to explain their faith.

  • 看到记者前来采访,一批批业主大吐苦水,七嘴八舌地披露无良发展商的种种劣行。
    Journalists have come to see the interview, a group of owners enough, asked to disclose various misdemeanours unscrupulous developers.

  • 旁边有很多路人在围观,七嘴八舌的讨论着,却没有 人知道这个“大虫子”是什么。
    Next to him a lot of passers-by in the audience, bork, bork, bork, discussing about the bug, and no one knew what the "big bug" is.

  • 有一天,老鼠门开了一个会,研究和怎么对付他们的敌人猫咪。大家七嘴八舌的说了起来。
    One day the mice had a meeting to talk about the way to deal with their common enemy. Some said this, and some said that.

  • 与会者七嘴八舌议论起来,似乎每个人都想发表高见。渐渐地,人们静下来。约翰站起来。
    The meeting is abuzz. It seems everyone wants to express his idea. By and by the noise drops completely. John stands up saying.

  • 当更多的人加入进来,七嘴八舌地交谈,我立刻就觉得难以插嘴。可能有很多人在经历着同样的事情。
    When you add more people to the mix, and everyone starts talking at once, I have a harder time putting in my two cents.

  • 正当各国政府七嘴八舌寻找最好的方法解决全球变暖问题,私营企业却大踏步向前,而且赚的还不少。
    As governments haver over the best ways to tackle global warming, private enterprise is forging ahead - and making money.

  • 就像我刚才说的,在众人七嘴八舌的情形下,很多芝麻绿豆的小事都可以使这场比赛被说得一文不值。
    As I stated earlier, a lot of little things can cause the tournament to go bad socially with very little evidence to back it up.

  • 他们七嘴八舌,有的说她太瘦了,有的说她太胖了,然后所有的金龟子一齐叫道,她多么丑啊!太丑了!
    Some said she was too thin, others said she was too fat, and then they all buzzed and hummed together, How ugly she is, how ugly she is!

  • 人们见了,“呼啦啦”围了上来七嘴八舌问长问短。小姑娘一句话也没有说,只是妈妈含着眼泪说出原委。
    People met, "you hula" Wai Wenzhangwenduan Borkborkbork up. The young girl did not say a word, the only mother with tears in her eyes tell the whole story.

  • 一支粉笔两袖清风,三尺讲台四季晴雨,加上五脏六腑,七嘴八舌九思十分用心,滴滴汗水诚滋桃李芳天下!
    Chalk uncorrupted, three feet of the podium four seasons rain or shine, with internal organs, nine rushes think very carefully, drops of sweat Cheng Zi Tao Li Fang world!

  • 要知道修行人最着重闲静处,一堆人在家里七嘴八舌的,你沉稳,安宁,祥和之心就没了,那还谈什么修行?
    You should know that a man of practice, the most needs is a tranquil place. A lot of people gabbing at your home spoil your stable, tranquil and peaceful heart. How could you practice?

  • 一天这些老鼠们一起开会,准备讨论一个对付他们敌人的方法,有的说这个意见,有的说那个意见,大家七嘴八舌
    One day the mice had a meeting to talk about the way to deal with their common enemy. Some said this, and some said that.

  • 朋友提出了地理位置、屋内设施和价格的大致要求,他们马上就七嘴八舌地给我们描述几处房子的情况,并鼓动我们去看房。
    Friends made geographical location, facilities and housing prices generally, they immediately asked to describe to us several houses, and encouraging our superficial.

  • 集训结束后,大家都围住安吉位,七嘴八舌地问她一些是否认识参加过奥运会的游泳运动员之类的问题,我却匆忙向自行车走去。
    When the workout was over, everyone crowded around Angela, asking her if she knew any Olympic swimmers and stuff like that. I hurried toward my bike.

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