
只言片语  zhī yán piàn yǔ







  • 请在离开之前留下你的只言片语
    Sign the guestbook Before leave. Please!

  • 千万不要凭只言片语而相信人。
    Never believe somebody on his bare word.

  • 如果能够交换上只言片语,即属有缘;
    Only fate can have them exchange a word or two.

  • 几乎不说话,仅有只言片语
    hardly speaking, one or two words only.

  • 有一段时间都没有在这里留下只言片语了。
    For some time have not left here in a few words.

  • 在这全新的一年,只想留下只言片语,以此纪念。
    Happy new year, all the best wish to all of my fanmilys&my friends.

  • 虽然是只言片语,但是我能感觉到这一次是真的离别。
    Though it is a word, I can feel that really part this time .

  • 本来,事情可以以一个紧张的微笑和只言片语就此结束。
    Itcould all end right here with a nervous smile and a few words.

  • 投资者似乎从来自政府和银行的只言片语中获取了信心。
    Investors appeared to take heart from a smattering of news from banks and the government.

  • 那时我才知道父亲已经离我而去,没有给我留下只言片语
    Then I knew Father had left me, without saying anything to me.

  • 还有一个好处:你可以写出整句,而非只言片语或者要点。
    And there's an added bonus: You can write in full sentences instead of fragments or bullet points.

  • 曾几何时,网络被视为只言片语的集散地、道听途说的原产地。
    Not long ago, the network be regarded as the distribution center for few words, hearsay of origin.

  • 他威协我说,如果我对任何人透露只言片语,就是对国家安全的危害。
    "He threatened me with a national security breach if I breathed a word about it to anyone, " he said.

  • 五个月过去了,我们没有从你方收到只言片语,更不用说正式回复了。
    No formal reply, not even a word was received from you in the past 5 months.

  • 不会强求写很多的文字,也许只是只言片语,但可能的话每天都写就好。
    I don't like to ask writing much word, perhaps only few words, but if possible everyday just to write is ok !

  • 要是没了那些“谢谢”和“欢迎”这样只言片语,你们大家都会想念它们的。
    You all would miss those little thank you and welcomes, if you went without hearing them.

  • 五个月过去了,我们没有从你方收到只言片语,更不用说正式回复了。可否按下面的翻译。
    almost 5 months passed, we have not received at least one character word from you say nothing of a formal reply.

  • 话语片段是指在电台和电视台的新闻节目中反复播放的候选人说过的有代表性的只言片语
    A sound bite is a brief, very quotable remark by a candidate for office that is repeated on radio and television news programs.

  • 除了大量淫秽之辞,我们找不到这两位理想家交流他们的人道主义和社会主义梦想的只言片语
    A lot of obscene words, but never do we read of these idealists communicating their humanistic or socialistic dreams.

  • 简单地知道只言片语,即使你没有完整地把它们串在一起,也往往会让你能够表达自己的意思。
    Simply knowing the words will usually allow you to make yourself understood, even if you don't string them together perfectly.

  • 我常想,是什么力量,能让一位父亲如此执着的描绘女儿生活中的那些细微,记录女儿成长中的只言片语
    I often think, what is the power to such a dedicated father, a daughter, depicted the life of those subtle, recording his daughter grow up in few words?

  • 他擅长于从生意世界中找出正在流行的一个词汇,或一段谈话的只言片语,让读者领悟到它们的荒谬之处。
    His specialty is his ability to identify a phrase, a voguish morsel of talk, from the business universe and nudge it into the realm of absurdity.

  • 最好的朋友就是那种能和你促膝长谈而坐,彼此不说只言片语,分别时却分明感到这是你有过的最好的一次交流。
    The best kind of friend is the kind you can sit on a porch swing with, never say a word, and then walk awayfelling like it was the best conversation you've ever had.

  • 朋友就是那种:能和你在门廊吊椅上促膝而坐,彼此不说只言片语,分别时却感到这是你有过的最好的一次交流。
    The best kind of friend is the kind you can sit on a porch swing which, never say a word, and then walk away feeling like it was the best conversation you've ever had.

  • 最好的朋友就是那种:能和你在门廊吊椅上促膝而坐,彼此不说只言片语,分别时却感到这是你有过的最好的一次交流!
    The best kind of friend is the kind you can sit on a porch swing with, never say a word, and then walk away feeling like it was the best conversation you've ever had.

  • 尽管使出了浑身解数,作者也只让读者瞥见了这场激烈辩论的只言片语。这场辩论还将在他描述的历史中,继续延续下去。
    For all his scholarly verve, Mr Chang gives his readers no more than a glimpse of the lively debate that still flowers about the historical episodes he describes.

  • 最好的朋友就是那种:能和你在门廊的吊椅上促膝而坐,彼此不说只言片语,分别时却感到这是你有过的最好的一次交流。
    The best kind of friend is the kind you can sit on the porch swing with, never say a word, and then walk away feeling like it was the best conversation you've ever had.

  • 建立同盟关系、打击恐怖主义、抗击疾病、促进妇女权利、塑造普遍繁荣——但却对于选举、人权、自由或自治只有只言片语
    Building alliances, fighting terror, stopping disease, promoting women's rights, nurturing prosperity -- but hardly a peep about elections, human rights, freedom, liberty or self-rule.

  • 于是,我从纷杂零碎的历史片角中,搜罗着只言片语,想揭开徽州民谣这一庐山真面目,想寻找这似曾相识又十分陌生的带韵节奏。
    So I collected pieces of information from incomplete jumbled historical records in the hope of unveiling Huizhou ballads and in pursuit of the rhythm that seem to be familiarly strange to us.

  • 它是这么撩起的一种感觉: 每当你读到报上一则趣闻,在街上遇见一个滑稽怪人,或者无意中听到只言片语,你下意识中世上只有唯一的那个人是你必须倾诉分享的,这就是那种感觉。
    It is the feeling you get when you read a story in the paper, or see a comical character in the street, or overhear a conversation, and know that there is only one person you have to call and tell.

  • 只言片语造句相关
