
七情六欲  qī qíng liù yù







  • 七情六欲!人的情感可以分为多少种?
    Can be the person's affection divided how many kinds be?

  • 性欲是人类七情六欲中,最强大有力的。
    Sex desire is the most powerful of human desires.

  • 客人就是你的七情六欲
    These guests are your seven emotions and six sensory pleasures.

  • 信心是七情六欲中最强大、最有生产力的一种。
    FAITH is the strongest, and most productive of the emotions.

  • 七情六欲,人皆有之。孔子曰:“食色,性也。”
    Confucius says:" Feed color, quality also."

  • 我也有七情六欲
    I also have seven feelings six desires.

  • 人性指的是人所具有的七情六欲和喜怒哀乐的感情;
    With the human nature it means the gamut of emotions of human beings including joy, anger and sorrow;

  • 人有七情六欲,没有永远的快乐,但是永远要有快乐。
    Humans have various emotions and desires. There is no never-ending happiness, but one must always strive to be happy.

  • 沉迷在七情六欲中,他发现自己陷在一张越收越紧的罗网中。
    Wallowing in his passions, he had found himself in a net which kept drawing tighter about him.

  • 他要人们舍弃七情六欲,舍弃一切追求,舍弃各种“执著心”。
    You have to "cultivate" to cure your illness. He told people to wear down all their affections, pursuance and all kinds of "attachment".

  • 将自身的七情六欲都一一收敛起来,就像是一块无情无义的石头。
    He packed away his desires and feelings, like a cold stone.

  • 人有七情六欲。喜、怒、哀、乐、忧、思、惊是人常有的情绪反映。
    People has lots of emotions d. Happiness, anger, sadness and joy, worry, thought, expression is a common sentiment reflected.

  • 如果人类不压抑自己的七情六欲的话,那麽他应该会以爱心善待动物;
    If [man] is not to stifle human feelings, he must practice kindness toward animals, for he who is cruel to animals becomes hard also in his dealings with men.

  • 如果人类不压抑自己的七情六欲的话,那么他应该会以爱心善待动物;
    If [man] is not to stifle human feelings, he must practice kindness toward animals, for he who is cruel to animals becomes hard also in his dealings with men.

  • 几千亿个瞬间构成了一部人生电影,里面有七情六欲、悲欢离合、酸甜苦辣。
    100 billion a few moments of life constitute a film, there are , ups and downs.

  • 我不知胶片上的剧情是否真实存在,但我相信,人间是由七情六欲拼接而成的。
    I not to know on film plot whether really exists, but I believed, the world is becomes by seven emotions and six sensory pleasures splicing.

  • 但从其实质来看,却是做人的工作。投资者也是人,有人的七情六欲和喜怒哀乐。
    Investor also is a person, the seven human emotions of somebody 6 be about to mix feeling.

  • 没有硬销人性的七情六欲,人生最戏剧性最荡气廻肠的片段,就在最平常的日子里。
    Never bombasting the audience with melodrama, his works testified that life's most vivid moments were discovered in the most ordinary of days.

  • 是的在七情六欲中是激情给了我们生活下去的理由也给了我们犯下各种罪行的一种借口。
    Yes, of all emotions, passion is the one that gives us a reason to live and an excuse to commit all sorts of crimes.

  • 一直生活在黑暗中,我也差点忘记了自我肯定,忘记了七情六欲,只有对不公的命运低声的抗争。
    Have been living in the dark, I almost forgot the self-affirmation, forget the mortal world abounds, and only whispered on the unjust fate of the struggle.

  • 正因为他不具人的七情六欲,所以大凡世俗的对、错、好、坏、善、恶等都对他而言都不具约束力。
    Since he has no passions and desires in his mind, the worldly rightness and wrong, good and badness, kindness and evilness can no longer bind him anymore.

  • 正值人生花季的杨萍有着正常人的七情六欲,她渴望与丈夫共同孕育爱情的结晶,拥有做母亲的权利。
    Yang Ping blooming of life when a normal Qiqingliuyu, she and her husband shared desire孕育the crystallization of love, mothers have the right.

  • 所以对一位修行者而言,他必须要舍弃掉由肉身所散发出来的七情六欲,对肉身的需求能够简单应付即可;
    So, a man of practice must restrict the feelings and desires about worldly affairs, and only does the necessary works for keeping life;

  • 几千亿个瞬间构成了一部人生电影,里面有七情六欲、悲欢离合、酸甜苦辣。有许多瞬间都被我们忽视了。
    100 billion a few moments of life constitute a film, there are , ups and downs. There are many moments we have been ignored.

  • 你是你,他是他,我是我?(对于整个宇宙来说,我是算什么??)忙碌碌为什么?为什么要有那么多七情六欲?
    You are you, He is he, she is she, I am I, (than extually , who I am in the world ?

  • 我是说,以前托塔李天王们也是“乐民所乐”,只不过不是公然的,毕竟大家都是人嘛,七情六欲,就那么回事儿。
    I mean, before the King who is also a toto Lee, "the Lok Lok Man", but not openly, after all, we are all human beings do, Qiqingliuyu, then going on to children.

  • 它可以让人很幸福也可以让人很痛苦,就算是被伤得体无完肤满身是伤,人也要去爱,七情六欲真的是人不能控制的吗?
    It can make people happy and suffering, even if the injury is very serious, they will love bravely, why do people must love ?

  • 我觉得重庆美女,就不是瞧谁有钱就嫁谁,人都是有七情六欲的,我也是重庆的,我就不太喜欢那些有钱的公子哥儿,虽然有钱又怎样?
    I think the beauty of Chongqing, is not Jiashui see who has the money, people are Qiqingliuyu, I Chongqing, and I would not like those Gongzigeer money, although how the money?

  • 两部影片的最后,主人公们都完成了自己的使命并大获全胜,但只有一位木兰在谢幕时,如同神仙般抛却七情六欲,想必这正是马楚成导演所期望的。
    In the end both characters carry out their mission and achieve victoryCbut only one comes away looking like a god. Which is exactly how Ma the director planned it.

  • 由于各种生命活动的消耗和七情六欲等各种原因的损耗,我们人体之内的五德之炁,总体而言是不充沛的,普遍处于一种入不敷出,供不应求的状态。
    Consumed by life activities, emotions and desires, the Qi of Five De in our body is usually not sufficient and is therefore unable to meet demand.

  • 七情六欲造句相关
