
嬉笑怒骂  xī xiào nù mà








  • 形同陌路的两个人,还能嬉笑怒骂,像往常一样吗?
    Xingtongmolu the two people, but also ridiculed and feared giggling, as usual?

  • 据说他嬉笑怒骂的本领是极其杰出的,令人无法招架的。
    His command of irony and invective was said to be very classic and lethal.

  • 他一向以独特的幽默诙谐的风格著称,嬉笑怒骂皆成文章。
    He is known for his unique humorous style, and the articles he wrote are filled with his feelings about happiness and anger.

  • 光怪陆离嬉笑怒骂只是表面,小人物力争上游的草根精神才是精髓,他是唯一的。
    Bizarre the subject of ridicule only on the surface, little to improve ourselves is the essence of the spirit of grass-roots, he is unique.

  • 专辑中的其他歌曲,像《毒》、《谢谢哑虎》,虽还有嬉笑怒骂,但都不痛不痒。
    In special edition other songs, likely "Poison", "Thanks Mute Tiger", although also has writes freely, but superficial.

  • 平常大家在吧里嬉笑怒骂,都是图个交朋友,开心之余,也该做些对的事,帮些该帮的人。
    Ordinary everybody in writes freely, is chart becomes friends, is happy, should also make to the matter, helps the human who should help.

  • 同时,小报文人也以“嬉笑怒骂、皆成文章”模式构建一个有别于城市主流文化的“市民文化公共空间”。
    At the same time, the tabloid writers also created a civic culture public domain with its special humorous and cynical style that is different from the mainstream culture.

  • 而当几杯酒下肚之后,多年来在网上肆无忌惮的嬉笑怒骂以及《百万金臂》中的笑话换来的却是尴尬的沉默。
    Over drinks, though, years of easy online banter and Bull Durham in-jokes are replaced by awkward silences.

  • 师长虞啸卿要重建川军团。但真正燃起这群人斗志的是嬉笑怒骂、不惜坑蒙拐骗的龙文章。龙文章让他们知道活人是要对死去的人负责的。
    The military division level commander Yu Haoqing wants to rebuild the Jianchuan regiment. But the person who inspires soldiers are Long Wenzhang.

  • 当狄更斯笔下的芸芸众生在他所创作的小说世界里嬉笑怒骂时,他往往似乎耐不住寂寞,于是其作品中便多了一种声音——来自于“我”的声音。
    When the mortal beings that Charles Dickens created in his novels laughing and dancing, he often appears to have lost and lonely, so there will be another voice in the novel, a voice from "me".

  • 本剧以满腔热情,嬉笑怒骂的手法,歌颂正义与善良,歌颂人性的光辉,在幽默逗趣之中,折射中国传统文化的内涵,在紧张曲折的剧力之中,闪耀出哲理的光芒。
    This play is full of passion and humour. It is a song of justice and goodness, It is an ode to brilliant humanity. In humour and fun, it reflects the connotation of Chinese classical culture.

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