
威胁利诱  wēi xié lì yòu






  • 威胁利诱均不能改变他坚定的决心。
    Neither threats nor promises could change his inflexible determination.

  • 狄克的父亲在谈论他的低成绩时,威胁利诱兼施。
    Dick's father used the carrot and stick when he talked about his low grades.

  • 她采取利诱威胁并用的方式,获得了政治上的巨大成功。
    By using persuasion in combination with threats, she achieved great political success.

  • 他要去看他——威胁利诱、倘使需要的话,就把他彻头彻尾地毁灭。
    He would go to him-threaten, cajole, actually destroy him, if necessary.

  • 爱吃肉的元伦愈来愈胖了,为了可乐和运动,母子俩人经常得讨价还价,威胁利诱
    Yuan-lun is getting a bit chubby, so his mother often turns to threats, cajoling and compromise to have him drink less cola and get more exercise.

  • 提供虚假证据,隐瞒重要事实或者威胁利诱他人提供虚假证据,隐瞒重要事实的。
    providing false evidence, concealing important facts or intimidating or inducing another with promise of gain to provide false evidence or conceal important facts.

  • 她说,于凤至是愿为张学良付出自己生命代价的人,当时她不顾威胁利诱,要求蒋介石释放张学良。
    She said, in phoenix - is willing to pay the price of life his chang, she was desperate, Chiang kai-shek threatened parolenor chang release.

  • 任何单位或者个人不得干扰医疗事故技术鉴定工作,不得威胁利诱、辱骂、殴打专家鉴定组成员。
    No entity or individual may disturb the authentication of medical accidents, or menace, lure by promise of gains, revile or batter any member of the authentication groups.

  • 富有同情心的布娃娃不顾大牙狗的威胁与T恤猫的利诱,甘愿放弃大好前程,只身去找“溜冰鞋”。
    Compassionate regardless of the fangs of dogs cloth threats and T-shirt, cat parole nor forfeited good future alone to find "skates."

  • 提供虚假证据、隐瞒事实或者威胁利诱他人提供虚假证据、隐瞒事实以及妨碍对方当事人合法取得证据;
    providing false evidence, hiding the facts or threatening, luring others to provide false evidence, hide the facts, and hindering the opposite parties from legally obtaining the evidence;

  • 博弈模型的结果是令人失望的均衡,注册会计师在威胁利诱下较容易放弃为社会公众服务的独立性立场。
    Game Model results are disappointingly balanced, a CPA in the threat and inducement situation is more easily to give up the independence of auditing.

  • 提供虚假证据,隐瞒事实或者威胁利诱他人提供虚假证据,隐瞒事实以及妨碍对方当事人合法取得证据;
    to provide false evidence, conceal facts or intimidate or induce another with promise of gain to provide false evidence, conceal facts, or obstruct the opposing party's lawful obtaining of evidence;

  • 她说,于凤至是愿为 张学良 付出自己生命代价的人,当时她不顾威胁利诱,要求蒋介石释放 张学良 。
    She said, in phoenix - is willing to pay the price of life his chang, she was desperate, Chiang kai-shek threatened parolenor chang release.

  • 他们的灵魂从万有的束缚中,得到了自由,不怕威胁,不为利诱,他们超越了现实,而创造了他们理想的乐园。
    They are unyielding before threats and incorruptible before any promise of material gain. They transcend the reality to creat an ideal paradise of their own.

  • 他们的灵魂从万有的束缚中,得到了自由,不怕威胁,不为利诱,他们超越了现实,而创造了他们理想的乐园。
    Their souls are freed from all bondage. They are unyielding before threats and incorruptible before any promise of material gain. They transcend the reality to creat an ideal paradise of their own.

  • 他们的灵魂从万有的束缚中,得到了自由,不怕威胁,不为利诱,他们超越了现实,而创造了他们理想的乐园。
    Their souls are freed from all bondage. They are unyielding before threats and incorruptible before any promise of material gain.

  • 他们的灵魂是从万有的束缚中,得到了自由,不怕威胁,不为利诱,他们是超越了现实,而创造他们理想的乐园。
    They surmount any difficulties in reality to create their utopia, with their souls unfettered, careless the threatens and temptations all the way.

  • 他们的灵魂是从万有的束缚中,得到了自由,不怕威胁,不为利诱,他们是超越了现实,而创造他们理想的乐园。
    their souls get free from all bondage. They are not afraid of menace and not lured by the material interest. They exceed the flesh and blood to create their unearthly Eden.

  • 迄今为止,由于工资等问题没能得到解决,政府还未能建立起一支经得起威胁利诱并能为公众提供保护的警察部队。
    Hitherto, the government has been unable to provide its police forces with sufficient pay and protection to make it worthwhile resisting the threats and blandishments of the traffickers.

  • 威胁利诱造句相关
