
如胶如漆  rú jiāo rú qī







  • 她恢复了青春,而且当时是如胶,心心相印,满怀美梦的。
    She was once awakened, and for the time being, clinging, responsive, dreamy.

  • 清洗完后,磁体内部应喷防水的密封净喷丙烯酸树脂和浸绿色的
    After cleaning the interior of the case shall be sprayed with a water-resistant sealant such as acrylic clear spray or green tinted varnish.

  • 下课后,玛希与斯派克在草地上嬉闹玩耍,很明显他们现在已经如胶,难以分开。
    As Spiker romps through the grass with Marcy after his lesson, it's obvious that the two have bonded.

  • 你们有没有发现这些大家伙不团结。不像我们这么的,我们可从不像他们,无聊到吵嘴。
    Is it me, or do these guys fight all the time? Look at us. We're so united. We never fight like them. Bunch of tedious dummies.

  • 刚过了十来天,原本就有“亲密关系”的宿友小刚和小丽关系突然变得更为复杂和亲密,终日
    To 10 days after the original had "close ties" places of relations Xiaogang and Xiaoli suddenly become more complex and intimate, such as paint may all plastic.

  • 建筑、装修和家具中的化学物质,室内装饰装修和家具中使用的、涂料中含有的苯及甲苯和二甲苯。
    construction, decoration and furniture, chemicals, such as interior decoration, decoration and furniture used plastic, paint, paint containing benzene and toluene and xylene.

  • 我们太懒惰了,在晴好的曰子我们选择了半明半暗的环境,弃外面的世界于不顾,却同电视机地粘在一起。
    We get so lazy, we choose to spend a fine day in semi-darkness, glued to our sets, rather than to go out into the world itself.

  • 我们太懒惰了,在晴好的日子,我们选择了半明半暗的环境,弃外面的世界于不顾,却同电视机地粘在一起。
    We are so lazy, on the fine days, we give up the world and choose the half-light entironment , staying with TV as two peas in a pod.

  • 我们太懒惰了,在晴好的日子,我们选择了半明半暗的环境,弃外面的世界于不顾,却同电视机地粘在一起。
    We are so lazy that in sunny day, we choose abandon the outside world, stinct with TV in a half dark environment.

  • 我们太懒惰了,在晴好的日子,我们选择了半明半暗的环境,弃外面的世界于不顾,却同电视机地粘在一起。
    We gets so lazy, we choose to spend a fine day in semi-darkness, glued to our sets, resident to close into the world itself.

  • 我们太懒惰了,在晴好的日子,我们选择了半明半暗的环境,弃外面的世界于不顾,却同电视机地粘在一起。
    wo are too lazy so than we 'd rather prefer for sticking on TV in a dark shadow site regardless of outside world on such a nice day.

  • 我们太懒惰了,在晴好的日子,我们选择了半明半暗的环境,弃外面的世界于不顾,却同电视机地粘在一起。
    Men are lazy more or less, in sunny days, we choose to stay in the dim inside together with our TV sets, ignoring the bright outdoors.

  • 如胶如漆造句相关
