
如此而已  rú cǐ ér yǐ







  • 如此而已, 岂有他哉!
    That's all there is to it!

  • 他只想知道我的名字,如此而已
    He only wanted to know my name, that's all.

  • 苹果已被转化为别的东西了,如此而已
    The apple has been translated into something else, that's all.

  • 但是在美国,时间的意义不只是如此而已
    But in America, time is more than that.

  • 它只意识到自己所不想要的,仅仅如此而已
    It is aware of what it does not want, but only that.

  • 他会读会写,还会一点算术,但是仅仅如此而已
    He could read, write, and do a little arithmetic, but that was all.

  • 只有一种状况与另一种状况的比较,只是如此而已
    Some one kind of condition and another kind of condition comparison, is only only just like this.

  • 河面摇溢的灯影如烟火绽放。如此而已,无人看见。
    Light on river is breaking fireworks. It is unseen by others.

  • 我只是这个大千世界里的一个小女孩,不过如此而已
    ' …I am just a little girl in a big world, and that's the way it is.

  • 在我的经验里,大部分的男人只想要上床,如此而已
    In my experience, major man wants go to bed only, that's what it all adds up to.

  • 我只不过是越狱,逃出了英国最坚固的监牢,如此而已
    I've only broken out of the strongest prison in England, that's all!

  • 韩不丢挡不替说:“问题是,由谁来作主,如此而已。”
    "The question is, " said Humpty Dumpty, "which is to be master -- that's all. "

  • 显然不是,它们只是按照其本性的要求,忙忙碌碌如此而已
    Obviously, they are not. They bustle just according to their nature role.

  • 我非常赞同你的观点,英语只是一种语言。就是说话,如此而已
    I quite agree with you. English is only a kind of language. It is only speaking.

  • 他说:“这进展得很顺利,我们踢得只是如此而已,但考虑的只是结果。
    He said: 'It went well, we played so-so, but what counted was the outcome.

  • 你曾吃过许多食物,而美食就只是美食,坏味道就只是坏味道,如此而已
    You've eaten delicious foods, and all the good tastes were just good tastes, nothing more. The unpleasant tastes were just unpleasant tastes, that's all.

  • 过一种简简单单的生活,做一个实实在在的人;快乐的秘密不过如此而已
    Leading a simple life, and be a down-to-earth man; the secret of happiness is just that.

  • 我只是不开心。如此而已。你知道的。要是你会晚回来。可以事先打个电话…
    I'm just upset, that's all. You could call when you're going to be…

  • 我将于茫茫人海中访我唯一灵魂之伴侣;得之,我幸;不得,我命,如此而已
    I would seek the only company of my spirit; success, my fortune; failure, my fate. That is all about it.

  • 我常说,做家长的只有数钞票的份,只能够尽量的从旁协助孩子走出他自己的路,如此而已
    I often say that the things a parent can do is to count bill and do something side by side with the kid to assist him to live his own life.

  • 我说不清我自己自私想要得到的是什么,似乎什么也不是,似乎又只是心理安慰,如此而已
    I do not know clearly what I want to get, it seems nothing, and it seems that the psychology is comforted.

  • 但服务管理不应如此而已,要对企业提供永续服务,亦即提供技能、训练及与了解应用程序的状况。
    But it should be more than this. It delivers a maintainable service for the business this means delivering the skills, training, and communications with the application.

  • 几乎可以预想,一种主流文化衰落的结果,必将是被另一种新锐文化所取代,周而复始,如此而已
    But it is like a kind of rule that when one artery culture comedown, it would be certainly replaced by an fresher one. New ones replace the old one, just like a cycle.

  • 我们在市场竞争中能略有胜出,可能是我们的计划更加适宜,实现计划的手段更加令人信服如此而已
    We win in market competition can slightly, the plan may be more suitable for us to achieve the plan means more convincing case.

  • 在文明的中心,战争的意义不过是消费品长期发生短缺.偶而掉下一颗火箭弹,造成几十人死亡,如此而已
    In the centres of civilization war means no more than a continuous shortage of consumption goods, and the occasional crash of a rocket bomb which may cause a few scores of deaths.

  • 可是凭心而论,对于我来说这标准从来都不关乎经济,外表什么的,我要的是个懂感情,真性情的男人,如此而已
    But with heart speaking, for me, this standard has never been about the economy, the appearance of what I want is to understand the feelings, the true nature of men, so it.

  • ''对手是谁并不重要,我只想一直领先,然后保住冠军。''莱科林说;''每个车手都是我要击败的车手,如此而已
    "It doesn't matter who it is . l try to keep ahead of them and keep my position, " said  Raikkonen "Everyone else is just a guy l want to beat.

  • 以上,是十年前的事了,此后并无所作,也没有长进,编辑先生要我做一点这类的文章,怎么能呢。拉杂写来,不过如此而已
    For more than a decade ago things since there is no made, nor stay on top, the Editor asked me to do something kind of article, how can it.

  • 热恋真是迷人刺激,妳觉得他观察入微,说的话句句话都上妳的心头。但事实上并不是这样的,只是在热恋的兴奋状态下显得如此而已
    These statements are fascinating, stimulating, and devastatingly insightful to you.   Actually, they aren't, but in the fiery glow of infatuation, they seem to be.

  • 罗杰·艾伯特认为拉斯·冯·提尔根本就不在乎外界对自己的这部作品的评价,他将自己的想法和感情融入到自己的这部影片,如此而已
    I believe von Trier doesn't care how I or anyone else would reply to those questions. He had the ideas and feelings, he saw into the pit, he made the film, and here it is.

  • 如此而已造句相关
