
如愿以偿  rú yuàn yǐ cháng








  • 不用担心,一切都会如愿以偿的。
    Don't worry, all will turn out right.

  • 恺乐如愿以偿拿到他的钢铁漏瓢帽。
    So here is Caleb with his iron ladle hat.

  • 她终于如愿以偿地被爱上了。
    At last she was loved as she wished.

  • 千方百计把女儿都嫁出去的她可是如愿以偿
    That her machinations to marry off her daughters all work out?

  • 请露出你的笑容,那你就能如愿以偿了。
    So show your smile, and you will get his help.

  • 我真不知道咱们中间是不是有人会如愿以偿呢?
    I do wonder if any of us will ever get our wishes.

  • 经过一年多的反覆研究、试验,终于如愿以偿
    After more than one year time in research and experiment he was successful.

  • 终于他如愿以偿
    Finally he got his wish.

  • 那女孩如愿以偿
    The girl got her wish.

  • 她想在圣诞节得到一辆新的脚踏车结果如愿以偿了。
    She wanted a new bike for Christmas and she got her wish .

  • 所有人都不相信他能做到,但他最终还是如愿以偿了。
    Everyone was sure he could never make the cut , but he did.

  • 不总能如愿以偿,但有决心的总会告终他们的壮志雄心的。
    Human desires are not always being fulfilled, but determined people will achieve their ambitions.

  • 若诸神要惩罚我等,就让我等如愿以偿(神欲惩罚,先令如愿
    When the gods wish to punish us, they make a damn good job of it.

  • 在很长一段时间她一直在寻找一个生意上的新伙伴,最后终于如愿以偿
    She had been seeking for a new partner for her business for a long time before finally finding one.

  • 县太爷如愿以偿,而“金华火腿”也就在这里流传开来,从此就安了家。
    County magistrate to do, and "Jinhua Ham" will be spread to here, then on home security.

  • 如果你存心在别人身上挑刺,希望找到人家的缺点,你肯定会如愿以偿的。
    If you look for the bad in people, expecting to find it, you surely will.

  • 最终,他们凭借自己非凡的智能和顽强的毅力,都如愿以偿地完成自己的心愿。
    In the end, they are by virtue of their extraordinary intelligence and indomitable willpower, able to complete their wish.

  • 随着生产力水平的提高,相信我国消费者也能如愿以偿地在卫生间铺上优质木地板。
    As productivity level rise, believe our country consumer also can achieve what one wishes the ground is high grade on toilet shop wooden floor.

  • 从离开巢窝的那一刻起,这只鸟儿就在寻找着荆棘树,直到如愿以偿,才肯歇息下来。
    From the moment it leaves the nest it searches for a thorn tree, and does not rest until it has found one.

  • 不是所有的等待都会如愿以偿,不是每一天都会时来运来,所等待的滋味往往并不好受。
    Not all will do the waiting, not every day will come when shipped, so wait for the taste and often painful.

  • 根据这一定律,如果你希望得到什么东西,或者渴望获得到什么结果,你就可能如愿以偿
    This law says that if there is anything you want in life, any effect that you desire, you can probably acquire it.

  • 人生分七个阶段,莎士比亚的喜剧《如愿以偿》里的杰开斯把这七个阶段描绘得惟妙惟肖。
    Finally, each man's life is divided into seven stages, as Jaques describes in Shakespeare's As You Like It.

  • 两个月的漫长等待后,黄田收到了他期盼已久的那张大学录取通知书,并如愿以偿的进入了大学校门。
    After a long wait for two months, Huangtian received his long-awaited acceptance letter goes University and the University wish to enter the school.

  • 他在经过了一段预想不到的历程和表现了美国政治史上最不寻常的一次自我约束精神之后终于如愿以偿
    He had arrived at last after the most improbable of careers and one of the most extraordinary feats of self-discipline in American political history.

  • 如果运营得当,用户可如愿以偿获得希望购买的图书,作者和出版商也有既得利益,谷歌则收取服务费。
    If you are operating correctly, the user can win would like to buy books, authors and publishers have a vested interest that Google is a service fee.

  • 2005年世界杯全能冠军麦麦勒是参加这次比赛的领军人物之一,但她这次仅获得第五名没能如愿以偿
    The 2005 world all-around champion Chellsie Memmel was anticipated to be among the leading contenders, but failed to make comeback announcement in fifth place.

  • “凤凰”号是航空局少有的几个如愿以偿的太空项目之一:毫无瑕疵的运作,完美准确的到达计划着陆点。
    Phoenix is one of those rare cases where NASA got exactly what it had planned on: spotless operation in precisely the place they intended to land it.

  • 如果美国电力公司(AEP)——一家公共事业公司——的计划如愿以偿,那么两座燃煤发电站不日将登陆俄亥俄河畔。
    TWO new coal-fired power plants will soon appear on the banks of the Ohio River if American Electric Power (AEP), a utility, gets its way.

  • 如果孩子们都能如愿以偿得到辅导,洛恩就没有稍事的休息了,因为每个孩子都好像很想得到这位碧眼金发的女孩的辅导。
    If the children could have their way, there would be no respite for Loryn, since every child seems to want to be tutored by this green-eyed blonde.

  • 虽然巴菲特的言论最初压低了吉百利的股价(原因是投资者担心交易可能告吹),但有些股东称,这番言论实际上可能帮助卡夫如愿以偿
    Although Mr Buffett's comments initially sent Cadbury's shares lower on fears that they could derail the bid, some shareholders suggested it could in practice help Kraft clinch the deal.

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