
如意算盘  rú yì suàn pán







  • “小超人”的如意算盘
    "Little Superman" wishful thinking?

  • 这就是所谓蛋未孵出先数鸡(打如意算盘)吗?
    Is this what you call counting your chickens before they hatch?

  • 别打如意算盘。或:在小鸡孵出前,别去数它们。
    Don't count your chickens before they are hatched.

  • 我告诉他不要蛋尚未孵化就数小鸡儿(打如意算盘)。
    I told him not to count his chickens before they were hatched.

  • 我为斗赢他的如意算盘而采取的任何行动都是正当的。
    Any action I took to circumvent his scheme was justified.

  • 凡打著如意算盘搞自我实现的人,其实是在浪费生命。
    He who desires self-realization on his own terms will waste his life.

  • “我的孩子,”她的母亲说,“不要过早的打如意算盘”。
    "Ah, my child, " said her mother. "Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.

  • 淘宝网上一位不愿透露姓名的卖家透露了自己的如意算盘
    a sold the home to disclose his wishful thinking that does not wish to disclose a full name.

  • 那要是我接受了教训变聪明了呢?你这如意算盘不就落空了。
    If I learn my lesson and get smart, will it ruin your beautiful plan.

  • 乔治认为他将接管我的工作,但我会很快打破他的如意算盘
    George thinks he's going to take over my job but I'll soon put a spoke in his wheel.

  • 中文鸡蛋尚未孵,别先数鸡雏(意指:不要过早打如意算盘
    Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.

  • 未得到乾净水之前别倒掉脏水(事情未定之前别打如意算盘)。
    Don't pour out the dirty water before you have clean.

  • 我心里还打着如意算盘,我可以不回去,就让老公带孩子回去。
    I am hitting at heart also the wishful thinking, I may not go back, lets the husband lead the child to go back.

  • 他一直打着如意算盘,以为自己是叔叔的唯一继承人,所以一直借钱。
    He had been counting his chickens and borrowing money on the strength of his expectations as his uncle's sole heir.

  • 或许这只是你的如意算盘,毕竟时间太短了,他们没法深入了解彼此。
    Maybe it is only your wishful thinking. After all, the time is too short for them to really know each other.

  • 除非他们采用别的方法,否则,对土地交易的如意算盘将会受到一股质疑。
    Until they show otherwise, a dose of scepticism should be mixed with the premature hopes that the land deals have engendered.

  • 因此,适度发展外地市场,作为北京市场的补充是这些开发商打的如意算盘
    Therefore, the development of an appropriate field market as a complement to the Beijing market is a wishful thinking of those developers.

  • 这就是我的一些白领朋友打的如意算盘,也许这也是今年以来城区小户型热销的原因之一吧!
    This is some of my friends to the white-collar wishful thinking, perhaps this is the best this year City small Huxing one of the reasons!

  • 蒋介石可能打着这样的如意算盘:共产党提出的和平条件是他在国民党内的政敌决不可就接受的。
    Chiang probably calculated that the Communists would make peace demands that his rivals in the Kuomintang could not possibly accept.

  • 当女孩两手空空的回到家里,她感到非常的沮丧“啊,我的孩子”母亲对她说到“不要过早的打如意算盘。”
    The girl went back without anything. She felt very sad. "Ah, my child, " said her mother. "Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.

  • 这些“负翁”原来希望房价快速升值后抛售赢利,可是没料到政策对投机人的打击致使他们的如意算盘成为泡影。
    " These "negative Weng" It was originally hoped that the rapid appreciation of property sold profitable, but did not expect the policy to combat speculation in their wishful thinking for naught.

  • 美国的如意算盘是,自己的伙伴们害怕采取军事行动,因而同意采取其他的替代方案,例如对德黑兰采取新的制裁行动。
    S. wishful calculating is to find another plans such as performing new sanction to Teheran instead of military action of which his leagues are afraid.

  • 如果台湾“总统”马英九想当然地认为,视察上星期台风袭击幸存者中心时,他会被以总统身份对待,那是打错如意算盘
    If PresidentMa Ying-jeouthought he might be treated presidentially on Wednesday as he toured a center for survivors of last weekend's typhoon, he was mistaken.

  • 与此同时,该政权自认布什政府在处理伊拉克和阿富汗问题上已经捉襟见肘,不相信美国会对其干涉(可能打错如意算盘)。
    Meanwhile the regime can see for itself that the Bush administration is hugely stretched in Iraq and Afghanistan and does not believe America has the will for intervention (it may be wrong).

  • 结果,阿梅的如意算盘打不响!近日保险界盛传,阿梅这份供了年多的保单,保险公司以漏报病情为由,拒绝赔偿千万的保金。
    Now, it is circulated among the insurance circle, the insurance uses the excuse that Ah Mui forgot to disclose her sickness, refused to pay compensation.

  • 例如,2005年它借给苏丹8亿美元,而去年,苏丹打着勾销其多边债务的如意算盘之时,中国借给其的金额竟也不相上下。
    For example, it lent $800m to Sudan in 2005 and a similar amount last year—as Sudan queued up to have its multilateral debts written off.

  • 这目前只是小部分人的观点,但是金融市场显然拥有自己的如意算盘,他们希望事情至少变得足够糟糕,使得联储尽快开始减息。
    That is still a minority view, but financial markets clearly expect things to get at least bad enough for the Fed to start cutting interest rates soon.

  • “现实主义者们”的如意算盘是我国应对伊朗核计划“睁只眼闭只眼”,从而换取伊朗的帮助,使美军能更为稳妥地从伊拉克撤军。
    What the realists have in mind, then, is that the United States should turn a blind eye to Iran's nuclear weapons program, in exchange for Iran's help in easing our retreat from Iraq.

  • 要是工程师的如意算盘是等待钙华自然沉积,也许一世纪就能达成目标了,到时候农人的子孙就能将另一块土地纳入原有的灌溉系统中。
    If the builders allowed for normal travertine accretion, that goal might be reached in a century, at which time the farmers' descendants could add another irrigated field to the system.

  • 很像韩国,有点像墨西哥,但绝对不能像其东欧邻国——这就是波兰从国际货币基金组织获取了205亿美元的最高额贷款后,所打的如意算盘
    LOT like South Korea, a bit like Mexico and not at all like its neighbours. That is how Poland wants to be seen after it set up a $20. 5 billion credit line from the IMF.

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