
奔走呼号  bēn zǒu hū háo








  • 正以为如此,美国将永远为这些核心原则在全世界奔走呼号
    And that is why America will always speak out for these core principles around the world.

  • 他是国语运动的急先锋,为推广白话文、普及普通话奔走呼号
    He was the pioneer of Chinese movement, running around popularizing the vernacular and the common spoken Chinese.

  • 半年多来,它们也一直在呼号奔走,要求商务部否决这项收购。
    More than six months, they have been running at the call sign, the requirements of the Ministry of Commerce rejected the acquisition.

  • 杨家兄妹不畏强暴奔走呼号,并在大堂上同牛成进行了面对面的斗争。
    Yang brothers waged a vigorous battle brute force, and in the lobby with the cattle into a face-to-face struggle.

  • 曾经,有许多学生为民主奔走呼号,而现在,他们沉溺于各种机会和经济自由。
    Once there were students lobbying for democracy, but now they are content with economic freedom and opportunity.

  • 如果你们选择利用你们的地位和影响力来为那些沉默的人们的利益而奔走呼号
    If you choose to use your status and influence to raise your voice on behalf of those who have no voice;

  • 那么,谁可以成为为穆斯林世界中的宗教少数民族的权利奔走呼号的理想人选呢?
    Who, then, is the ideal advacate for the rights of religious minorities in the Muslim world?

  • 其中一个当地组织“民主特区”为了法案奔走呼号,呼吁放弃这些代价太高昂了。
    DC for Democracy, one of the local groups that had campaigned hard for the bill, said that giving these up was too high a price to pay.

  • 面对外敌的入侵和民族的危亡,他积极奔走呼号,倡导开发民智、启发民众爱国觉悟。
    Face foreign enemy inbreak and ethical in peril, he goes around campaigning for a cause actively, advocate development civilian wisdom, inspire the people patriotic awareness.

  • 由于美国贸易伙伴的奔走呼号,该法案在最后时刻进行了修正,白宫方面敦促其不得违反现有的美国贸易协定。
    An outcry from the US's trading partners saw the bill amended at the last minute as the White House urged that the bill not contravene existing US trade agreements.

  • 而央行方面表示不再追加实施细则,各家商业银行则迟迟不出细则,地产商仍在奔走呼号,三方几乎陷入僵局。
    And the central bank said no longer additional implementation details, Hungarian commercial banks are no rules in that the developers are still around, the parties almost deadlocked.

  • 受人尊敬的中国驻美大使胡适巧妙地在美国各地为中国奔走呼号——例如 1940 年在家父的大学毕业典礼上。
    The well-respected Chinese Ambassador, Hu Shih, ably spoke for China all over the United States -- at my father's college's graduation in 1940, for instance.

  • 因此,尽管孔、孟竭其一生之力,满怀一腔救世热忱,四处奔走呼号,“中和”境界仍然仅仅是存留其心底的一个美好的梦。
    " Thus, despite the hole, Meng exhaust the power of his life, full of a cavity salvation enthusiasm, four went around campaigning, "and in" state is still retained its heart is just a beautiful dream.

  • 对那些资金实力雄厚、专业化的开发商来说,从此不再为找关系拿地而奔走呼号,同样那些想在地产界浑水摸鱼的开发商也纷纷落马。
    those massive financial strength, professional developers, never for personal relationships to get around and also those in the real estate industry in troubled waters to the developers have Lok Ma.

  • 1996年创办“绿家园志愿者”民间环保群体,致力于为中国环境保护奔走呼号,影响巨大,1999年获中国环境最高奖“地球奖”。
    Wang founded Green Earth Volunteers, a Chinese environmental NGO, in 1996. She is also a winner of the Globe Award, China's top environmental prize.

  • 作为一个特殊的群体,为光复东北,抗日救亡,他们前仆后继,奔走呼号,成为全国抗日救亡的重要组成部分,在抗日救国斗争中发挥了重要作用,做出了重大贡献。
    As a special community, in order to recover the northeast and make national salvation against Japan, they advanced wave upon wave, rushed about telling the news.

  • 奔走呼号造句相关
