
奇光异彩  qí guāng yì cǎi







  • 大无畏精神照耀着史册,并且是人类的奇光异彩之一。
    Daring deeds dazzle history and are one of man's great sources of light.

  • 他们虽然地位卑微,但在艺术上却有他们自己的奇光异彩
    Though low in status, they emit art brilliance of themselves.

  • 他不会跳舞,坐在这个充满奇光异彩的舞厅里,感觉很不适应。
    He doesn't know how to dance, so he feels uncomfortable when he sits in a ballroom full of extraordinary splendor.

  • 她们身上闪烁着传统女性罕见的奇光异彩,呈现出一种新型女性文化观念的建构。
    A new culture conceptions structure of female, which cannot be founded in traditional female, was formed and coruscating on them.

  • 近百年风雨不动的“嘉庚建筑”经历了时光的考脸,在现代建筑奇光异彩中更显风采。
    "The Jiageng Buildings" have tested the time for nearly 100 years, and they have now become more splendid in the modem architecture.

  • 她的心灵澈如水,不时闪动着无法描述的奇光异彩,而他的心里却是一片黑暗和阴郁。
    Her soul was new, undefined and glimmering with the unseen. And his soul was dark and gloomy .

  • 历史悠久的宝鸡民间工艺品,散发着周秦文化的遗风古韵,闪烁着中华原始文明的奇光异彩
    Baoji's handicrafts have a long history emitting the Zhou and Qin civilizations, and highlight the Chinese ancient civilization years.

  • 西方文化的缺点,在于它往而不返,故西方文化虽然现时表现出奇光异彩,但将来如何,却很难说。
    The shortcomings of Western culture is that it not go back, so although the performance of Western culture surprisingly light splendor, but in the future, it's hard to say.

  • “春天来了,大地在欢笑……”大厅里再次响起斯特劳斯欢快的园舞曲,我们翩翩起舞。舞曲高潮时,我们俩飞速旋转,越转越欢,同时醉倒在异国恋的奇光异彩中。
    "The spring is coming, the earth is smiling…" the hall was resounding to the strains of Strauss' joyful waltz while we were (8) tripping away in a dance.

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