
夫唱妇随  fū chàng fù suí








  • 你要学会相亲相爱到白头,夫唱妇随共百年的生活。
    You never know what will happen the next minute… Learn to build a life together… Learn to love each other.

  • 好的婚姻意味着夫妻双方不光是夫唱妇随,而且要独立发展。
    A good marriage means growing as a couple but also growing as individuals.

  • 目前她也是星爷的‘星辉’公司财务大臣,似有“夫唱妇随”的意图。
    She is also Xingye 'Peninsula' corporate finance minister, seems to be "Fuchangfusui" intent.

  • 我只知道陈凯歌陈红不但事业上夫唱妇随,还一口气连生了两个孩子。
    I only know Chen Kaige Chen Hong not only at the enterprise to be a happy couple, but also a tone company has lived two children.

  • 华盛公司总经理李连钟的夫人夫唱妇随,成了他在越南生活上的好伴侣。
    The wife of Vice President L. J. Lee of the Warson Development and Investment Co. is his valued companion in Vietnam.

  • 我会唱一点点,你榕钦姐也会唱一点—夫唱妇随嘛—但是比我不会唱一点。
    I can sing a little. My sing and she follows —the husband sings and the wife follows.

  • 我会唱一点点,你榕钦姐也会唱一点—夫唱妇随嘛—但是比我不会唱一点。
    I can sing a little. My sing and she follows —the husband sings and the wife follows. She can also sing a little, but worse than I can by a little.

  • 有人依据她丈夫、前总统克林顿时期的对华政策路线,认为她将夫唱妇随,总体是利好消息。
    Some people thought she will obtain friendly attitudes to China because of her husband, Bill Clinton.

  • 有一对年轻夫妇,同在一所小学里教书,虽然待遇不高,但是每天夫唱妇随的上下班,倒也愉快。
    There was a young couple who were both teachers in an elementary school. Although their income was not great, they went to school each day and enjoyed life.

  • 就是说,既然已嫁人了,好也好、坏也好,一切都是命中注定,这是老一辈的劝人「夫唱妇随」的话。
    It's all a matter of fate. It's similar to what older people mean when they say, "The man sings, and the wife follows."

  • 20多年来,这两位“活宝”就台前幕后,夫唱妇随,“在艺术上,我们是谁讲得有道理就谁当老师。”
    For more than 20 years, the two "clown" and behind the scene, Fuchangfusui, "in the arts, we who speak a teacher who is on the right.

  • 虽然在过去半个世纪的大部分时间里,英美在安全和国际事务等一系列问题上表现出的大多数是一种夫唱妇随的态势。
    For much of the past half-century Britain and America have mostly presented a common front on security and foreign affairs and more besides.

  • 夫唱妇随造句相关
