
天长日久  tiān cháng rì jiǔ







  • 天长日久的风雨冲蚀了墓碑上的名字。
    Time and weather have worn off the name on the gravestone.

  • 又怎么能说天长日久
    How can I say forever?

  • 如果我看不到你的身影,又怎能说天长日久
    If I see you next to never, how can I say forever?

  • 又怎能说天长日久
    how can I say forever?

  • 天长日久,经血层层淤积,将岩壁染成了赭红色。
    Tianchangrijiu, blood layers of sediment, will rock the red dyed red.

  • 以我个人的经验,天长日久的英语积累非常重要。
    In my own experiences, English accumulation day by day is very important.

  • 我们家住的楼前总是有一堆垃圾,天长日久都发出了恶臭。
    There is always a pile of smelly rubbish in front of the building we live.

  • 由于天长日久和不爱惜地使用,四个角都有些磨损,撞破了。
    The corners are somewhat smashed and broken by long, rough usage.

  • 总不能天长日久租住在别人的屋檐下,那是个仅有一张床的家。
    Can not in others toward the eaves of the rental, which is only a bed home.

  • 包皮垢很容易滋生细菌,使包皮经常感染发炎,天长日久,渐渐形成包皮结石。
    Wrapping dirty causes a bacterium very easily, make wrapping often affects inflammation, after a considerable period of time, form wrapping stone gradually.

  • 由于天长日久,那信已经褪色发黄,信封边已经磨损,好像曾被摩挲过好多次。
    When she came back she handed me a letter, faded and yellow with age, the edges of the envelope worn and frayed as though it had been much handled.

  • 天长日久,某些自然产生的物质可能腐蚀阀门及其部件,导致安全阀失去作用。
    Certain naturally occurring conditions may corrode the valve or its components over time, rendering the valve inoperative.

  • 天长日久,某些自然发生的环境可能会腐蚀阀门或其部件,导致阀门无法正常工作。
    Certain naturally occurring conditions may corrode the valve or its components over time, rendering the valve inoperative.

  • 海边是由白沙及散乱的珊瑚组成的,天长日久便形成了暗礁。珊瑚湾的水晶莹透彻。
    The seashore days were combined with sand and coral litter, which had been built up on a reef. The lagoon water was very clear.

  • 空气中的带电尘埃在此电场的作用下,就会附着其上,天长日久,屏幕上会形成黑斑。
    The electrified dust in air falls in the action of this electric field, can adhere to on its, after a considerable period of time, the meeting on screen forms shading.

  • 幸福有小大短长的区别,短小的幸福只要经常光临,天长日久,积年累月,自然会久长。
    Well-being of a small big difference between the short-long, short and well-being as long as the regular visit, Jinian after year, it will naturally Jiuchang.

  • 但是,天长日久,若钉住本断代史的一两个领域,不能上下串联,左右旁鹜,亦势必作茧自缚。
    However, the constant, daily, if the peg of the dating history of one or two areas, not up and down series, so distraction is also bound to cocoon.

  • 9看笑话: 荷兰的奶牛引进中国,落户河南某地,悠哉悠哉,天长日久对风土人情已有相当了解。
    9 see joke: Dutch milk cow introduces China, settle Henan somewhere, free from restraint, after a considerable period of time already had to local customs understand quite.

  • 她从屋里出来后,递给我一封信。天长日久,那信已经褪色发黄,信封边已经磨损,好像曾被摩挲过好多次。
    When she came back she handed me a letter, faded yellow with age, the edges of the envelope wornfrayed as though it had been handled.

  • 相传,这块蟠桃石是当年孙悟空偷吃蟠桃时掉下来的,天长日久,便化成了一块石头,所以又称为“蟠桃石”。
    According to legend, this was the Monkey King peach stones when eating peach fall, for everday, it has become of a stone, it is also known as the "Peach Stone."

  • 天长日久,永恒之井的和谐能量对这个奇怪的部落产生了影响,使他们变得强壮、聪明,并且几乎成为了不死之身。
    Over time, the Well's cosmic power affected the tribe, making them strong, wise, and virtually immortal.

  • 她还说,这个名词还用来表示海军士兵服装上的大扣子,伊丽莎白相信,天长日久后,这个名词演变成表示士兵本身了。
    She also said the name was given to the large buttons on the clothes of soldiers. Elizabeth believed the name changed over time to mean the soldiers themselves.

  • 茂松因此终日郁闷,天长日久,积忧成疾,颈部长出许多瘰疬(即淋巴结核),蚕豆般大小,形似链珠,有的溃破流脓。
    He was disconsolate all daylong and so was suffered from depression. Many nodules (i. e. , scrofula) of the horsebean size appeared at his neck. Some of them had been ulcerated and suppurated.

  • 天长日久受到:风、水、化学的和机械的侵蚀,花岗岩表现它的特色,尊敬的土著居民群称呼那些彩虹蛋形物是阴险的人。
    Wind, water, chemical, and mechanical erosion shaped the granite into their distinctive shapes, revered by Aborigines as the eggs of the Rainbow Serpent.

  • 叮咚,叮咚……滴滴答答,滴滴答答……在轻轻的滴答声中,水滴击打在坚硬的岩石上,天长日久,就造就了滴水穿石的故事。
    Ding-dong, ding-dong … … tick, tick … tick … the gentle sound of water droplets hitting the hard rock, the constant, daily, they created a Dishuichuanshi story.

  • 不要为了寂寞去恋爱,时间是个魔鬼,天长日久,如果你是个多情的人,即使不爱对方,到时候也会产生感情,最后你怎么办?
    Do not get in love with others as loneliness, time is a devil, long time can make you fall in love with others for your amorous. How to settle this on earth??

  • 不要为了寂寞去恋爱,时间是个魔鬼,天长日久,如果你是个多情的人,即使不爱对方,到时候也会产生感情,最后你怎么办?
    Do not get in love with others as loneliness, time is a devil, long time can make you fall in love with others for your amorous.

  • 不要为了寂寞去恋爱,时间是个魔鬼,天长日久,如果即使不爱对方,到时候也会产生感情,最后你怎么办?(这句话说英文就没感觉了。
    Feeling doesn't have right or wrong, he wants to be away from you, you must have something which can't satisfy him . Think about you've been tighter, it's always wndeful.

  • 邪恶这个魔鬼生得面目可憎,开始时人们只需看上她一眼就无比厌恶;然而天长日久,对她的脸蛋渐渐熟悉起来,于是我们先是容忍,接着怜惜,最后将她揽身人怀。
    Vice is a monster of so frightful mien, as to be hated, needs but to be seen; yet seen too oft, familiar with her face, we first endure, then pity, then embrace.

  • 不要为了寂寞去恋爱,时间是个魔鬼,天长日久,如果你是个多情的人,即使不爱对方,到时候也会产生感情,到最后你怎么办(所以不要把爱情看得多么神圣和新鲜。
    The furthest distance in the world , Is not being apart while being in love , But when mainly cannot resist the yearning , Yet pretending you have never been in my heart .

  • 天长日久造句相关
