
天真烂漫  tiān zhēn làn màn








  • 她丝毫没有失去那份天真烂漫
    She has lost none of her naivety.

  • 正因为他的天真烂漫,我才更加爱他。
    I love him all the better for his innocence.

  • 他笑得像个5岁的孩子那样天真烂漫
    He smiled as artless as a child of 5.

  • 那将会没有天真烂漫的童真,没有诗意。
    There would be no childlike faith, no poetry.

  • 他的女朋友是一个天真烂漫的乡村姑娘。
    His girl-friend is an artless village girl.

  • 你的魅力在于你对人生天真烂漫的态度。
    Your charm resides in your naive attitude to life.

  • 她的魅力在于她对人生天真烂漫的态度。
    Her charm resides in her naive attitude to life.

  • 笑,是在冒险,让你看上去过于天真烂漫
    To laugh is—to risk appearing the fool.

  • 儿童房的设计,首先要考虑儿童天真烂漫的特性。
    The design of children room, want to consider the character with childlike children above all.

  • 孩童们的天真烂漫,表现在成年人身上则成了幼稚。
    The limitations that are childlike in the child are childish in the man.

  • 这年轻人如天真烂漫的孩子,对世 故人情 一玩所知。
    The young man knows no more of life than the babe unborn.

  • 当然,大多数人家都非常乐于款待这些天真烂漫的小客人。
    Of course, most people are very happy to honor these innocent little guests.

  • 她曾经说过:能天天接触到一群天真烂漫的孩子是一种幸福。
    She once said: every day to come into contact with a group of innocent children is a well-being.

  • 那是我慈祥的双亲数着日子,催我长大;长大后又常常数着我天真烂漫的童年。
    It was the time when my kind parents counted days to urge my growth; and later, days of my innocent childhood.

  • 街头到处可见天真烂漫的小孩,其实当地每四个儿童便有一个过不了五岁生日。
    Innocent children wander the streets. Sadly, one in four children dies before the age of five in Afghanistan.

  • 而这里的每一个房间,也早已经留下了她得到BOSS奖赏时那天真烂漫的笑声。
    And here's one for every room, and she had already left BOSS be rewarded when that day really brilliant laugh.

  • 他的情感还保留着一份对天真烂漫的青春魅力的赏识,现在这份情感被重新点燃了。
    If there was a touch of appreciation left in him for the bloom and unsophistication which is the charm of youth, it rekindled now.

  • 像大多数有教养和天真烂漫的年轻女人那样,她对妓女怀着一份 十分强烈的 好奇心。
    Like most innocent and well-bred young women, she had a devouring curiosity about prostitutes.

  • 小女孩佩和其他同龄女孩一样天真烂漫,但海边的土著生活,也培养了她倔强坚强的个性。
    Girls Perry and the other girls the same age as his naivete, but the seaside indigenous life, she has cultivated a strong and stubborn personality.

  • 现在的小孩不想生死的问题,他们天真烂漫,非常幸福,可我小时候经常看到死亡在身边发生。
    The kids of today do not think about this kind of problems. They are innocent and very happy. But could see death often took place around me in my teenage.

  • 对于小郡主沐剑屏这样天真烂漫混沌未开的女子,只需要放肆的开点玩笑表示幽默感就可以了。
    To the small princess Mu sword hold so the naivete mentally dense opened of woman, need to be wanton of open some fun to mean sense of humor all right.

  • 电影由赵薇主演,她在90年代末期因为在电视剧还珠格格中扮演天真烂漫的女主角而享有盛名。
    The film stars Vicki Zhao Wei, who shot to fame in the late 1990s playing the wide-eyed lead role in the television series Princess Pearl.

  • 昨天跟同学出去玩,都是小学的同学,感觉大家都长大了,感慨那些天真烂漫的童年生活是不会再回来了。
    Yesterday i went out with my classmates from primary school.  We all grow up, but wishing to go back to the wonderful days of our childhood.

  • 其舞蹈未必是迈克尔•杰克逊的精良翻版,但这位年仅4岁的孩子身上体现出的天真烂漫却赢得了掌声与欢呼。
    His dancing is hardly an accurate imitation of Jackson but the naivete that only a 4-year-old contains and conveys won applause and screaming.

  • 可是,当我面对那一群群天真烂漫的孩子,那一双双求知若渴的眼睛,那一张张绽放如花的笑脸,您说,我们能不动情吗?
    However, when I face the crowd of innocent children, that both eyes thirsty for knowledge, it faces the smiling faces of flowery bloom, you said that we can not do emotion?

  • 他们提出,应当举行一次秘密投票,解决该问题,在信中,他们天真烂漫地写道:“首相的强力支持者要支持此举亦无任何问题。”
    They advocated a secret ballot of their number to resolve it: "Strong supporters of the prime minister should have no difficulty in backing this approach, " they innocently wrote.

  • 于是,这(死亡)就是永恒,爱撕毁了尊严。曾经的天真烂漫都已消逝不见,阴霾笼罩着我,把记忆深处的每一个片段都印上了曾经至爱的痕迹。
    "So this is permanence, love shot pride, whatonce was innocence turned even exiled, the cloud hands over me, marks every move, deep in the memory of whatonce was loving".

  • 古旧船板做成的相架,海贝作成的灯饰,天真烂漫的儿童油画等等,来自世界各地的家饰应有尽有,保证让你找到让家变得本来,变得格调的元素。
    Photo frames made of old ship boards, lamp decorations made of sea shells, oil painting drawn by naive children, and so on. It covers all kinds of family decorations from all over the world.

  • 片中彭丽媛的搭档是个小男孩,当她第一眼看到那个男孩时,不由得震撼了。才三岁的孩子,眼神里丝毫不见天真烂漫,却写满了与年龄极不相符的孤独和冷漠。
    In the advertisement, Peng's partner was a boy, who shocked Peng when noticed at the first sight, for his eyes were filled with loneliness and apartness instead of artlessness.

  • 老年人、忧伤者、心负罪担者、天真烂漫嬉戏的儿童、树林中的小动物,以及荷重的牲畜,无不因与他同在而感到愉快。他曾用全能的命令托住万有,竟也愿屈身救助一只受伤的小鸟。
    The aged, the sorrowing, and the sin-burdened, the children at play in their innocent joy, the little creatures of the groves, the patient beasts of burden, --all were happier for His presence.

  • 天真烂漫造句相关
