
天从人愿  tiān cóng rén yuàn







  • 但愿天从人愿,幸福与爱情无边!
    of happiness and love as all your dreams come true.

  • 但愿天从人愿,幸福与爱情无边!
    May you two always be in love! May happiness increase with age.

  • 我觉得我很努力地在学习,但没有天从人愿,效果并不好。
    I've always studied hard on it, but the effort was disappointing.

  • 下午真没想到机场关闭了我的我们等了三小时希望云雾散去,但是从人愿
    Really didn't expect the airport to close My my, I waited 3 hours hoping that the fog would clear, but it didn't.

  • 下午真没想到机场关闭了!咱的!咱们等了三小时希望云雾散去,但是从人愿
    Really didn't expect the airport to close! My my, I waited 3 hours hoping that the fog would clear, but it didn't.

  • 下午真没想到机场关闭了!我的!我们等了三小时希望云雾散去,但是从人愿
    Really didn't expect the airport to close! My my, I waited 3 hours hoping that the fog would clear, but it didn't.

  • 可惜从人愿,Ia型超新星非常罕见,通常得等上数个世纪,才会在像是银河系的星系里觅得芳踪。
    Unfortunately, type Ia supernovae are rare, occurring in a galaxy like the Milky Way only once every few centuries on average.

  • 无论你想要什么,都不会天从人愿。把你的注意力渴求转到行动里去吧。现在开始去创造,去达成你的追求。
    Whatever you need, you do not have. Take your focus off needing, and start doing, start creating, start being what you seek.

  • 厂长蒋家慧携全体员工,热忱欢迎国内外客商来宁波观光旅游,洽谈生意,愿“封密封”使您的事业天从人愿,如日方升。
    Director Mr. Jiahui Jiang with all employee welcomes the customers home and abroad to Ningbo for sightseeing and business negotiation.

  • 这个假期,他决定踏出他「长大成人」的第一步──诱惑他心爱的女人。他的对象不是别人,正是他的小妈伊芙。然而,从人愿,古奥加没钓到伊芙,却已先搭上她的好姊妹玳安。
    In this Thanksgiving vacation, Oscar decided to win the heart of his true love, but there is one major problem—Oscar is only 15 and his true love is his stepmother Eve.

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