
大腹便便  dà fù pián pián








  • 那个大腹便便的家伙既贪婪又残恶。
    That big-bellied fellow was very cruel and greedy.

  • 那些心脏衰弱和大腹便便的人们正试图爬上小山。
    Those men with weak hearts and bay windows are trying to climb up the hill.

  • 有一次,瘦削的萧伯纳遇到一位大腹便便的商人。
    On one occasion, George Bernard Shaw thin potbellied met a businessman.

  • 研究员们发现痴呆症在那些大腹便便的人中更常见。
    The researchers found that dementia was more common in those with wider bellies.

  • 老板大腹便便
    The boss has a large belly.

  • 一位矮矮胖胖、大腹便便的人影从阴暗处奔了出来。
    A squat pot-bellied figure bustled forward through the gloom.

  • 经理大腹便便
    The manager has an enlarged abdomen.

  • 因为晚上应酬多,才30出头的他已经显得大腹便便
    As more entertainment in the evening before their early 30's, he appears to have potbellied.

  • 他们中的部分人已靠着小小的俸禄养成了大腹便便者。
    For the most part they had converted their small prebends into sizable paunches.

  • 他把汗衫撩到胸部,露出黑黝黝的胸脯,大腹便便地站在灯下。
    He pulled up the undershirt onto his chest and stood, his chest black, and big stomach muscles bulging under the light.

  • 那人是个中年人,肥头肥耳,大腹便便,时常用手去摩摩肚子。
    The figure was that of a middle-aged man, fat, with a great stomach, which he stroked from time to time.

  • 9看笑话:大腹便便的施密特先生决定独安闲餐厅里迎接新年。
    9 see joke: Potbellied Schmidt gentleman decides to receive New Year in dining-room alone.

  • 克莱布·泽洛克是个大腹便便的人形生物,穿着一尘不染的套装。
    Kleb Zellock was a rotund humanoid who wore a spotless suit.

  • 一项研究发现,四十多岁大腹便便的人发生老年痴呆的机会会更
    A record study subjected the(suggested that) people in their forty's(ies) with Belly fat have encrease(an increased) risk of dementia later in life.

  • 据说他去年夏天曾中风,在看到自己曾经大腹便便的身影之后很少再露面。
    He reportedly suffered a stroke last summer and in rare appearances since has looked a shadow of his former paunchy self.

  • 提到金正日,报刊社论主笔不约而同地用到这几个形容词:野蛮残忍、大腹便便、捉摸不透。
    BRUTAL, pot-bellied and unpredictable: the same adjectives are always together on the larder shelf when editorial writers describe Kim Jong Il.

  • 肖伯纳审视着大腹便便的资本家说:“但是,我一见到你,就知道英国正在闹饥荒的原因了。”
    Bernard Shaw, examining the potbellied capitalist, said, "But, I know as soon as I saw you the reason why Britain is suffering from famine. ""

  • 这项新的研究为“那些大腹便便的人比其它超重的人面临更的健康风险”这一观点增加了证据。
    The new study added to growing evidence that people with large stomachs can face greater health risks than others who are overweight.

  • 据说他去年夏天曾中风,变得骨瘦如柴,完全不是往日大腹便便的样子了,从此以后很少再露面。
    He reportedly suffered a stroke last summer and in rare appearances since has looked a shadow of his former paunchy self.

  • 他是个中等身材的人,大腹便便,眼睛里闪烁着喜悦,你一眼就可看出他是我们中的一员,即地中海人种。
    He was a man of medium height with a slight paunch. His eyes shone with joy. At one look, you could instantly tell he was one of us, that is, a Mediterranean type.

  • 他被描绘为大腹便便,黄色或红色的神,拥有四个头,还有一个长着长牙的象头,坐着,或者伴随着一只耗子。
    He is depicted as a big-bellied, yellow or red god with four arms and the head of a one-tusked elephant, riding on, or attended to by, a mouse.

  • 的一个瘦弱的酒保,外表比她的实际年龄47岁年轻许多——回忆了她被一个大腹便便的、缺门牙的卡车司机“款待”的经历。
    bartender who looks at least a decade younger than her 47 years — recalls the time she was being "entertained" by a paunchy trucker with several missing front teeth.

  • 的一个瘦弱的酒保,外表比她的实际年龄47岁年轻许多——回忆了她被一个大腹便便的、缺门牙的卡车司机“款待”的经历。
    J. , bartender who looks at least a decade younger than her 47 years — recalls the time she was being "entertained" by a paunchy trucker with several missing front teeth.

  • 在他过去五次发表国情咨文时,乔治•布什看上去像是被两位大腹便便的白人先生[2]夹在中间,他们就坐在布什身后的讲台上。
    FOR his past five state-of-the-union addresses, George Bush has been framed by two overweight white men, sitting behind him on the podium.

  • 通常,圣诞老人被描绘成一个亲切和善、大腹便便兴高采烈、戴着眼镜的老人。他穿着一套装饰有白色皮毛的红衣服,胡子又白又长。
    Conventionally, Santa Claus is portrayed as a kindly, round-bellied, merry, bespectacled old man in a red suit trimmed with white fur, with a long white beard.

  • 当然了,发现旧人的外表跟你记忆中的不一样会让人很难受,比如说皱纹更多、变得大腹便便或是谢了顶──或者连性取向都改变了。
    Sure, it's unsettling to find out your ex is now more wrinkled, chubby or bald -- or a different sexual orientation -- than you remember.

  • 大腹便便的男士被视为不是成功者就是倒霉鬼——因为他们如果有这个能力,是可以把裤子穿到腰以上的;没这个能力,就只能掉在腰下面。
    Men with a paunch are known as Under And Over Achievers-because they wear their trousers above their true waist if they can and below if they cannot.

  • 那些大腹便便的店主的衬衫前襟上闪耀着块的钻石,穿的衣服裁剪合身。他从他们身上看出,这里的卖酒生意和其它地方一样,赢利很高。
    He saw by portly keepers, whose shirt fronts shone with large diamonds, and whose clothes were properly cut, that the liquor business here, as elsewhere, yielded the same golden profit.

  • 看到他改善与平壤的关系,满怀热情、步流星地踏过熠熠生辉的粉红地毯朝着那位大腹便便、身穿笔挺制服的小暴君奔去,美国人很是不安。
    The Americans were gravely disturbed to see him improving links with Pyongyang, striding keen as mustard down the fluorescent pink carpet towards the potbellied little tyrant in his zipped-up uniform.

  • 亮相本届奥斯卡的“孕味”女星包括妮可基德曼、杰西卡阿尔芭,和最“突出”的凯特布兰切特,她们都“大腹便便”地出现在颁奖典礼现场。
    The pregnant celebrities at the Oscar were Nicole Kidman, Jessica Alba and most noticeably Cate Blanchett who all brought baby bumps to the Academy Awards.

  • 大腹便便造句相关
