
大浪淘沙  dà làng táo shā







  • 媒体竞争犹如大浪淘沙,优胜劣汰。
    Big waves wash the sand as if the media competition, the survival of the fittest.

  • 大浪淘沙”,市场竞争日趋激烈。
    "Big waves wash the sand", the market is becoming increasingly fierce.

  • 这是一个理性的发展,也是大浪淘沙的过程。
    This is a rational development and even the process.

  • 大浪淘沙,大亚科技究竟蕴藏着怎样的成长奥秘?
    Sea cleans out sand, big subfamily ability after all is contain worn what kind of growing mystery?

  • 大浪淘沙,市场上将剩下为数不多的几个知名品牌。
    Good market, the remaining are a few well-known brands.

  • 大浪淘沙,能挺过去的公司都比较强,各方面都能上一台阶。
    Big waves wash the sand can be quite stronger than past companies, to all the previous steps.

  • 国内计算机市场经历了大浪淘沙般的磨练,多少英雄为之折腰。
    Domestic computer market experienced sea to clean out the harden oneself like sand, how many hero bows for it.

  • 印制板行业大浪淘沙的时候到来了——解读“节能减排,优化升级”
    Here Comes the Time for PCB Industry to Eliminate the"Disqualified"PCB Suppliers——How to Save Energy, Decrease Drain and Meet Optimization.

  • 印制质量差和编校质量差的图书,会在激烈的市场竞争中被大浪淘沙
    Printed and poor-quality editing and proofreading, the intense market competition in the sand.

  • 市场经济”大浪淘沙”式的甄别、筛选,势必带来企业在竞争中”洗牌”。
    Market economy, "Ebb Tide"-style screening, selection is bound to bring in competition, "shuffle.

  • 金融海啸也仿佛大浪淘沙,去粗取精,去伪存真,反倒沉淀出知识的真味。
    Ebb Tide seemed to have the financial tsunami, Qucuqujing, Quweicunzhen, but a knowledge of precipitation Zhen Wei.

  • 有人一夜暴富,有人倾家荡产,经过一轮轮大浪淘沙还能从容进退的人不多。
    It was a night rich, it was bankrupt, after a round of the Ebb Tide can easily advance and retreat of many people.

  • 1987年股市崩盘,房市也遭遇萧条,而信贷市场则经历了一次大浪淘沙
    For example, in 1987, the stock market crashed, real estate took a dive, and savings and loan institutions were wiped out.

  • 当许多同类游戏都遭遇冷门的时候,《悠游三国》却在大浪淘沙中沉淀了下来。
    When many similar games encounter the skill that receives little attention time, "the Long travel Three countries" actually precipitated in the Lang Tao Sha verse down.

  • 只有新颖的设计才会在大浪淘沙中闪烁出与众不同的光芒,迈出走向成功的第一步。
    Only innovative designs will be flashing different light in the ebb tide, this is the first step toward success.

  • 短短几年的大浪淘沙,淹没了许多曾经的风云人物,又让更多的锐气新宠脱颖而出
    In a few short years the PRC, the man of the hour had drowned many, allowing more pep new favorites will emerge.

  • 几经大浪淘沙般的洗礼,泰山特曲系列白酒以典型的鲁酒风格得到了广大消费者的认可。
    Clean out the ablution like sand after many sea, liquor of series of father-in-law spy music got broad customer with typical rash wine style approbate.

  • 大浪淘沙,被新一轮洗牌淘汰的一定是缺乏创新和竞争力的企业,这样的企业不救也罢。
    The Lang Tao Sha verse, new round is mixed the cards the elimination is certainly lacks the innovation and the competitive power enterprise, such enterprise does not rescue.

  • 大浪淘沙,只要韩寒认真淘,多少都会发现些被埋没的金子,“改善一下供稿者的生活”。
    As long as he selected carefully, the inconspicuous writers will be spotted out and their living condition will be improved to a certain extent.

  • 我们都是几经辗转大浪淘沙般存活下来的荆楚精英,怀揣着共同的梦想来到我们的新联盟。
    We are all elites survive in Ebb Tide, we have a common dream come to our new alliance.

  • 在这个过程中,大浪淘沙,会有新的一轮洗牌的机会,但相信对很多企业是一个新的机遇。
    In the process, Ebb Tide, there will be a new round of reshuffle, but many believe is a new business opportunity.

  • 这一次大浪淘沙我们将呈现给您一个全新的MDG国际,一个可以带领您征战全球MDG国际。
    Ebb Tide, this time we will present to you a new MDG International, a global campaign to take your international MDG.

  • 二是,经过市场大浪淘沙,不断调整和整合,小、散、差的企业逐步减少,企业规模越来越大。
    Second, even after the market continuously adjust and integration of small, scattered, poor business gradually reduce enterprise scale is growing.

  • 资本市场一关掉,很多公司活不下去了,反而让整个营销市场特别干净,优胜劣汰,大浪淘沙
    I turn off the capital markets, many companies survive, but the entire market, especially the marketing of clean, the survival of the fittest , Ebb Tide.

  • 在股市的数次大浪淘沙之后,这时的有心人才真正可以从中见到你想得到的、梦寐以求的好股票。
    Ebb Tide in the stock market on several occasions, when the talent really want to see you can think of, the dream of good stock.

  • 严重的形势告诉棉麻人,必须解放思想,转变观念,深化改革,转机建制,迎接市场的大浪淘沙
    Grim situation tells linen-cotton the person, must liberate a thought, change idea, deepen reform, organizational system of a favourable turn, the sea that meets the market cleans out sand.

  • 启明学校这艘民办教育的航母在大浪淘沙中,挺立潮头,并将成为冀东南平原一颗璀璨的教育明珠。
    Qiming private school education aboard the aircraft carrier of the Ebb Tide, tide stand will become a shining Hebei Plain of south-east pearl education.

  • 特别是品牌展会,在经过多年的市场培育和检验后,大浪淘沙,将发挥更突出的作用,产生更大的品牌效应。
    Particular brand exposition, after years of market development and testing, even to play a more prominent role, resulting in greater brand effect.

  • 中国传统文化源远流长。是在几千年的不断创造、发展、选择和淘汰的大浪淘沙中形成的博大精深的文化,弘扬传统文化,是建设和构成和谐社会、和谐文化的基础。
    Chinese traditional culture has a long history. It is formed over thousands of years. Developing traditional culture is the basis of constructing harmonious society and culture.

  • 埃及是一个融合了世界多个民族的文化和文明,经历了苦难和创伤,也吸纳了世界多民族优秀传统的伟大国家,犹如大浪淘沙,流走的是泥沙,沉下来的是闪亮的金子。
    As a great nation, Egypt has integrated cultures and civilizations of different countries, experienced a lot of miseries and wounds and absorbed cultural essences from other nations.

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