
大权在握  dà quán zài wò







  • 在当今环境之中雇主大权在握
    The employer is in the driver's seat in today's environment.

  • 虽然可能是感觉上小泽一郎大权在握
    Perhaps, though, Mr Ozawa's power is all about perception.

  • 如果你大权在握,你会采取什么政策?
    What policies will you adopt if you are given Aaron's rod?

  • 这让工会近似政界实力人物,大权在握
    That gives the unions sizeable power as king makers.

  • 图5大权在握、目空一切、不容侵犯的神态显而易见。
    Figure 5 Dominance, superiority and territoriality are evident here.

  • 你老板现在大权在握而你则要每天重新申请你的工作。
    Your boss is in the driver's seat, and you will have to reapply for your job every day.

  • 普京给人的第一印象是大权在握者:他动作干练有效率。
    Vladimir Putin gives a first impression of contained power: he is compact and moves stiffly but efficiently.

  • 现在注意力转移到了七月角逐大权在握的总统宝座的竞选上。
    Attention now turns to July&rsquo, wow cheap gold; s election for the powerful presidency.

  • 现在注意力转移到了七月角逐大权在握的总统宝座的竞选上。
    Attention now turns to July's election for the powerful presidency.

  • 通过这场表演,领导人们告诉民众和全世界——他们大权在握
    This was for the leadership to show them and the world they are fully in charge.

  • 而那些大权在握的强硬派则在地平线上看到了凸起的霸权(中国)。
    Hardliners, some of whom hold powerful positions in the current administration, see a hegemony on the horizon.

  • 只要你手中有枪杆子,大权在握,叫地主把地分给农民,不就得了?
    You have the guns and the power and you just tell the landlord to give a share of his land to the people.

  • 政府方面,什叶派精英大权在握,没有必要再进行种族屠杀和民兵统治。
    The Shiite ruling elites, secure in their hold on the country, have less to gain by ethnic cleansing and militia rule.

  • 布什不可避免受到卡尔?罗夫的持续影响,将延续总统大权在握的最后几年。
    He is not immune to the legacy-fixation that affects presidents in their last years of power.

  • 那些大权在握道貌岸然的色鬼们,不见兔子不撒鹰,有人更坏,吃了兔子也不撒鹰。
    These have great power the affectedly virtuous sex maniacs, does not see the rabbit not to scatter the hawk, some people were worse, eat the rabbit not to scatter the hawk.

  • 公众的普遍感觉是,中国的富人是利用自己与大权在握的官员的关系,才得以发财的。
    The common public perception is that the wealthy in China have used connections with powerful officials to make their fortunes.

  • 经济危机和社会动荡可能会加大CCP的执政难度,但却不会改变其大权在握的现状。
    Economic crisis and social unrest may make it tougher for the CCP to govern, but they will not loosen the party's hold on power.

  • 尽管允许参加竞选,但也不该被一个获胜的机会冲昏头脑,毕竟还谈不上是大权在握
    Permission to be a contender, however, should not be confused with an opportunity to win, and still less to govern.

  • 所有的人都害怕那十二位顶层上司,他们帮助创建了这个公司,而且现在仍然大权在握
    And all the people are afraid of the twelve men at the top who helped found and build the company and now own and direct it .

  • 不幸的是,这只不过是一个令人发笑的故事罢了。大权在握的政治人物,从来不如此行事。
    This is a beguiling fiction, but unfortunately the politicians in power have never acted that way.

  • 做一个大权在握的公务员要在金钱上牺牲很多,而现在,罗夫可以在各地进行巡回咨询演说了。
    Public servants make huge financial sacrifices to stay close to power. Mr Rove will now be able to join the speaking-and-consulting circuit.

  • 不论你是一名默默无闻的办事员,还是大权在握的领导者,都应有责任心,凡事尽心尽力而为。
    Whether you are an unknown clerk, or the power of the leaders should have the responsibility to do whatever is best for.

  • 此前,大权在握的监护委员会称,他们愿意按照反对派的要求对周五的总统选举进行重新计票。
    Earlier, Iran's Powerful Guardian Council said it was willing to recount votes queried by the opposition after Friday's presidential election.

  • 其改组内容之一即可能包括李健熙的退休。这位1987年起就大权在握的高管是韩国最有影响力的领导人之一。
    The changes could include the retirement of the indicted chairman, Lee Kun-hee, who has led Samsung since 1987 and is one of the most powerful leaders in the nation.

  • 这会使各国大权在握,控制这种商品,另外,也不能保证国家会把污染量交给其公民,或用这些收入发展绿色经济。
    It gives them too much power over this commodity, and there is no guarantee that they would pass the pollution rights on to their citizens, or use the money they raised to green the economy.

  • 当人们看到苍老而丑陋的男人手挽着年轻美丽的女子漫步道旁,大多数都会设想此公不是腰缠万贯,便有大权在握
    When an older, ugly man is seen walking down the road arm-in-arm with a young and beautiful woman, most people assume the man is rich or powerful. WWW. DAGONG8.

  • 他们崇拜大人物,也把小人物理想化,不论他是和大商人形成对照的小商人,还是和大权在握的人形成对照的平民百姓。
    They worship bigness yet idealize the little man, whether he be the small business man as opposed to the big one or the plain citizen as opposed to the big wheel.

  • 从到奥斯汀的那一刻起,小布什就是得州的主管,但每个人都好像小瞧了他,不过最后他们才明白过来,小布什才是大权在握哩。
    From the moment Bush arrived in Austin, he was the man in charge. It was as if everyone had underestimated him and by the time they wised up he was in control.

  • 一位总统居然需要一个大权在握的办公厅主任来控制一个手下只有少数工作人员,受命无几的、根本无法“插手”什么事的副总统。
    Chief Executive needed a high-powered chief of staff to control a Vice President who had been given little to do, had a skeleton staff, and was in no position to "step into things."

  • 大权在握造句相关
