
大兴土木  dà xīng tǔ mù








  • 大兴土木:为自已建造房屋,种植葡萄园。
    I undertook great projects: I built houses for myself and planted vineyards.

  • 大兴土木可能会带动石油和其他大宗商品的需求走高。
    A resurgence in construction could prop up demand for oil and other commodities.

  • 不得借改扩建和加固维修之名大兴土木,提高建设标准。
    Nor use it to the expansion and strengthening of major repairs, improve construction standards.

  • 然贪官污吏中饱私囊大兴土木浪费挥霍,希望只能化作泡影。
    But hopes are dashed as corrupt officials pocket the money or squander it on grandiose projects.

  • 贪婪的地方官吏吞噬土地去大兴土木,很多农民对此都怒不可遏;
    Legions of farmers are angry that their land has been swallowed up for building by greedy local officials.

  • 唯有开发商即将大兴土木时,银行才能介入,而且只能给建设贷款。
    Only when the developer was about to commence building could the bank get involved – and then only to make construction loans.

  • 贝聿铭的伊斯兰艺术馆可望最早完工,足以证明多哈大兴土木并非海市蜃楼。
    As the first to reach completion, the Museum of Islamic Art is proof that the boom is not a mirage.

  • 中国还不是很富裕,但在人们的心目中,致富的最佳途径似乎就是大兴土木
    China still is not very rich, but in the memory in people, the optimal way that become rich appears even if go in for sth in a large scale building.

  • 可是,在他们大兴土木的同时,可用于生产其他产品的人力和生产能力就会随之减少。
    But when they built more houses they had just that much less manpower and productive capacity left over for everything else.

  • 但是,不论是民营的还是国有的房地产开发商,直到最近,仍然在大量借款和大兴土木
    However, whether private or state-owned real estate developers, until recently, still borrowing and large scale.

  • 日前,广州番禺一小区蔡姓业主在一楼花园大兴土木,结果就被法院判令拆除加建设施。
    Recently, the Guangzhou Panyu owners in the restricted areas on the first floor of a large garden, the result has been the dismantling of the court order facilities.

  • 通过大力推进城镇化,中国讲推动近期铁矿石和铝等上游原材料的价格上涨,并大兴土木
    By front-loading this urban growth, China will bolster prices for upstream raw materials like iron ore and aluminum in the near term and keep construction companies busy.

  • 日前有媒体报道,说时下一些房地产商争先恐后地在名山上大兴土木,建“富人区”、别墅群。
    Recently some of the media reports, said some real estate companies scrambling to date on projects in the famous mountain, a "rich areas", villas.

  • 日前有媒体报道,说时下一些房地产商争先恐后地在名山上大兴土木,建“富人区”、别墅群。
    recent media reports that some real estate companies scrambling to date on the famous mountain construction, building "rich areas", villas.

  • 唐代更是大兴土木,特别是唐玄宗天宝年间修建的宫殿楼阁更为豪华,并正式改名为“华清宫”。
    more large-scale construction of the Tang Dynasty, in particular the emperor Tianbao years to build a more luxurious palace pavilion, and changed its name to the official "China Palace."

  • 身患脑血管病的曹先生买了一套别墅本想静养,但周围邻居大兴土木,而物业管理公司却置之不理。
    Suffering from cerebrovascular disease Rantzau want to buy a villa this convalesce, but the surrounding neighbors construction, and property management companies are ignored.

  • 话说二十一世纪初年,中国经济稳定,社会兴旺,各地纷纷大兴土木,把个房地产业搞的热热闹闹。
    as saying 21 viewing China's economic stability and social prosperity everywhere due to the heat but in a real estate.

  • 在国外和港台地区,大多数的情况都是住房盖好了,住户直接住进,很少听说住户进住时再大兴土木的。
    Abroad and the Hong Kong and Taiwan regions, the majority of houses are covered, directly into households, households have little time to launch into living.

  • 相传明代泉州卫指挥周坐,在大兴土木扩建妈祖庙的工程竣工后,用剩余建材建了一座中军庙,并塑了神像。
    It is saind that Quanzhou director of Ming dynasty Zhouzuo after reconstructing Mazu temple constructed a Zhongjun temple with remnant building material and figured for him.

  • 公元1420年,明朝将京城由南京迁至北京,同时大兴土木,在四个主要方位修建一些向神明祈祷的建筑。
    When China's imperial1 court moved from Nanjing to Beijing during the Ming Dynasty in 1420, sites were required for supplication to the gods.

  • 和「奥运」大异其趣的是,「世运」并不会要求主办城市大兴土木建造新的运动设施,而是鼓励善用现有设备。
    Unlike the Olympics, the World Games do not require the host city to build new facilities, but encourage it to make use of existing venues.

  • 但是四川好几个不同地区的教学楼、医院和工厂的倒塌可能增加在中国大兴土木的阶段如何强制进行抗震代码管理。
    But the collapse of schools, hospitals and factories in several different areas around Sichuan may raise questions about how rigorously such codes have been enforced during China's epic building boom.

  • 康熙三十年〔公元1691年〕,高孟回到故里,大兴土木,在甘州城内〔今民主西街西端〕修建了富丽堂皇的总兵府。
    Thirty years of Emperor Kangxi in 1691 AD 〔〕, high Meng Back home, literally, in the city GANZHOU 〔〕 the western end of this democratic West built magnificentzong bing House.

  • 按柏拉图的描绘,王宫建成后,每位继位者都会大兴土木,对王宫进行改造,直到王宫的华丽和精致达到令人瞠目结舌的地步。
    Plato described by the palace built, each successor, who will construct and renovate the palace. the gorgeous and refined until the palace reached staggering proportions.

  • 三年前,雷锋故居周围的土地突然大兴土木,随后建起一座座别墅,到现在为止,别墅群已经形成了规模,把雷锋故居包围起来。
    Three years ago, the land around the old Lei Feng suddenly large, and then built a villas, up to now, has been formed size villas, the Lei Feng old buildings together.

  • 研究显示在雨林被铲除开垦的初期,当地小区的生活质量的确得到迅速的改善,但在大兴土木、资源耗尽之后,生活质量则相对下降。
    The research showed that the quality of life for local communities improved quickly when a forest is first cleared, but decline sets in once the boom ends and resources dry up.

  • 但凡作为奥运会的主办者,没有不大兴土木的,然而,作为筹划者,当初最费心思的莫过于对奥运工程的总体谋划和后期对工程的精心实施了。
    whenever the Olympic Games as host, no large, however, as planned, at the most difficulty for the Olympic Games is the overall planning and engineering works meticulously to late.

  • 能源部门是少数几个预计要大兴土木的英国部门之一,因此很可能也是引发更多的此类不满愤恨相互攻咭的是非地之一(另一个是2012年奥运会)。
    Energy is one of the few sectors set for a construction boom in Britain, and is thus one arena where more of such grievances are likely to be fought out (the 2012 Olympics is another).

  • 安阳早在公元前14世纪就被定为都城。当时,商代的第20代国王盘庚把国都迁于殷(今河南安阳小屯村)。商代统治者大兴土木,使殷成为一座古代大都。
    Anyang was designated as a capital as early as the 14th century BC, when the 20th king of the Shang Dynasty, Pangeng, moved the capital to Yin (today's Xiaotun village, Anyang City, Henan province).

  • 但这并不是因为我们需要像修铁路一样大兴土木,造大人国里的工程。也不是因为我们需要这样一个值得夸耀的“大家伙”来给外国人留下印象;也不是因为国家队需要一个固定的主场。
    It's not because we need a Brobdingnagian structure we can see from the train, or because we need a large concrete boast to impress foreigners, or because the football team need a stable home.

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