
多此一举  duō cǐ yī jǔ







  • 戴斗笠打雨伞不是多此一举吗?
    Not wearing a bamboo hat to umbrella superfluous?

  • 运猫头鹰去雅典(比喻多此一举)。
    Carry owls to Athens.

  • 我想告诉你真相,现在来看多此一举了。
    I thought to tell you the truth. It seems no use now.

  • 给他钱多此一举,因为他已经很富有了。
    To offer him money is to carry coals to Newcastle; he is already very wealthy.

  • 这么漂亮的女孩,化妆简直就是多此一举
    for such a beautiful girl, to use make-up would be to gild the lily.

  • 在他们看来,这简直是多此一举,浪费时间。
    Look in them, this is bring owls to Athens simply, waste time.

  • 然而他的坦白虽然无耻,但同时也是多此一举
    But his confession, while brazen, is also redundant.

  • 这个听起来似乎多此一举,但… 使用关键词。
    This will sound redundant but… use keywords.

  • 要想瞒我是多此一举的我对所发生的事一清二楚。
    You are bringing owls to Athens to pull the wool over my eyes because I know all what happened .

  • 多此一举地把自己意见的观点加进了讨论之中。
    superfluously, he added his silly comments to the discussion.

  • 已经有孙猴子会一百零八变了,我就没必要多此一举
    There has been monkey would 108 change, I had no necessity superfluous action.

  • 这完全是多此一举,换个时间也许就根本不会发生的。
    It was quite a superfluous action, which another time might not have happened at all.

  • 戴夫:哇咧!他们一定已经像老夫老妻了。何必多此一举
    Dave: Geez! They must be like an old married couple already then. Why even bother?

  • 无须告诉威尔士人橄榄球是多么吸引人——这是多此一举
    You don't have to tell the Welsh about the attractions of rugby football-you're preaching to the converted!

  • 大卫非要坚持等红灯变成绿灯了肯才过马路,真是多此一举
    we wait for the red light before we cross the street.

  • 等等,咱们可以直接从网上下啊,不是吗?何必多此一举呢?
    wait, we can download it from the Internet, can't we?Why buy a cow when the milk is for free?

  • 如果在此附近再开一家邮局,简直是多此一举。现在已经有三家了。
    It would be like carrying coals to Newcastle if another post office opened in the neighborhood; there are already three now.

  • 于是,咱俩都不必多此一举:我免得如实进行描述,您也就省得阅读了。
    we should thus both escape the necessity, --I of making, and he of reading, a description of it, such as it is.

  • 到了今天,设计与艺术的分野当然越益难辨,若要分辨也恐怕是多此一举
    Today, the boundary between art and design is increasingly indiscernible and it is also unnecessary to distinguish them.

  • 刚下一场及时雨,那人却又为草坪浇水,真是把煤运到纽卡斯尔,多此一举
    The man who waters his grass after a good rain is carrying coals to Newcastle.

  • 而且大头奶粉自己就是生产商,要添加直接搅拌就可以了,何必多此一举溶解?
    And the big milk producers themselves, it is necessary to be able to add direct mixing, so why unnecessary dissolution?

  • 电话里听二姐说起的时候,我还说“反正我们过节是回家的,干嘛多此一举呢?”
    start listening to the phone, I said "since we are home, holidays, doing so superfluous?"

  • 一些婆婆啥也不说,我设法也不说。说了话也是多此一举,不被重视,或是不被相信。
    Some mothers-in-law will say anything. I try not to. It's not wanted, appreciated, or believed.

  • 反之,后面提起的内容,前面没有交代或暗示,也会使读者感到莫名其妙,多此一举
    In the previous paragraph, I suggested how much more active the latter sort of reading must be, and how it feels to do it.

  • 作为师者,批评学生应是天职,如今重申班主任的批评权透露着一种无奈,烙上多此一举之嫌。
    As a teacher who criticized the students should be the bounden duty, and now reaffirmed the right to criticize the class teacher reveal a helpless, branded superfluous.

  • 其实,我也知道每次都是画蛇添足多此一举,可是如果不这样,这心里就老不放心,老为踏实。
    In fact, I also know that every time unnecessary, superfluous, but if not, it does not mind at ease on the old, old as practical.

  • 有一些情报人士可能会觉得,如果可以用的上秘密手段,又干嘛还要多此一举去和巴勒斯坦谈判呢?
    Why bother to negotiate with the Palestinians, some intelligence people may feel, when they can be constantly hamstrung by such trickery?

  • 并没有告诉我应该怎样管这个厂,现在更不必多此一举了,我这木材是怎么搞出来的,这不干你的事。
    You didn't tell me how to run my business then and I'm not aiming to have you start now. How I get the lumber out is no affair of yours.

  • 不少网店店主认为,淘宝、腾讯等网上的支付宝和财付通等支付保障系统能够解决买卖双方的信用问题,而再让办执照显然多此一举
    Many shop Shopkeepers, Taobao, Tencent and other online payment-and-such as pay-pay system to protect buyers and sellers to resolve the issue of credit, and let Office licence is superfluous.

  • 他说:“微软把这个程序开源发布, 就像是对一个已开口的罐子, 再把它的顶部拿掉(多此一举)。 我们对它的源码一点不感兴趣。
    "Microsoft open-sourcing this is like taking the top off a jar that is already open, " Riggs said. "We're not interested in this bit of their source code.

  • 多此一举造句相关
