
身先士卒  shēn xiān shì zú








  • 这次,黄帝身先士卒,带兵杀入蚩尤阵中。
    This time, lead the Yellow Emperor, to lead troops reached the Chiyou array.

  • 既然你是老板,就应该身先士卒,冲上去。
    It's your turn to step up to the plate because you are the boss.

  • 现在是时候让安东尼在防守方面身先士卒了。
    Now is the time for Anthony to take the lead -- on the defensive end.

  • 身先士卒。对属下说:“跟我来!”然后率队前进。
    Lead from the front. Say, "Follow me! " and then lead the way.

  • 战场上的第一条永远是身先士卒。不用多,也不用少!
    The first rule of war is to do what you ask your men to do…no more, no less!

  • 身先士卒并不是影响他人的主要因素,而是唯一的因素。
    Example is not the main thing in influencing others - it is the only thing.

  • 督军们拿著武器身先士卒,在前线一边下指令一边鼓励友军。
    Warlords stand on the front line issuing commands and bolstering their allies while leading the battle with weapon in hand.

  • 首先他是一名优秀的队长,他一直都身先士卒,一直都在卖力。
    First of all he is a fantastic captain and is always in the front line protecting the team and working hard.

  • 身先士卒是影响人的重要办法是不正确的。它是影响人的独一方式。
    Examples is not the main thing in influencing others. It is the only thing.

  • 马本斋作战勇猛,身先士卒,在回民支队和广大群众中享有很高威望。
    Ma Benzhai fierce battle, take the lead in the Hui people in the detachment and the general public to enjoy a high prestige.

  • 有较强的管理和综合协调能力,能承受市场压力,以身作则、身先士卒
    Strong management codination capacity, can without the market pressures, to lead by example, take the lead.

  • 有较强的管理和综合协调能力,能承受市场压力,以身作则、身先士卒
    Strong management and coordination capacity, can withstand the market pressures, to lead by example, take the lead.

  • 有较强的管理和综合协调能力,能承受市场压力,以身作则、身先士卒
    Strong management coordination capacity, can without the market pressures, to lead by example, take the lead.

  • 灾害降临时,总理总是身先士卒。全中国的政府官员都应该以他为榜样,热爱人民群众。
    His exemplary example and love of the people should be emulatedbyboth government officials and bureacrats all over China.

  • 在许多突入帝国残存领土的清剿行动中,阿克巴都身先士卒,多次进入帝国空间执行任务。
    During the many mop-up operations that cut into the Empire's dwindling territories, Ackbar spearheaded numerous missions into Imperial space.

  • 在韩陵战役中,彭乐身先士卒,大败敌军,封为乐城县公,后又晋升为汨阳郡公,任肆州刺史。
    Inhan ling battle, Malcolm lead, defeated the enemy, called Le County public and subsequently promoted to the rank of jun gong Mi Yang, Renzhou ci shi the meantime.

  • 从公司其他管理人员那里得知﹐郭台铭身先士卒﹐不仅确保产品按时出厂﹐还必须满足客户需求。
    Executives say he leads by example to keep products coming out on schedule and to customer specifications.

  • 千万别以为间歇“性”失忆只是虚幻的遐想,如今已经有许多情侣身先士卒地开始尝试这样的生活。
    Must not feel intermittent " quality " break recalling is visional daydream only, already ground of a lot of sweet hearts lead one's men in an act begin to try such life nowadays.

  • 在此情况下,大型开发商寻找自救出路,万科、恒大为代表的品牌开发商身先士卒,撬动了价格攻势。
    In this case, large-scale developers to find a way to help themselves, Vanke, the rival to take the lead developer on behalf of the brand, leveraging the price offensive.

  • 加上他战斗中身先士卒,猛冲猛打,身上多处负伤,李克用亲自为他解衣上药,从此,李嗣源威名大振。
    Take the lead with his fight, dash hard, many people injured, Li solution with clothes for him personally on the drugs, From then on, the source of Wal-Mart boosted Lee.

  • 而且我也看到政府领导身先士卒,去地震区域看望,亲自出马。整个国家为这次地震受害的人默哀三天。
    And I also see the government leaders went to those earthquake area, the entire country having three days of silences for the people who suffered this time.

  • 在这种时刻,总统的个人安全不应是最重要的,他必须身先士卒,必须要让国民知道他正在领导,正在指挥。
    At such times the president's security ought not to be the overriding priority: exercising leadership, and being seen to do so, must come first.

  • 打起仗来,他身先士卒,英勇顽强,只要他一声令下,大家个个奋勇杀敌,不握牺牲。这是一位多么让人崇敬的大将军啊!
    When fighting, he charged at the head of his men, and , when he gave the order, every soldier advanced bravely to engage in fighting, not fearing death.

  • 在形容她的丈夫是一个“天生的战士”以及一位“能够激励人心的人”时,她说:“我知道他一定会身先士卒,绝不会退缩。
    Describing her husband as "a born soldier" and "an inspiration", she said: "I know he led from the front and would not have had it any other way.

  • 我们期望能够领导队伍或被领导,在缺乏命令的情况下,我将会掌管队伍、领导队友完成任务,我在任何情况下都要身先士卒充当表率。
    'We expect to lead and be led. In the absence of orders I will take charge, lead my teammates and accomplish the mission. I lead by example in all situations. '

  • 在这次四川地震期间,作为中国人的姚明身先士卒为灾区做出了自己的巨大贡献,如今当他有困难的时候,我们是不是也该“感恩”呢?
    The earthquake in Sichuan, China's Yao Ming as Shenxianshizu to the disaster areas has made its own contribution to the great, now when he has a difficult time, we are not also the "Thanksgiving"?

  • 古力特说,“在他身边的队员看到的是他们的队长挺身而出,身先士卒,并且说话掷地有声。后者对他来说是第一次,但是其实他是具有潜质的。
    What the players around him can see is their leader actually going out and doing it and being vocal, which is a new thing for him, but it's something that he has in him.

  • 相反的,那些摇旗呐喊,身先士卒,领头进行串联活动的年青人,他们在这漫长的十年中不但白白的浪费了青春,现在迈入中年,还身无一技之长;
    On the contrary, those guys, who waved flags, shouted battle cry and took the lead to gang up, lost study time within the ten years. In their middle age, they are skillful at nothing.

  • 奥巴马带领下的美国更是身先士卒,向海地派遣了16,000官兵进行救助。而欧洲各国、巴西、古巴、中国、以色列等也都做出了自己的努力。
    Barack Obama led the way, dispatching 16, 000 American troops and marines, but others, from Europe to Brazil, Cuba, China and Israel, responded too.

  • 尤利西斯身先士卒,举着矛进行攻击,但是野猪的行动太快了,它跑过来,把他的獠牙伸向尤利西斯,要撕裂尤利西斯的大腿。不过野猪的牙齿没咬到大腿,尤利西斯把他锋利的矛刺向野猪的右肩。
    In rushed Ulysses fist of all, with his spear raised to strike, but the boar was too quick for him, and ran in, and drove his sharp tusk sideways, ripping up the thigh of Ulysses.

  • 身先士卒造句相关
