
埋头苦干  mái tóu kǔ gàn







  • 你那埋头苦干的精神令人尊敬。
    Your quiet hard work will command respect.

  • 他勤勤恳恳,埋头苦干
    He industriously engages in unostentatious hard work.

  • 在事业上埋头苦干通常就会成功。
    Push generally succeeds in business.

  • 埋头苦干与信念和勇气为伴。
    She plodded on with faith and pluck.

  • 如果我陷入恐惧,就埋头苦干
    If I feel fear I will plunge ahead.

  • 别以为光靠埋头苦干就能取得成功。
    Do not esteem that mere hard work can earn you success.

  • 你该埋头苦干,做一些复习了。
    It's time you got your head down and did some revision.

  • 只有埋头苦干才能有希望提高生活水平。
    Only by keeping one's nose to the grindstone can one hope to improve one's standard of living.

  • 她是个勤奋的人,不管做什么都埋头苦干
    She is an industrious person; she puts her back into whatever she does.

  • 你必须停止抱怨并开始工作!埋头苦干吧!
    You need to quit complaining and get to work. Put your nose to the grindstone!

  • 这年头,只会埋头苦干的人是挣不了大钱的。
    These years those who're keeping their nose to the grindstone can't make bundles.

  • 少说空话,多做工作,扎扎实实,埋头苦干
    Talk less and do more work, down-to-earth and work hard.

  • 努力工作吧!工作能救你。埋头苦干可令你忘记痛楚。
    Work hard! Work will save you. Work is the only thing that will see you through this.

  • 员工们端坐在办公桌前或会议室里,各个都在埋头苦干
    People are at their desks or in meeting rooms, hard at work.

  • 吉姆的父亲埋头苦干,努力不懈,从而在事业上获得了成功。
    Jim's father succeeded in business by keeping his nose to the grindstone.

  • 她是办公室里埋头苦干的人, 大部分的工作都交给她去做。
    I asked him whether he had done all the work himself or whether he had had any assistance.

  • 她是办公室里埋头苦干的人, 大部分的工作都交给她去做。
    She's the willing horse in the office and so gets given most of the work to do.

  • 现在他内心里的最高愿望是过一种受人尊敬的、埋头苦干的生活。
    The highest desire of his soul just now was for a respectable life of painstaking.

  • 天地良心我可真的是在一个巨大的坟墓里头埋头苦干。点儿都不浪漫。
    Bones: I was literally neck deep in a mass grave. Not romantic.

  • 花时间与朋友在一起在压力重重的日子里,不要把自己锁起来埋头苦干
    Spend time with your friends During high-pressure periods, don't lock yourself in a room with your work.

  • 继续埋头苦干,试著别抱怨。你会得到所需之物,甚至还可以囤积起来。
    Continue with the drudgery and try not to complain. You'll be able to get what you need, and even store something away.

  • 花时间与朋友在一起在压力重重的日子里,不要把自己锁起来埋头苦干
    end time with your friends During high-pre ure periods, don't lock yourself in a room with your work.

  • 我一直都在训练中埋头苦干,我一直都把我最好的一面留给自己,献给俱乐部。
    I am working very hard in training and I always try to do my best for me and for the club.

  • 我所了解的这些奥运选手,为了那个辉煌的时刻,日复一日,年复一年地埋头苦干
    Month after month, year after year, Olympians I know go through a grind of pointing toward their big moment.

  • 目前尚未出世的千百万人将弯腰曲背埋头苦干,为我们今天要采取的步骤付出代价。
    Unborn millions will bend their backs in toil in order to pay for the terrible step we are now about to take.

  • 光是埋头苦干,从固定几个基本原理机械性地推导出所有可能的定理,是远远不够的。
    It does not suffice to grind away, mechanically deducing all the possible consequences of a fixed number of basic principles.

  • 矿工机器人永远都埋头苦干着,按照它们最后接到的指令,把这艘飞船修缮得尽善尽美。
    The pit droids remained, operating on their last command and rebuilding the ship to perfection.

  • “利物浦的球员们最好在最近的几个星期埋头苦干,忘掉有关曼联的一切东西。”他说道。
    "The best thing that everyone at Liverpool could do over the next few weeks is to forget all about Manchester United, " he said.

  • 索尼公司充满想象力,埋头苦干。经理人奋斗不息,工程师和设计师锐意创新,整个公司几乎所向无敌。
    Add imagination, grinding hard work, fiercely motivated managers and innovative engineers and designers, and the company seems almost impossible to beat.

  • 当你看到一位漂亮的办公小姐在埋头苦干的时候,千万不要以为……她在玩连连看,有时候,她也会忙老板活的!
    When you see a beautiful office at the grindstone, when Miss, do not think that she …PLAYING Lianliankan, sometimes, she would busy living the boss!

  • 埋头苦干造句相关
