
气势汹汹  qì shì xiōng xiōng








  • 但是美国舆论对中国仍然气势汹汹
    Nonetheless, the weight of opinion in America is running heavily against China.

  • 其中索尼和三星气势汹汹,各赢得三个席位。
    Sony and Samsung in which aggressive, won three seats.

  • 我正要驱车离开时,看到这辆大卡车气势汹汹地向我冲来。
    I was about to drive off when I saw this huge lorry bearing down on me.

  • 艾迪姨妈在过道里碰上我了,那眼神气势汹汹,怒火万丈。
    Aunt Addie confronted me in the hallway with burning, black eyes.

  • 瑟斯顿夫人气势汹汹走进那家“一流洗衣店”,要求见店主。
    Mrs. Thurston stormed into the A Laundry and demanded to see the owner. Mr.

  • 北方佬感到十分恼火,因为最近有那么多气势汹汹的黑人被杀了。
    And the Yankees are very upset because so many uppity darkies have been killed recently.

  • 我只是问问我是否能帮什么忙——用不着这么气势汹汹地回答我。
    I only asked if I could help-there's no need to snap my head off.

  • 所有的宾客都大声鼓掌,但是马克司非常生气,气势汹汹地冲上台去。
    All the guests applauded loudly; however, Max was outraged and stormed up to the stage.

  • 奥巴马表示内贾德必须对其人民发出回应,并说伊朗领导人气势汹汹
    Obama says Mahmoud Ahmadinejad must answer to his own people and he says Iran's leaders are behaving outrageously.

  • 面对曹操气势汹汹的大军,没有任何政治经验的刘琮又能耐我曹操如何?
    Cao Cao's army to face aggressive, there is no political experience of Liu Cong Cao also how I run?

  • 气势汹汹而说话又结结巴巴——这给了你多种可用以进行攻击的武器。
    He will bluster and fumble - giving you a variety of new weapons with which to attack him.

  • 哪知被救的女士一点也不感激,气势汹汹地对二人说:「你们两个是什麽人?」
    Who could have known that the lady they had saved was not grateful at all. Menacingly, she said to them: "Who the hell are you?""

  • 当该公司派出一帮气势汹汹、手抡大棒的大汉与市民搏斗时,平静的会议结束了。
    The peaceful meeting ended when the company set out a group of angry men armed with stick to fight with the citizens.

  • 他的态度似乎也平易了些,尽管仍然算不上友好,但肯定不那么唐突无理,气势汹汹了。
    His manner seemed easier and, while still not friendly, was certainly less brusque and not aggressive.

  • 汉利身材魁梧,仪表堂堂,表面看来有一股气势汹汹的样子,骨子里却是个胆小害羞的人。
    Hanley was a huge, florid man, with an outwardly bullying manner, which concealed a shy man underneath.

  • 当一波气势汹汹的下跌,或一波气势如虹的上涨开始时,我们首先应避其锐气,保持观望。
    When the wave of aggressive decline, or a wave of momentum to start up such as the rainbow, we should first avoid the drive to maintain the wait-and-see.

  • 在北部,“警卫旗队”师正在沿着雪地气势汹汹地展开攻势,目标直指苏军第3坦克集团军。
    From the north, the Leibstandarte Division was conducting an aggressive defence of its line in the snow, aimed at neutralizing the advance elements of the Soviet Third Tank Army.

  • 但西汉姆正气势汹汹,当迪恩•阿什顿为他们打入第二球后,我开始害怕我拿不到足总杯了。
    But Wset Ham were on fire, and when they scored again, through Dean Ashton, a fear kicked in that I was not going to get my hands on the FA Cup.

  • 而这些天来,拿破仑轻易不露面,整天就呆在庄主院里,那儿的每道门都由气势汹汹的狗把守着。
    In these days Napoleon rarely appeared in public, but spent all his time in the farmhouse, which was guarded at each door by fierce-looking dogs.

  • 中国正准备在世界贸易组织中与美国展开更加气势汹汹的争论,却没有足够的律师去做这件事情。
    China is gearing up to launch or fight World Trade Organization disputes with the U. S. more aggressively, but it doesn't have enough of its own lawyers to do it.

  • 当伊梅儿达的女婿气势汹汹要找克扣他工资的老板算帐时,她冷眼瞪着他说:“小鱼吃得了大鱼吗?”
    And when her son-in-law blustered about how he was going to get even with the boss who had docked his pay, Imelda fixed him with a cold eye and said, "Little fish does not eat big fish."

  • 法国博客圈也充斥着尖刻的反萨科奇评论,从他对劳力士表的品味到气势汹汹的保镖和在犯罪上的强硬政策。
    The French blogosphere, too, is filled with caustic anti-Sarkozy commentary, mocking everything from his taste for Rolex watches to his overbearing posse of bodyguards and his tough policies on crime.

  • 谦卑的领导者也可以积极进取,譬如在确定和实现重大的目标时;但同时他们又一点儿也不气势汹汹、咄咄逼人。
    Humble leaders also can be aggressive, for example in setting and achieving humongous goals, without being over-bearing or boorish.

  • 蒋介石为了消灭工农革命军,派国民党独立第三师师长许克祥带领两个团的兵力,气势汹汹直奔宜章,寻找我主力作战。
    JiangJieShi for exterminating the work agriculture revolutionary army, the parties Kuomintang independence is the third teacher XuKeXiang leads the soldier looks for me the main dint the battle.

  • 黑色的气势汹汹的海涛,浪涛与浪涛间的破坏性的升腾与撞击,那撞击的深度那时还无法估量,其强力也还没有人知道。
    The sea of black and threatening waters, and of destructive upheaving of wave against wave, whose depths were yet unfathomed and whose forces were yet unknown.

  • 玛丽亚·德米特里耶夫娜把眼镜拉到鼻梁上,头向后仰,站在大厅门口,显露出气势汹汹的严肃而暴躁的神态望着走进来的人。
    Marya Dmitryevna stood in the doorway of the hall, with her spectacles slipping down on her nose, and her head flung back, looking with a stern and irate face at the new-comers.

  • 那些非专利药品生产商发起的气势汹汹的价格战肯定会迫使那些药物价格下降80%甚至更多,此举将沉重打击著名制药公司的赢利。
    Aggressive pricing by generic-drugs manufacturers is sure to drive the prices of those drugs down by 80% or more, battering the profitability of branded firms.

  • 因为言语反映一个人的个性,所以在面试时你应该口齿清楚,声音大到能让人听见而又不至于气势汹汹盛气凌人,这样才能体现你的自信。
    Since speech is a reflection of personality, you should reflect confidence by speaking in a clear voice, loud enough to be heard without being aggressive or overpowering.

  • 我在一家邮局工作,习惯于应付有脾气的大众。因此,当一位十分生气的顾客气势汹汹来到我办工桌前,我用最语气平和地问道:“是什么问题?
    Working at the post office, I'm used to dealing with a moody public. So when one irate customer stormed my desk, I responded in my calmest voice, "What's the trouble?""

  • 即使他们不同意你的决定,他们也拿不出真正的力量来反对□他们所能做的不过是气势汹汹地叫嚣一阵,吓唬吓唬人罢了,过后还不是得乖乖地接受。
    Even if they don't approve of your decision, they've got no real power to oppose it - all they can do is rattle their sabers and then quietly accept it.

  • 气势汹汹造句相关
