
地动山摇  dì dòng shēn yáo







  • 随着地动山摇的一声巨响。
    With the booming sound which shakes the earth.

  • 安全工作最大的隐患是基础性隐患,基础不牢,地动山摇
    The hidden trouble with secure the biggest job is fundamental sex hidden danger, the base is not firm, quake hill shakes.

  • 一时间,地动山摇,在拉洛斯大军的脚下忽然出现了无数裂缝。
    The earth shook violently and tore open huge chasms beneath the feet of the Rallosian army.

  • 一场突如其来的地动山摇,坍塌了四川汶川,也摇动了半个亚洲。
    A sudden the mountains shake the earth will quake, the collapse of a four-Chuan Wenchuan, shaking a half in Asia.

  • 等我从我的山里出来代表团已经走了,是被这地动山摇给吓跑的。
    I emerged from my hill to find the deputation gone, panicked by the ground that shook and roared beneath them.

  • 也许让你愤怒要很大力气,但是一旦你发怒则地动山摇,人们四散逃窜。
    It may take a lot to push you over the edge, but when you get there, the earth shakes and people run for cover.

  • 地震使这里地动山摇,屋顶崩裂,建筑物纷纷倒塌,人们相继逃上街头。
    The earth shook and the roof suddenly divided, buildings crashed to the ground and people rushed out into the streets.

  • 小丧钟甲虫和普通丧钟甲虫免疫彼此的地动山摇能力,同时也免疫自身的。
    Lesser and Normal knell beetles are immune to each other's shake the earth ability, as well as their own.

  • 丧钟甲虫集体作战时会使用它们的地动山摇能力,尝试击倒尽可能多的敌人。
    Knell beetles in groups fight by using their shake the earth ability, and attempting to knock prone as many enemies as possible.

  • 当她吸气的时候,镀金的胸盔鼓起,她张开涂红的大嘴,发出地动山摇的高音。
    Her gilded bosom heaves as she inhales, opens her lipsticked maw and lets loose an earthshaking high note.

  • 14时28分。一场突如其来的地动山摇,坍塌了四川汶川,也摇动了半个亚洲。
    28. A sudden the mountains shake the earth will quake, the collapse of a four-Chuan Wenchuan, shaking a half in Asia.

  • 5英尺范围内的每只丧钟甲虫使用地动山摇能力都会使效果的作用半径增加5英尺。
    For every knell beetle within 5 feet using shake the earth, the radius of the effect expands by another 5 feet.

  • 地动山摇英雄获得地震技能,使之对敌方所有部队也有震动效果,伤害并震晕敌人。
    Shake Ground Hero acquires Earthquake spell and the ability to cast it with shaking effect, damaging and stunning all creatures on the battlefield.

  • 丧钟甲虫免疫自身和其他丧钟甲虫引发的地动山摇效果,对此效果不需进行豁免检定。
    Knell beetles are immune to shake the earth generated by themselves or other knell beetles and never need to save against the effect.

  • 5月12日,北川县曲山镇59岁的张贵清正在干农活,突然地动山摇,田地裂开了口子。
    Zhang Guiqing, 59, was working on the farm when the earth shook and the field split under his feet on May 12.

  • 如果多只丧钟甲虫在同一轮启动它们的地动山摇能力,效果的作用半径由于地面的共振叠加而增大。
    If multiple knell beetles activate their shake the earth ability in the same round, the radius of the effect expands as the resonance in the ground combines.

  • 地动山摇(Ex):丧钟甲虫可以用一个标准动作,通过有节奏的跺踏地面来导出体内的音波能量。
    Shake the Earth(Ex): A knell beetle can channel some of the sonic energy within its body by performing a rhythmic stomping on the ground as a standard action.

  • 5月12日是2008年的普通的一个日子。可就在这一天,地动山摇的地震在中国的四川发生了。
    May 12th is an ordinary day in 2008 it is in this day that shocking earthquake happened in Sichuan province China.

  • 越南民众对布什总统来访的欢迎热情丝毫不亚于2000年克林顿总统来访时所产生的地动山摇的效果。
    The president's welcome by the public was much less enthusiastic than the rock-star treatment afforded President Clinton when he came in 2000.

  • 地动山摇(Ex):这个能力的作用和普通丧钟甲虫的地动山摇能力一样,但是反射豁免的DC是17。
    Shake the Earth(Ex): This ability functions just as a normal knell beetle's shake the earth ability, except the Reflex save DC is 17.

  • 英格兰之传统普及文化如果还未被彻底消灭的话,最低限度亦已被工业革命所带来地动山摇的剧变所瓦解。
    The traditional popular culture of England was, if not annihilated, at least fragmented and weakened by the dislocation of the Industrial Revolution.

  • 如果我们辛辛苦苦地把财富管道建在地震带上或沙漠里,基础不牢,必定会地动山摇,其努力的结果可想而知。
    If we worked hard to bring wealth to build pipelines to bring in an earthquake or the desert, a solid foundation, the earth will shake, the result of their efforts can be imagined.

  • 力量之源 基础不牢,地动山摇。“如果我们的基层党组织都不起作用了,那么我们的事业不是建立在沙滩上吗?
    If leading Party group knitted our basic level not to act well, so is our career to build be on the beach?

  • 和它们较大的同胞一样,小丧钟甲虫喜好集团进攻,使用它们的地动山摇能力和音波尖啸来伤害敌人并互相治疗。
    Like their large brethren, lesser knell beetles seek to attack in groups, using their shake the earth ability and sonic screeches to both deal damage on their foes and heal each other.

  • 尽管恩多土著的伊渥克很勇敢,但看到走起路来地动山摇、如雷声滚滚的哥拉克斯巨人时,最勇敢的武士有也难免心生恐惧。
    As brave as the native Ewoks of Endor are, the thundering ground-shaking presence of a Gorax giant is enough to frighten even the greatest warrior.

  • 妈妈,别哭,我去了天堂,随着地动山摇的一声巨响,我看见你跌坐在嘈杂的操场,撕心裂肺的呼喊还在我的耳旁。
    Mother, please don't cry, I went to paradise With the tremendous sound of the shaking of the ground I saw you sink down on the chaoti…

  • 无数的宠物饲养者声称在地动山摇之前曾经看到过他们的猫或狗的奇怪的行为——莫名其妙地吠叫不止,或表现出紧张或者坐立不安。
    Countless pet owners claimed to have witnessed their cats and dogs acting strangely before the ground shook-barking or whining for no apparent reason, or showing signs of nervousness and restlessness.

  • 谈起今年地动山摇的“改制”,王明舟非常平静地说:“其实我们内部早就企业化、市场化了,这也是我们近年迅速成长的源泉和动力。
    Talk of this year's ground, " " strypped scapho very calmly Wang Ming said, " we internal early enterprisized marketalization, which is our source of rapidly growing and dynamic.

  • 本周「台湾历史之窗」特别邀请中央大学历史系研究生李泰翰执笔,藉由回顾台湾历史上一次次地动山摇的地震灾难,让读者从灾难史的脉络瞭解台湾的历史。
    This week's Window on Taiwan is written by Lee Tai-Han, graduate student in history at National Central University. Lee takes a look at the repeated earthquakes in Taiwan's history.

  • 地动山摇造句相关
