
密锣紧鼓  mì luó jǐn gǔ






  • 所有这些初步研究结果,是受审计密锣紧鼓地进行。
    All of these preliminary findings are subject to the audits currently underway.

  • 对于创业板股票上市规则的征求意见在密锣紧鼓地进行。
    For the GEM listing rules of stock advice in currently underway.

  • 为了抓紧中国入世带来的巨大商机,正密锣紧鼓地重新激活在苏州的项目。
    In order to grasp the huge opportunities in China following its WTO entry, the Group is now making active preparations to reactivate its Suzhou subsidiary.

  • 新的国语敬拜专辑正密锣紧鼓地在预备与录音,恳求创造源头的主帮助我们。
    We have begun to prepare and record our new Mandarin worship album. Please pray that God would be glorified throughout this project.

  • 短宣队抵达之际,即展开密锣紧鼓的行程,随东道教会的安排出席,带领不同的聚会;
    As soon as teams arrive, they begin their programme. They will join meetings or lead meetings arranged by the host church.

  • 富力、保利、雅居乐、奥园集团、中原地产等发展商、代理商等均密锣紧鼓地筹备上市。
    Bodied, Paul Lee, Garden music, Aoyuanjituan, Centaline, developers, Agents all making preparations for the listing.

  • 在之后的情况介绍中,李江律师表示,现在凤铝的律师团仍然在密锣紧鼓的收集相关的证据。
    After the briefing, the lawyer said Li Jiang, Feng aluminum lawyers are still busy collecting relevant evidence.

  • 据悉,赤岗涌正在密锣紧鼓的整治当中,目前,首期工程已经接近尾声,而光是首期工程,投资就达到了850万元。
    It is understood that the rectification of Chigang Chung is underway, at present, the first phase is drawing to a close, and the first phase alone, investments reached 850 million.

  • 新的国语敬拜专辑正密锣紧鼓地在预备与录音,我们还需要创作几首诗歌及为诗歌来编曲,恳求创造源头的主感动我们。
    We have begun to prepare and record our new Mandarin worship album. Please pray that God would be glorified throughout this project.

  • 来到华南新城的时候正是周六,华南新城的售楼部正在密锣紧鼓的装修,据说售楼部的变身是“为了迎接五一”的销售高潮。
    to South China Metro time is Saturday, the South China Metro sales of the renovation is underway, said the Ministry of sales read financial clues "to meet 51" sales peak.

  • 北京)自一系列突发的、令人尴尬的受污染出口物品被回收的丑闻后,中国正密锣紧鼓地进行巩固其作为超级出口国信誉的工作。
    BEIJING: China is intensifying a campaign to shore up its reputation as a trading powerhouse following a spate of embarrassing product recalls and contamination scandals.

  • 殊不知背后有个阴谋正密锣紧鼓进行中,邪恶的女王竟打算用这支号角来唤醒蛰伏已久的邪恶梦神,并献公主作祭品,藉此巩固王座。
    But what Conan doesn't know is that the Queen plans to use the horn to awaken the dreaming god Dagoth and sacrifice the princess to him!

  • 除了密锣紧鼓筹备演唱会之外,阿梅更马不停蹄工作及参与慈善演出,并在百忙中抽空参加访京团,为业界出一分力,向中央领导层表达意见。
    Besides preparing for her own concert, she is busy with charity work, also she will join the delegation to visit Beijing to have meeting with the Central Government.

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