
因小失大  yīn xiǎo shī dà







  • 当你屈服于想象,就等于因小失大
    When you yield to imagination, something great disappears behind something small.

  • 当你屈服于想象,就等于因小失大
    When you yield to imagination, something great disappears behind something *all.

  • 这是可能的,但不能因小失大
    It is possible, but can't keep the tail from wagging the dog.

  • 不要为了驱鼠而而焚烧房屋;勿因小失大
    Burn not your house to rid of the mouse.

  • 不要为了驱鼠而焚烧房屋(勿因小失大)。
    Burn not your house to rid it of the mouse.

  • 吝惜半便士柏油而毁坏一只船(因小失大)。
    It is useless spoiling the ship for a ha'p'orth of tar.

  • 这样做是没有错,不过很多时候,变成因小失大
    There is an old saying, "You never go broke taking a small profit."

  • 不要因小失大(把下金蛋的鹅给杀了,那怎么行?)
    Kill the goose that lay the gold egg.

  • 在处理公司事务时一定要记得顾全大局,不要因小失大
    We should keep the tail from wagging the dog to deal with all the things.

  • 公共教育是对未来的一项投资,缩减教育预算会因小失大
    Education budgets cuts are penny wise and pound foolish since public education is an investment for future.

  • 他转身问军师:“朋友.你对这个因小失大的猴子有何想法?
    He turned to his counselor and asked: "Friend, what do you think of this monkey who would give up so much to retrieve so little?"

  • 还是找人开机检查吧,之前大家也提醒过了,小心因小失大
    And we have just one world, but we live in different ones.

  • 不要因小失大。(便宜没好货。)到头来廉价汽油只会损坏引擎。
    Don't be penny wise and pound foolish. The cheap gas will ruin your car's engine in the long run.

  • 许多女性都有过这种因小失大的经历,但痛心疾首后却屡教不改。
    Many women have been penny wise and pound this experience, but hate bitterly later recidivism.

  • 如果对战争有利,就不要计较一次战役的得失。(不要因小失大
    Don't hesitate to lose a battle if it helps you win the war.

  • 不要因小失大。(便宜没好货。)到头来廉价汽油只会损坏引擎。
    Aon't be penny wise and pound foolish. The cheap gas will ruin your car's engine in the long run.

  • 公共教育是对未来的一项投资,削减教育预算的做法真是因小失大
    Education budget cuts are penny wise pound foolish since public education is an investment in our future.

  • 如果你在工作上遇到了困难,一定要顾全大局,千万不要因小失大
    If you have trouble in work, you should keep the tail from wagging the dog.

  • 禁止在办公室打私人电话其实不能减少多少开支;反而是因小失大
    Forbidding private phone calls in the office cannot really reduce the company's expenses; it's just being penny wise and pound foolish.

  • 公共教育是我们未来的一项投资,消减教育预算的做法真是因小失大
    Education budget cuts are penny wise and pound foolish since public education is an investment in our future .

  • 公共教育是我们对未来的一项投资,削减教育预算的做法会因小失大
    Education budget cuts is a penny wise and pound foolish , since public education is an investment in our future.

  • 倘若患者盲目自诊自医,往往会因小失大,造成不可避免的“麻烦”。
    If patient from examines blindly from the medicine, will often be penny-wise and pound foolish, will create inevitably "troublesome".

  • 公共教育是我们对未来的一项投资,消减教育预算的做法真是因小失大
    Education budget cuts are penny wise and pound foolish since public education is an investment in our future.

  • 有人争辩说,加入西欧共同市场英国将失去民族权利和优势,是因小失大
    It was argued that by joining the Common Market Britain would be giving away her national rights and advantage for a pottage of gentiles.

  • 公共教育是对我们未来的一项投资,削减教育的预算的做法真是因小失大
    Education budget cuts are penny wise and pound foolish since public education is an investment in our future.

  • 我们必须理性思考,万不能因个人得失而感情用事,以免误下判断,因小失大
    Be rational in our thinking and not be too emotional. We may be jumping from the frying pan into the fire.

  • 在某一个时段可能达到暂时的完美,但是不断追求完美,从长远看必然会因小失大
    At a certain time to reach the perfect time being, but the constant pursuit of perfection, in the long run is bound to penny wise and pound foolish.

  • 翻新机的细节总还是有迹可循的,需要购买的玩家请多加检查,切勿贪便宜因小失大
    Retreading machine's detail always has the mark to follow, needs to purchase plays the family please to inspect, is sure not to greedy for petty profit is penny-wise and pound foolish.

  • 进一步来说,盗版对消费者也是无益的。因为,随着时间的推移,消费者会感受到因小失大的痛苦。
    However, piracy doesn't benefit those customers who buy the pirated products, because in the long run , customers will suffer a big loss for the sake of small gains.

  • 这种因小失大的现象我们屡见不鲜,因此在生活中我们要一步一个脚印,慎小慎微地做好每一件工作。
    That very often there is the phenomenon of penny wise and pound foolish, so we want to in life one step at a time, carefully to do a good job each and every small piece of work.

  • 因小失大造句相关
