
不自量力  bù zì liàng lì








  • 试图解决这个问题的人是不自量力
    Trying to solve that problem is to go beyond her depth for Lily.

  • 贪多嚼不烂。别不自量力
    Don't bite off more than you can chew.

  • 贪多嚼不烂。/别不自量力
    Do not bite off more than you can chew.

  • 贪多嚼不料。/别不自量力
    Don't bite off more than you can chew.

  • 只是表明他不自量力而已。
    It would merely serve to show more of their incompetence.

  • 你到这里来是因为你不自量力,不知自重。
    You are here because you have failed in humility, in self-discipline .

  • 沉重的铁门嘲笑我们不自量力,无法打开。
    The heavy steel doors mocked our attempts to open them.

  • 不要申请那份工作,以免有不自量力之嫌。
    Don't apply for that job: you're in danger of overreaching yourself.

  • 每个贷款使用者都有可能作出不自量力的事。
    Any users of credit may overextend themselves.

  • 每个贷款使用者都有可能作出不自量力的事。
    Someone maybe charge thing to my credit this very minute.

  • 这么大的工程你能拿下来?我看你有点不自量力
    Can you cope with such a huge project?I'm afraid you have overrated your own abilities a bit.

  • 不要赤手空拳对付刺猬和箭猪。(不要不自量力
    Don't kill hedgehogs and porcupines with your bare fists.

  • 本:对,不错,是我不自量力,明知自己笨的要死。
    Ben: Yeah right, dad, but what would I do with that? We both know I'm no Einstein.

  • 这些国家只是想超过我们的金牌总数,太不自量力了。
    These countries are merely trying to surpass our gold-medal total, which is foolhardy.

  • 他自己动手修理这辆汽车,但是现在他认识到自己不自量力了。
    He started to repair the car himself , but realized that he had bitten off more than he could chew.

  • 两个不自量力的安森人试图绑架奥菲,这是他们计划当中的一部分。
    As part of the intrigue, a pair of bumbling Ansionians attempted to kidnap Offee.

  • 如果他那样做,他的确是不自量力,因为那个冠军选手从未被击败。
    If he does so, he really goes beyond his depth, for the champion is never defeated.

  • 他说要成为作家,但是他甚至连一篇作文也写不成。他真是不自量力呀。
    He said he was going to be writer, but he can't even write a composition. He has bitten off more than he can chew.

  • 自从那天在雨夜里碰到你,我就一直在做不自量力的事,我做得也很辛苦。
    Since the rainy night when I met you, I've been taking myself a bit too seriously, and I've been working hard.

  • 不过,这只纯种宠物大啖一条粉红色超性感蕾丝丁字裤后,尝到「不自量力」的苦果。
    But the pedigree pet bit off more than he could chew when he nibbled on a pink lace G-string.

  • 书桓:我是没有资格不许你走,我也没有资格为你开刀,我一直就是个不自量力的人!
    Shuhuan:My name is He shuhuan, I don't know whether Yiping has mentioned me or not.

  • 比较同意猫猫说的这一句话:人。还是要对自己有一定的认识。不要做不自量力的事情…
    You don't love a woman because she is beautiful, but she is beautiful because you love her.

  • 在商品价格高、信贷较容易获取的时候,包括塔塔汽车在内的某些公司就有些不自量力了。
    Some, including Tata Motors, overextended themselves when commodity prices were high and credit was easy to come by.

  • 她的血肉是闪亮的白银,用她不自量力的敌手们的鲜血修饰,似乎已经与她火红的盔甲融为了一体。
    Her flesh was shining silver, polished with the blood of her enemies, and seemed to merge with her flame-mirrored armor.

  • 我的好强,好胜,让我有点不自量力。就象猴子因贪心,手里最后什么也没有。想抓的太多,结果什么也抓不到。
    I gave myself too much work more than what I can take it .   People always say you will get nothing if you are too greedy.

  • 尽管我们已经不自量力、超额举债,而且也有人棒喝警示过我们,可我们心里清楚终有一天我们还会再去那么做的。
    Even though we've overreached (and overborrowed), and been reminded of some home truths, we know that one day we'll reach out once more.

  • 过去几个世纪的欧洲历史可以看成是奥斯曼帝国烈焰般的征服与一些恼人的蕞尔小邦不自量力阻挡其扩张之路的历史。
    The history of Europe over the last centuries can be seen as the history of the Ottoman Empire and a few annoying, small nations that thwarted Ottoman ambitions.

  • 穆勒凭着强大的演员阵容赢得了评论家们的好评。但是那些涌入利多岛参加第61届威尼斯电影节的制片人、评论家和影迷们却认为组织者有些不自量力
    He wowed critics with his line-up, but producers, publicists and movie goers who flocked to the Lido for the 61st edition of the festival say organizers bit off more than they could chew .

  • 昨天,老贝利里的人们听到了有关一位领养老金者不自量力地企图在伦敦银行胁持人质并抢劫85,000英镑的一个离奇故事,当时在场的人都听得人迷了。
    The Old Bailey listened spellbound yesterday to the tale of a pensioner's doomed attempt to hold hostages at a London bank and rob it of &85, 000.

  • 我很想嘲笑自己的不自量力,但我总不愿意放弃造梦的权利;我还在相信我可以拥有很幸福的生活,如果可以给我一个缺口,让我向上攀缘,我会看到蓝天,也能享受阳光的沐浴。
    i want to laugh at myself, i am always making a daydream …however, i still believe one day i can have a look of blue sky and enjoy of a sunlight shower, only my MR.

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