
国破家亡  guó pò jiā wáng








  • 面对国破家亡的局势,屈原于是年自沉汨罗。
    Facing the situation of country perishes, Quyuan drowned oneself Miluo in this year.

  • 就如《三国演义》中的皇帝,安逸就会国破家亡
    Like "Romance of Three Kingdoms" in the emperor, would ease the country seen their homes destroyed death.

  • 她经历了国破家亡的易代巨变,也尝尽了人世的辛酸苦辣。
    She lived through catastrophes of family and nation when dynasties shifted, and suffered various adversities.

  • 我不仅感到一陈惋惜,现在奸臣当道,爱国人士得不到重用,国破家亡也是迟早之事。
    I am not only sorry I Chen, a traitor now in power, patriotic people who are not reusable, the country is, sooner or later perish matter.

  • 乍闻败讯,以利往后跌倒,摔断头颈而死──这真是一幕国破家亡、令人伤心落泪的景象。
    Upon hearing the news, Eli falls backward and breaks his neck—a pathetic picture of a broken man and a broken nation.

  • 他们在每一次国破家亡的灾难中,都迈向了更遥远的他乡,并创造了一个又一个的文化遗迹。
    Everytime when their home meets the disaster, they have to move to another place and their culture remained as the relics.

  • 很多诗都是诗人在国破家亡时所作,比如花蕊夫人所作:十四万人齐解甲,更无一个是男儿。
    A lot of poetry are poets in the country made death, such as by 人: disarmament, demobilization and Qi 140, 000 people, but no one is man.

  • 仿若一梦之间,“国破家亡”四个字硬生生摆在我眼前,我的王甚至没来得及跟我作最后的诀别。
    My fond dream is dashed all of sudden by the devastation of our country, and there is no time for us to make a final parting.

  • 只有不懂历史的人才会天真的认为,国破家亡的伊拉克人会对“解放”他们的入侵者感恩戴德,感谢他们带来了一个民主政府。
    Only an historical illiterate would have assumed that the divided Iraqis were bound to thank their invading liberators and coalesce in democratic government. He was convinced that he was right;

  • 只有不懂历史的人才会天真的认为,国破家亡的伊拉克人会对“解放”他们的入侵者感恩戴德,感谢他们带来了一个民主政府。
    Only an historical illiterate would have assumed that the divided Iraqis were bound to thank their invading liberators and coalesce in democratic government.

  • 于是我想起了犹太人,看看现今有太名族的成就,国破家亡反倒是一个名族自我救赎愈发灿烂的催化剂了。国家与民族,是要区分界定的。
    Then i think of the Jew and their great achievements. Lost motherland stimulate and inspire them to make their culture more brilliant.

  • 陈与义(1090-1139),字去非,号简斋,北宋末南宋初的诗人。他写诗学习杜甫,抒写国破家亡的苦痛和颠沛流离的生活,气势雄浑,情调苍凉。
    Chen Yuyi (1090-1139) was a famous poet in the period bet ween the end of the Northern Song Dynasty and the beginning of the southern Song Dynasty.

  • 国破家亡造句相关
