
国泰民安  guó tài mín ān








  • 火树银花不夜天,国泰民安庆千年”!
    "Fiery trees and silver flowers not nocturnal day, chiliad of Guo Taimin Anqing " !

  • 我的祖国国泰民安走向昌盛我的灵魂富有;
    The prosperous my soul in peaceful alignment in people in country 泰 in my motherland is full of;

  • 国泰民安的基础,就是全力缓解人民内部矛盾。
    The base that Guo Taimin brings, alleviate with all one's strength namely people interior is contradictory.

  • 将这些特质应用在国家社会的治理上,使得国泰民安,这就是人和。
    Applying the specialties to governance of a country could make the country peaceful and prosperous, which is human harmony.

  • 尽管有马可波罗传说的国泰民安和繁荣景象,但一切并非表面那样十分平静。
    Despite Marco Polo's tales of peace and prosperity, all was not quite so quiet as it appeared.

  • 在君王与臣民之间,君王的职责就是让人民安居乐业,衣食无忧,国泰民安
    xfhsm_ENG:In the relationship between ruler and subjects, it is the ruler's duty to keep the people honestly employed.

  • 因为我想有了管理政治的能力,可以把整个国家管理的很好,并且国泰民安!!
    Because I have power to govern politics I can organize the country and make sure everyone is in peace.

  • 以前,我们是落后就要挨打的弱国,而现在,我们变成了国泰民安的泱泱大国!
    Previously, we have to take a beating behind a weak country, and now we become a new prime minister of the great country!

  • 只有社会局势安定,才能谈到经济发展、文教事业的推展、富足和国泰民安的生活。
    Only with social stability can we develop economy, education and cultural affairs so that people can live a happy life.

  • 为了我国的稳定繁荣,国泰民安,政府做出巨大的努力去达到这个目标。我们也应如此!
    For the country enjoying stability and prosperity, and the people live in peace, government make great effort to reach the target, so do we.

  • 欣逢盛世,国泰民安,正好安享太平,但是,一个清醒的民族更应居安思危,盛不忘衷。
    Glad meets flourishing age, guo Taimin is installed, how does as it happens enjoy peace and tranquility, but, a sober nation more Ying Juan thinks of danger, fill do not forget heart.

  • 猴年来临之际,申城大街小巷的建筑物都披上了节日的盛装,一派国泰民安的祥和景象。
    Year approaching, the largest city buildings are festooned in its holiday best. Faction our country is prosperous and peaceful life.

  • 民间寺庙择日建醮,给神祇们焚烧金纸箔,迎吉避邪祈福降民,永保国泰民安、风调雨顺。
    An auspicious day was chosen on which to conduct this temple ceremony of burning paper money for the gods' blessings.

  • 妳长得国泰民安,妳长得用心良苦,妳长得鬼斧神工,妳长得劳苦功高,妳长得缺心少肺。
    You look to be tranquil and peaceful, you look good, you look uncanny workmanship, you Laokugonggao much longer, you lack the heart grow less lung.

  • 这两点关键帮了小王子很大的忙,他平安地做了五年国王,这五年国家风调雨顺、国泰民安
    Keys gave the little prince a lot of help, he had done king safely for five years, this five-year national weather prime minister.

  • 6月11日,我市举行了以“安全发展、国泰民安”为主题的“安全生产宣传咨询日”活动。
    June 11, the city held a "safe development of new prime minister" as the theme of "security advisory on the production of propaganda".

  • 将这些特质应用在国家社会的治理上,使得国泰民安,这就是人和。人和者,我们称之谓人乐。
    Applying the specialties to governance of a country could make the country peaceful and prosperous, which is called human harmony. Those that conform to human harmony are called Human Joy.

  • 孔子为了实践自己的理想,期望天下政府都能按他的政治观念去治理国家,以达国泰民安的境界。
    To fulfill his ideal, Confucius expected that all governments could govern their countries by his way, so as to be prosperous and safe.

  • 神愿万人得救,于是保罗敦促我们求神赐智慧给「一切在位的」,叫腐败的统治者也会谋求国泰民安
    God wants everyone to be saved, so Paul urged that we ask God to give wisdom "to all in authority" so that even corrupt rulers would work for peaceful conditions.

  • 五牛聚首,祝愿国泰民安和新中国60年的非凡历程和崇高祝福,形成完美绝配,任何形式都无法替代。
    Penta-Bull here, and wish the new prime minister of New China 60 years of remarkable history and a lofty wish to form a perfect match, in any form can not be an alternative.

  • 孔子为了实践自己的理想,期望天下政府都能按照他的政治理念去治理国家,以达到国泰民安的理想境界。
    To fulfill his ideal, Confucius expected that all governments could govern their countries by his way, so as to be prosperous and safe.

  • 风景如画的母亲河与如斧劈沟壑一般的峡江,浮云环绕,波澜壮阔的江山,景色怡人、美丽激昂、国泰民安
    picturesque Mother River and Three Gorges, such as ax gully general, clouds, surrounded by magnificent rivers and mountains, scenic, beautiful and passionate, peace and prosperity;

  • 息孟执政期间,犹大国泰民安,他只谋求自己民族的福利,因此对他的统治,人民心悦诚服。他的荣耀一生常存。
    The land was at rest all the days of Simon, who sought the good of his nation. His people were delighted with his power and his magnificence throughout his reign.

  • 后来在同一天,奇贝吉讲道,“只要能够保证国泰民安”,他很乐意与反对党展开谈话——这是他第一次这样发言。
    Later the same day Mr Kibaki said, for the first time, that he was willing to talk to the opposition "once the nation is calm".

  • 改革开放以来,中国取得了举世瞩目的伟大成就,经济迅速发展人民生活水平显著提高,国泰民安,社会安定团结。
    China has maintained social stability as it achieved rapid economic growth and raised people's living standards through reform and opening up to the outside world over the past two decades.

  • 我国局势稳定,国泰民安,主要是建立在人民团结,宗教和谐的基础上,加强各族群团结和谐的工作是求存的基本条件。
    The stability and prosperity we enjoy today and, moreover, our country's very survival all hinge on a people of various races and religions bound together harmoniously.

  • 如果不想达成『风调雨顺,国泰民安』的远大目标,意识能量是可以从宗教里头切割出来单独作业,成为一种新兴的产业。
    If we can put aside the grand goals of "fair wind and national prosperity" for the time being, it is possible to take mental energy out of religious context and turn it into a new industry.

  • “紫气东来,盛世久安”代表着“广东东盛医疗器材有限公司”对和谐社会,国泰民安,以及国家科技发展与进步的一种良好祝愿。
    "From east comes auspicious air, the world will be peaceful and prosperous forever", that is our best wishes to the society and people.

  • 这一天,位于凤凰山麓的南宋皇宫内正在举行宋皇寿宴,各种歌舞、杂技此起彼伏,笙歌管弦,热闹非凡,一派国泰民安,歌舞升平的景象。
    That day, the Emperor's birthday party was being held in the palace. The party was going on in full blast with songs, dances and acrobatics that provided a magnificent spectacle.

  • 我国局势稳定,国泰民安,主要是建立在人民''。'团结'。'',宗教和谐的基础上,加强各族群''。'团结'。''和谐的工作是求存的基本条件。
    The stability and prosperity we enjoy today and, moreover, our country's very survival all hinge on a people of various races and religions bound together harmoniously.

  • 国泰民安造句相关
