
含苞欲放  hán bāo yù fàng






  • 人们常把她比作含苞欲放的花。
    She has often been compared to a building flower.

  • 在这首诗里含苞欲放的花朵是指青春。
    In this poem the budding flower means youth.

  • 一盆含苞欲放的菊花,能带给我们由衷的喜悦;
    One chrysanthemum be in bloom can bring us pleasure by heart.

  • 昨天出门时还是含苞欲放,现在却是盛放的了。
    When going out yesterday, still be in bud, now is of Cheng Fang however.

  • 你会看到它的美含苞欲放,藏在你生命的瞬间里。
    You just have to see that it's rapped in beauty and hidden away between the seconds of your life.

  • 你会看到它的美含苞欲放,藏在你生命的瞬间里。
    You just have to see that it's wrapped in beauty and hidden away between the seconds of your life.

  • 从近处看,有的花朵含苞欲放,有的半开半合,有的全开了。
    From the near view, and some flowers Hanbaoyufang, and some half-open half-Hop, and some full-of.

  • 黄花在八月中旬含苞欲放,待到九月初花重四野,遍地金黄。
    Goldenrod comes by mid-August, rises to a peak of golden abundance in early September.

  • 黄花在八月中旬含苞欲放,待到九月初花重四野,遍地金黄。
    Goldenrod comes by mid-August, but rises to a peak of golden abundance in early September.

  • 正院南房东西坎墙上是一幅牡丹含苞欲放图和荷花亭亭玉立图。
    Hospitals in Southernxi kan landlord is the wall is a peony flowers archean bao yu fang maps and plans.

  • 这些含苞欲放的野花静静地守望这片土地,注视着蜿蜒向前的长城。
    Blossoming wild flowers quietly guard the land, keeping watch on the Great Wall as it zigzags into the horizon.

  • 在幽谷的深处,在落日的余辉之中,苹果树正摇曳着含苞欲放的花蕾;
    valley, in the twilight, the apple trees were on the eve of blossoming;

  • 碧莲峰,是阳朔县城标志之一,此山因形似一朵含苞欲放的碧莲而得名。
    Bi Lianfeng, Yangshuo County is one of the signs, the shape of the mountain due to a Hanbaoyufang named for the Bi-lian.

  • 在我家附近的一间小破屋子里,仿佛半有一个小生命就要绽开,却又含苞欲放
    Near my home in a small yard , as if there is a small half-life is necessary to bloom .

  • 我喜欢的季节不是含苞欲放的春天,不是激烈热情的夏天,而是舒坦安逸的秋天。
    The season that I like is not the spring with buds just ready to burst, it is not fierce and hospitable summer, but comfortable and easy autumn.

  • 艺术家说青春是含苞欲放的花,舞蹈家说青春是最美的旋律,诗人说清楚是希望的萌芽。
    Say artists are the flower of youth, said dancers are the most beautiful melody of youth, the poet clearly hope that the seeds are.

  • 取兰花新鲜花朵,在干燥过程中手工将兰花的花萼片收拢做成兰花含苞欲放的花蕾状干花。
    Fetch the orchid fresh flowers, furl their sepals by handwork in the period of evaporation to make a bud-shaped dried flower.

  • 我几乎不能相信,眼前这个病弱憔悴的人,就是我曾经热恋过的、含苞欲放的、健美的姑娘。
    I wish to say at this place that the beauty of king Dahfu's person prevailed with me as much as his words.

  • 我几乎不能相信,眼前这个病弱憔悴的人,就是我曾经热恋过的、含苞欲放的、健美的姑娘。
    Hardly could I believe the melancholy and sickly figure before me to be the remains of the lovely, blooming, healthful girl on whom I had once doted.

  • 我几乎不能相信,眼前这个病弱憔悴的人,就是我曾经热恋过的、含苞欲放的、健美的姑娘。
    could I believe the melancholy and sickly figure before me to be the remains of the lovely, blooming, healthful girl on whom I had once doted.

  • 相传东汉时,有个姓麻的官吏,夜里做了个梦,自己从江水中垂钓上来一朵含苞欲放的荷花。
    When hands down the Eastern Han Dynasty, has the surname hemp's government official, night had a dream, oneself fish the lotus which from the river water desire in bud puts.

  • 水晶般的雨滴沾在上面,好似给含苞欲放的紫玉兰披上了一件晶莹剔透的珍珠外衣,美丽极了!
    James crystal above the rain, like the Purple Magnolia to put on a coat pearl crystal clear, very beautiful!

  • 有温情的女人是最美的,当一个女人心中珍藏了爱神的时候,她的内心就是春天里含苞欲放的玉兰花。
    A warmth is the most beautiful woman, when a woman hearts of the Treasures of Eros, her heart is in the spring of magnolias, Hanbaoyufang.

  • 在同一棵梅树上,可以看到各种梅花的姿态,给人一种清新自然有的才含苞欲放,粉红的花苞鲜嫩可爱;
    At the same plum tree, you can see the plum of the gesture, it gives a fresh and clean with some , lovely fresh pink bud;

  • 不久之后,含苞欲放的花骨朵出来了,像一位害羞的少女,双手紧紧地捂住脸,不让别人看到她美丽的容颜。
    Soon after, the out , like a shy girl, his hands tightly over his face, not allowing people to see her beautiful face.

  • 每年四月是她的神圣月,因为当时花草树木含苞欲放,或者正如希腊神话所说的,阿多尼斯从冥世返回人间。
    The month of April was held sacred to her, for then the flowers bud and plants shoot; or, as the Greek myth expresses it, Adonis comes back from the under-world.

  • 春花含苞欲放,绿叶缓缓舒展,溪水潺潺流淌,欢乐的春天涌现着无限的追求和希望,这一切难以用语言倾诉表达。
    Spring has so much more than speech in its unfolding flowers and leaves, and the coursing of its streams, and in its sweet restless seeking!

  • 绿色的山坡上开满了含苞欲放的各色小花,像给山冈铺上了一块彩色的绒毯······一只小蝴蝶还在和花儿嬉戏呢!
    Green hillside full of flowers of different colors of like to hill covered with a piece of carpet color is still a small butterflies and flowers play it!

  • 在其东面大约半公里的阳朔大桥南桥头有所谓的“观莲处”,从这里看碧莲峰,最像浴水而出、亭亭玉立、含苞欲放的莲花。
    In its east about half a kilometre south of Yangshuo Bridge bridge the so-called "concept of the Lotus", from here to see the Bi Lianfeng, like the bath water out, Tingtingyuli, Hanbaoyufang Lotus.

  • 一朵花,在每一阶段都是相同的,无论是尽情绽放的花朵还是含苞欲放的花骨朵,都是这朵花-----一朵时刻展示自己潜能的花。
    A flower is not better when it blooms than when it is merely a bud; at each stage it is the same thing -a flower in the process of expressing its potential.

  • 含苞欲放造句相关
