
名山大川  míng shān dà chuān








  • 我独自一亻行遍名山大川和原始森林。
    I traveled most of the mountains and virgin forest alone.

  • 您能告诉我你们国家有什么名山大川吗?
    Can you tell me if there are any famous mountains and great rivers in your country?

  • 我更喜欢自然景观,比如山水风光、名山大川之类的。
    Smith: Er… I prefer to see some natural scenery, such as, landscapes, famous mountains and great rivers, and so on.

  • 这不是名山大川,却有着峭壁怪石那凌空欲飞的景观。
    but it has the landscape of cliff and strange stones high up in the air and seems to be flying.

  • 我的家乡被许多小山环绕,它们比一些名山大川还要漂亮。
    There are many hills around my home village and they are more beautiful than some big mountains.

  • 全国各地的电信卡发行部门,都有名山大川题材的电话卡发行。
    Each place telecommunicationcard release department, all has the famed scenery theme the telephonecard release.

  • 随着中国旅游事业的开发,将有更多的“名山大川”陆续浮出水面。
    Along with the China tourism development, will have much "the famedscenery" to float the water surface one after another.

  • 我九岁就开始游览祖国的许多名山大川,登攀雄伟壮观的万里长城;
    My nine-year-old began to visit the motherland of many famous mountains and rivers, climb the magnificent Great Wall;

  • 他五次出巡,在所走过的名山大川刻文字记录他的功绩以显示他的权力。
    v He went on five large-scale tours, carving characters and observing his achievements on every famous mountain that he had visited so as to display his power.

  • 据专家介绍,目前泰山、崂山等一些名山大川也已成为开发商猎取的目标。
    According to experts, the current Taishan mountain, foot and other famous mountains and big rivers have become developers of the game.

  • 相传,西山老母的小女儿水珠,因过不惯西山寂寞的生活,到处游历名山大川
    According to legend, the Western Hills mother of the little girl drops, due to not get used to the Western Hills have been lonely life, traveled around mountains.

  • 林清德遍访北方名山大川,见此处“其地僻而幽,其山高而秀,时有灵气选绕。
    Lin visited the northern mountains and Germany, see here "to its secluded and quiet, and show its high mountains, from time to time around the election Aura."

  • 岳麓书院选择名山大川的景观环境作为书院的院址,并体现了封建礼制文化景观。
    Yuelu Academy chose the environment with famous mountains and great rivers as its location, and represented the cultural landscape of feudal ritual system.

  • 全国不少名山大川都成了开发商猎取的目标,有人将此称为新一轮“圈地狂潮”。
    Many famous mountains and big rivers has become a national developer of the game, it was known as this new round of "enclosure craze."

  • 这里有苍松翠柏,有潺潺溪流,有丰富的石油、煤炭,也有闻名遐迩的名山大川
    There are Cangsong cypresses, a gurgling streams, is rich in oil, coal, but also the world famous mountains.

  • 留出更多的时间与家人和朋友一起分亨,吃遍天下美食,游遍你心中向往的名山大川
    Spend more time with your family and friends, eat your favorite foods, and visit the places you love.

  • 留出更多的时间与家人和朋友一起分享,吃遍天下美食,游遍你心中向往的名山大川
    Spend more time with your family and friends, eat your favorite foods, and visit the place you love.

  • 留出更多的时间与家人和朋友一起分享,吃遍天下美食,游遍你心中想往的名山大川
    Spend more time with your family and friends, eat your favorite foods, and visit the places you love.

  • 留出更多的时间与家人和哥们一起共享,吃遍天下美食,游遍你心中想往的名山大川
    Spend abundance time with your household and friends, eat your favorite nutriments, and visit the socates you love.

  • 留出更多的时间与家人和朋友一起分享,吃遍天下美食,游遍你心中想往的名山大川
    Spend more time with homily and friends, eat youvorite foods, and visit the places you love.

  • 王羲之年轻时跟卫夫人学习书法,后来又游历名山大川,观察、学习了前辈书法家们的碑刻。
    Wang Xizhi studied calligraphy under the calligraphy master Madame Wei in his youth. Then he traveled widely to study tablet inscriptions executed by famous calligraphers of older generations.

  • 让读者从杂志中了解全国各地城市新貌、经济动向、名山大川、风土人情以及热点话题、时尚潮流。
    Readers can learn from the magazine the outlines and economic pulse of major cities, the mountains and rivers, convention and traditions, hot topics and fashion trends.

  • 我曾经有个梦想,有一天能到中国去,游览名山大川,尝遍珍馐佳肴,这就是我,一个美国牛仔的自白。
    I have a dream, that one day , I can come to china to visit famous mountains and taste delious food. This is me, a cowboy of united states.

  • 亦由于几十年来,遍游名山大川,搜集山水素材,刻苦经营,从不间断,形成其作品风格细致写实,气象万千。
    In the last few decades, he has traveled to famous mountains and rivers to gather inspirations that account for the meticulous and magnificent style of his paintings.

  • 我一个梦想就是能够周游世界,去观察发现世界各地的风土人情,名山大川,也用我的相机去纪录我看到的一切。
    One of my dream is to travel around the world, to discovery the people and nature scenes of various nations by my eyes and my camera.

  • 四川地区道教和佛教的名山大川居多,有古代道教发源地之一的青城山,有佛门圣地峨眉山和最负盛名的乐山大佛;
    Sichuan Taoism and Buddhism mountains, most have one of the ancient birthplace of Taoism Qingchengshan , there is Buddhism most sacred Mount Emei and Leshan Giant Buddha famous;

  • 其次,京九沿线旅游资源十分看好,沿线众多的名山大川、民俗风情等待着投资者的开发,旅游房地产将大有可为。
    Secondly, the plant is very optimistic about tourism resources, along many famous mountains and big rivers, folk customs investors await the development of tourism real estate will be promising.

  • 主题公园经过近50年的发展,已经成为世界各地重要的旅游吸引物,是继名山大川和文物古迹之后出现的一个新亮点。
    With nearly five decades of development, the theme park, following famous mountains, great rivers, and cultural relics, has become one of the main tourist attractions all over the world.

  • 主题公园经过近50年的发展,已经成为世界各地重要的旅游吸引物,是继名山大川和文物古迹之后出现的一个新亮点。
    After nearly five decades' development, theme park, a new highlight following famous mountains, great rivers, and cultural relics, has been one of the main tourist attractions all over the world.

  • 谢灵运长期漂泊在外,云游名山大川,对鞋子带来的痛苦与尴尬深有体会。既然买来的鞋无法满足自己登山的需要,那他就决定亲自动手制作。
    Xie Ling carry leads a wandering life for a long time outer, roam famous mountains and great rivers, the anguish that brings to shoe and awkwardness have experience greatly.

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