
同病相怜  tóng bìng xiāng lián








  • 我对他的遭遇, 不只是普普通通的同情, 还有一种深切的同病相怜的感触。
    I felt more than ordinary human sympathy for him in his misfortune. I was deeply moved as a fellow sufferer.

  • 至少有很多人和你同病相怜
    At least you have plenty of company.

  • 都是受伤的人常常同病相怜
    The wounded fellow sufferers commiserate with each other.

  • 他两同病相怜,互相帮助,逐渐产生了爱情。
    Out of sympathy, they helped each other and gradually fell in love.

  • 而我只能发出同病相怜的感慨,不会再付出更多。
    As for me, nothing can I do, but give out a sigh with same emotion.

  • 它们为同病相怜的儿童提供会面和互诉衷肠的地方。
    They offer a place for children to meet and share experiences with children who have similar problems.

  • 正因如此,通用和克莱斯勒破产使温莎与底特律同病相怜
    So the collapse into bankruptcy of GM and Chrysler has brought Windsor down along with Detroit.

  • 与俄罗斯“同病相怜”的还有哈萨克斯坦和白俄罗斯等邻国。
    With Russia, "the same boat" is also to neighboring countries such as Kazakhstan and Belarus.

  • 你得了与工作环境有关的紧张症。跟你同病相怜的人还不少。
    You have a case of workplace-related stress. You also have plenty of company.

  • 「咱俩可真是同病相怜」,狗、树都被捆著,两者却一样无辜。
    "We are really partners in suffering. " Dogs and trees both suffer the same unfortunate bondage.

  • 当然啦,和我同病相怜的朋友我也会和你们一起高兴,一起难过…
    Of course, and my friends on the same boat I would be pleased with you, with sadness…

  • 当蒂娜拒绝嫁给林先生时,他很失望。但他知道有人和他同病相怜
    Mr. Lin was disappointed when Tina refused to marry him, but he know others were in the same boat.

  • 在她们的小说中,男性从最初与女性对立,到对视,再到同病相怜
    In their novels, men and women show their confrontation, understanding, and then sympathy to each other.

  • 包括摩根斯坦利和华盛顿共同基金在内的其他投行看起来似乎同病相怜
    Other banks, including Morgan Stanley and Washington Mutual, looked as if they would suffer the same fate.

  • 我对他的遭遇,不只是普普通通的同情,还有一种深切的同病相怜的感触。
    I felt more than ordinary human sympathy for him in his misfortune. I was deeply moved as a fellow sufferer .

  • 他山之石2:和华清嘉园业主同病相怜的李小姐最近也在同开发商进行斗争。
    Stones from other mountains 2 : boat owners and Huaqingjiayuan Miss Li recently also struggle with the developers.

  • 周道学说:“那我们简直就是同病相怜嘛!好吧,我待会儿仔细看看你的卷子。”
    The week Taoism say:"That we are absolutely a fellow sufferers understand each other! All right, I be after a while careful to see you of winding son. ""

  • 火箭在星期三晚上碰上了与之同病相怜的热火队,两队本赛季均有大将遭遇伤病。
    The Rockets had struggled to keep up their first-half offensive pace in the third quarter and, just as threatening, Wade had begun to heat up.

  • 丛、李二人在服刑期间同住一监室,两人朝夕相处,同病相怜,最后竟成了好朋友。
    Clump, Li two people in imprisonment period as soon as lives together supervises the room, two people are constantly together, have same problem, finally has become the good friend unexpectedly.

  • 贝克汉姆和欧文现在可谓是同病相怜,俩人都因为伤病而无缘代表英格兰出征世界杯。
    David Beckham and Michael Owen are fellow sufferers as both are ruled out of England's squad for the World Cup finals by injuries.

  • 台湾人变的好逸恶劳,因为网友们已习惯透过线上游戏、部落格与讨论区来同病相怜
    Taiwanese people have begun to despise labor and love ease, because Internet users are now used to wallowing in each other's sympathy through online games, blogs, and discussion groups.

  • 都说同病相怜的人能够产生共鸣,身处一个战壕中的战友特别能够相互扶持、共同进退。
    that same person can have resonance, in a trench - especially to the mutual support and co-trapped.

  • 他抬头看着老板,轻声地说:“我自己也跑不快,这只小狗正好有个同病相怜的主人。”
    He looked up at the store owner and softly replied, "Well, I don't run so well myself and the little puppy would need someone who understands."

  • 与皮耶罗同病相怜的还有卡莫拉内西和特雷泽盖,两人也均是膝盖有恙,周末能否上阵目前不得而知。
    Alessandro Del Piero and Mauro Camoranesi also sorry for him and Trezeguet, both are also a knee ailments, the current battle is not known whether the weekend.

  • 葡萄牙、西班牙和其他国家表现出的更加热情的举动证实,尽管他们同病相怜,但却不是希腊,这是重点。
    One priority is more zealous action by Portugal, Spain and others to prove that, although they suffer from some of the same ailments, they are not Greece.

  • 可是公爵小姐还没来得及看清这个娜塔莎的脸,就已明白,这是她同病相怜的诚挚的伙伴,因而是她的朋友。
    But Princess Marya had hardly glanced at Natasha's face before she understood that here was one who sincerely shared her grief, and was therefore her friend.

  • 同样被多次受伤拖累的同病相怜:“最惨的是德罗巴刚复出就倒下,心理压力非常大,你多么想上场,却无能为力
    Was also dragged down the number of injured on the same boat: "Drogba is the worst just fall back on, psychological pressure, how you want to play, but could do nothing."

  • 亚洲新兴国家看起来心情要好些,然而以出口为主导的小型经济体如新加坡和香港的经济正在萎缩,马来西亚与泰国也同病相怜
    Emerging Asia looks cheerier, although the small export-led economies of Singapore and Hong Kong are shrinking, as are Malaysia and Thailand.

  • 同病相怜的同事们一起发发牢骚可以让你感觉好一点,不过在大部分人都表示不满的时候保持一个积极的态度,这会帮助你脱颍而出。
    It can feel good to commiserate with co-workers, but maintaining a positive attitude at a time when most people are disgruntled will help you stand out.

  • 镇压者似乎埋伏在每个僧人门口,邻近的几个忧郁的山(上的寺庙?)也只能分享他们反复强调的沮丧的心情(应该是说同病相怜无能为力的意思)。
    Suppression seemed to lurk behind every monastic doorway, with the gloom of the nearby mountains only serving to accentuate the feeling of depression.

  • 同病相怜造句相关
