
口说无凭  kǒu shuō wú píng








  • 至于口头承诺,便更是口说无凭
    The oral commitments, it is usually no proof.

  • 口说无凭,成了黄小姐的死穴。
    Hau said that no proof has become the weakest anything.

  • 口说无凭,)要看行动。
    Action is needed.

  • 口说无凭、会赖账!
    With no mouth said, would deny!

  • 购房者即使不承认,也是口说无凭,难以伸冤。
    Even those who do not recognize the purchase is usually no proof, it is difficult to redress.

  • 记者:你们公司在哪儿啊?钱汇过去了应该有收据吧?口说无凭啊!
    Reporter: Where are your company ah »The money should have gone receipts it« I said no with ah!

  • 记者:你们公司在哪儿啊?钱汇过去了应该有收据吧?口说无凭啊!
    Reporter: Where is your company?Did Qian Hui go to should have receipt?The mouth says to not have by ah!

  • 恰恰是为了让这种产权转让的关系口说无凭、立字为据才产生和需要契约。
    It is precisely to allow the transfer of such property is usually no relationship with, to the word and the need arose for the contract.

  • 胡教授既然想发言,想就这个问题说说话,想必做了些调查,不可能就是口说无凭,乱说。
    Since Hu is so eager to have his say on the issue, he must presumably have done a bit of research (it's hard to believe he would simply be mouthing off with no basis).

  • 因此,笔者建议尽可能用书面的方式完成工程项目的变更,避免真的出现“口说无凭”的情况。
    Therefore, the authors recommend possible ways to complete a written project changes to avoid really have a "say no proof."

  • 我司禀持着:口说无凭,质量见真章的信念,欢迎各地机械厂来电洽询,我们会给您满意的答案。
    I have an intrinsic SECRETARY: I said no with, the quality of Jianzhen Zhang's conviction, welcomed around the machinery plant calls Inquiry, we give you a satisfactory answer.

  • “要么在总统明确授权下让人传递外交政策信息,”一位前共和党国务卿说,“要么口说无凭。”
    "Either you have one person sending the foreign policy message, with the clear approval of the President, " says a former Republican Secretary of State, "or there is no message.

  • 口说无凭造句相关
