
口口声声  kǒu kǒu shēng shēng







  • 口口声声表白不知道这件事。
    He glibly professed his ignorance of the affair.

  • 虽然人们口口声声说这是和平年代,和平年代!
    While it keeps on saying that a peaceful era of peace!

  • 可是我口口声声说的“我”到底指什么东西呢?
    and what thing is it to which I so glibly refer as I?

  • 口口声声说他一定帮忙,然而事到临头他什麽也不帮。
    He always says he'll help, but when it comes to the crunch , he does nothing.

  • 这也正是马云口口声声所要打造的“生态环境”的雏形。
    This is precisely to create Humayun kept by the "ecological environment" prototype.

  • 我们口口声声喊着“中/国/人”,“中/华/民/族”。
    We kept shouting "/ country /", "/ China / public / family.

  • 口口声声说支持女权主义,但全部家务仍是他妻子的事。
    EX: He pays lip-service to feminism but his wife still does all the housework.

  • 一个口口声声说很爱我,对我很好,一个说是我很好的朋友。
    A saying that I love, I am very good, I said to be a good friend.

  • 您遇到过那种明明是在虐待,口口声声说这仅仅是支配的人吗?
    Have you ever seen people who behave abusively but claim it's merely dominance?

  • 口口声声支持女权运动,但他家的全部家务仍是他妻子的事。
    He pays lip service to feminism, but his wife still does all the housework.

  • 而史密斯口口声声维护的文明旗帜,其实也不过是在拉大旗作虎皮。
    Nor were the standards that Mr Smith so volubly sought to maintain very civilised.

  • 他有兴趣购买奥格登纳什的袖珍书,但口口声声说35分钱太贵了。
    He was interested in buying The Pocket Book of Ogden Nash but claimed it was overpriced at 35 cents.

  • 你说我第一天上完他的课后,口口声声夸他长得帅?你别瞎说八道了。
    Of course you would say that. After all, on the first day of class all you did was talk about how cute he was.

  • 口口声声说“爱”,却不肯把钱花在自己爱的人身上,是小气,不是节俭。
    Always saying something about love, but never willing to spend money for love. that is stingy, not sconomy.

  • 我想不到一个口口声声说爱妻子的人,居然会如此残忍地夺去了爱人的生命。
    I can never imagine a man exclaiming loudly his great love to his wife should kill her brutally.

  • 我不想和一个口口声声说爱我却又不知道什么时候会找别的女人的男人在一起。
    I don't want to stay with a man who says he loves me, but could be with someone else whenever he gets the urge .

  • 对那些口口声声说“我们的武器是最清洁不过”的军队﹐这一夜功夫﹐成绩不算坏。
    Not bad for a night's work in Gaza by the army that believes in "purity of arms".

  • 口口声声说你多么爱你的老板,但接下来却说,你将用公司会破产的想法来自我安慰。
    You protest how much you like your boss but then say you'll console yourself with thought of the company going bust.

  • 他又口口声声地庇护的这个行业去斗志昂扬地复辟已经被英国人于1710年颠覆的传统。
    He speaks for an industry that is instead fighting to restore the tradition that the British overturned in 1710.

  • 他们要发动战争,那就别怪我们搞革命,也就是他们口口声声所说的我们搞“颠覆活动”。
    If the warmongers are to make war, then they must n't blame us for making revolution or engaging in "subversive activities" as they keep saying all the time.

  • 现有教育制度口口声声地承诺要把年轻人培养成人,结果却让他们的美国式梦想化为泡影。
    The education system's inherent promise of helping young people grow up to become adults who can realize the American Dream turns out to be an **.

  • 想当初,那个口口声声爱你到生命最后一刻的男人,此时正不知对着哪个女人讲着同样的话。
    Want at the outset, that keep on saying loves your man to life last moment, knowing right now the woman is speaking same to which.

  • 但结果是,该国最受欢迎的政党被军政府设立的法庭迫令解散,后者还口口声声说在拯救民主。
    the country's most popular party has been destroyed by a court set up by the military junta that seized power last year, claiming to be rescuing democracy.

  • 当美国的军队遍布全世界,口口声声说要拯救全人类的时候,他们甚至连自己的人民都无法拯救。
    Kind of ironic that American troops are out there trying to save the world, but they can't even take care of people back home.

  • 大家口口声声说“狼”,其实“怡高”不是狼,而是合作伙伴,我们与丽江花园等有过很好的合作。
    " We keep saying "wolf" in fact "Yue high" is not the wolf, but partners with the Lijiang Garden, we have very good cooperation.

  • 批评家们可能会说在沃尔什口口声声说要创造一个尼克斯的新时代的同时又不交易马布里,这不是很矛盾吗?
    Critics might say that Walsh keeps saying that in order to create a new era of the Knicks without Marbury trade, this is not a contradiction here?

  • 今天我们已经面试了150位学生。他们都口口声声说自己身怀绝技,够资格进入这所学校。那么你有什么一技之长呢?
    We've seen 150 students today. They all swear they have a special gift to offer the school. Do you have a special gift?

  • 安娜:我不能留在一个承诺不能兑现的国家,这里,他们口口声声说着要进行大改革,可是一切还是要由一个人的意愿决定。
    Anna: I cannot stay in a country where a promise has no meaning, where they talk great changes, but everything remains according to the wishes of one man!

  • 这就是为什么当你那个从学校放假回来的表姐出现会让大伙感到十足的扫兴的原因了,因为她口口声声地说再也不吃“动物的肉”了。
    That's why it will inevitably cause a huge stink when your cousin shows up from her semester away, claiming that she no longer eats "animal flesh".

  • 这孩子是上校在孤寂中的欢乐,但是那个外祖父蛮不讲理地要把他的外孙领去,口口声声说,如果不把那孩子送交给他,他便不让他继承遗产。
    This child had been the colonel's joy in his solitude; but the grandfather had imperatively claimed his grandson, declaring that if the child were not given to him he would disinherit him.

  • 口口声声造句相关
