
反目成仇  fǎn mù chéng chóu







  • 曾经的亲密兄弟,现在却反目成仇
    Once we were close like brothers; now we have become enemies.

  • 他们兄弟俩因为经济上的问题而反目成仇了。
    The two brothers had a falling out over their financial problems.

  • 兄弟之间反目成仇,可怕的战争与打斗不断。
    Fanmuchengchou between brothers, terrible war and the fight continued.

  • 一对义父子为了一个女人争风吃醋,反目成仇
    It is ridiculous to see a father and a son turn to foe, being jealous of each other because of a woman.

  • 处理得不好,感情不但不能维系,更可能反目成仇,彼此心里有条刺。
    Handled well, can not sustain feelings, it may relocate, their hearts are of thorns.

  • 咱们合作这么多年,终于要因为一个花花公主,反目成仇了。你觉得值么?
    Our cooperation so several year, finally the important cause is a flower flower princess and quarreled. Do you feel value Yao?

  • 我父亲说:这世上,有的人,一开始山盟海誓,最后反目成仇,是一种完美;
    My father said: this world, some people start, the final enemies, is a perfect fit;

  • 几天后,李某再次提出退出组织,与平时对其“照顾有加”的卫某反目成仇
    A few days later, Lee again from the organizations, with their usual "take care of the increase, " the enemies of a Methodist.

  • 我需要一个人过一阵子。我们做朋友比较好。(含蓄路线,希望不至于反目成仇
    No 3: I need some time alone. We'd better be just friends.

  • 陪审团的各位先生们,一个人在世间最好的朋友也可能会背叛他,并与他反目成仇
    Gentlemen of the Jury: The best friend a man has in the world may turn against him and become his enemy.

  • 那穆塞韦尼先生与巴干达族现在要反目成仇,特别是前者正试图2011年竞选连任?
    So why are Mr Museveni and the Baganda now at loggerheads, especially as the president is seeking re-election in 2011?

  • 那个曾经抓过尼姆的瓦娜·塞奇与贸易联邦反目成仇后,也站到尼姆一边,寻求报复。
    The very same Vana Sage who captured Nym was in turn betrayed by the Federation, and joined Nym in a quest for vengeance.

  • 之后他向逼死自己的母亲,和让他与心爱女人反目成仇的那些坏人们,展开进行报复。
    There he seeks revenge against those who caused the death of his mother and the loss of his beloved lover who became his enemy.

  • 在这个世上一个人最好的朋友也可能与他反目成仇,他呕心养育的儿女也可能对他忘恩负义。
    The best friend a man has in this world may turn against him and become his enemy.

  • 比如,他们变得敏感而多疑,轻易因一点小事情、小利益而让彼此大失所望,甚至反目成仇
    For example they become sensitive and suspicious so that they are disappointed with each other even turned against each other for little matters and interests.

  • 这样的变化,小的可能只是一场误会,大的就很可能会发展成为械斗、诉讼、乃至于反目成仇
    This change might incur a petty mistake, if it is not serious. It might incur a fight, litigation, and hatred.

  • 而竞争不断升级,两人反目成仇,对自己的家庭和法律做抗争,竞争逐渐变成了血腥甚至死亡。
    The escalating contest sets the boys against each other, their families and the law as the competition spirals towards a fatal and bloody conclusion.

  • 她们组成的联盟如同万花筒中的图案那样分分合合,曾经的朋友不再是可靠的支持者,或许还反目成仇
    Alliances form and dissolve like the patterns in a kaleidoscope, and a history of friendship is no guarantee of support. Perhaps quite the opposite.

  • 若两个人因竞争而反目成仇,互相利用,互相陷害,那么他们二人绝对不是朋友,存在的也不是真正的友谊。
    If the two people were competing against each other, mutual use of each other frame-up, then the two of them is definitely not friends, there is not really friendship.

  • 在我代理过的房产纠纷中,因婚前购买的房屋处置不当并最终闹到情侣双方反目成仇、对簿公堂的,不在少数。
    I have been in the real estate agent disputes, as a result of improper disposal of property purchase and eventually head lovers both widows, hence, far from a minority.

  • 陪审团的先生们,在这个世上一个人最好的朋友也可能与他反目成仇,他呕心养育的儿女也可能对他忘恩负义。
    The best friend a man has in the world may turn against him and become his enemy. His son or daughter that he has reared with loving care may prove ungrateful.

  • 麻雀大侠德华(刘德华饰)天生喜爱打麻雀,以致多年前债台高筑连累家庭,与弟弟天乐(古天乐饰)反目成仇
    Andy is a legendary Mahjong player, Years ago Andy's for Mahjong cost his family their entire fortune, his brother Louis then turned against him.

  • 麻雀大侠德华(刘德华饰)天生喜爱打麻雀,以致多年前债台高筑连累家庭,与弟弟天乐反目成仇(古天乐饰)。
    Andy is a legendary Mahjong player. Years ago Andy's passion for Mahjong cost his family their entire fortune, his brother Louis then turned against him.

  • 陪审团诸位先生,在这个世界上,一个人最好的朋友可能同他反目成仇,他用至爱哺育成长的儿女也可能忤逆不孝;
    Gentlemen of the jury, the best friend a man has in this world may turn against him and become his enemy. His son or daughter whom he has reared with loving care may prove ungrateful.

  • 然而,也想称雄草原的札木合-铁木真三次结拜的安达却因此与他反目成仇,纠合13个草原部落向铁木真发动进攻。
    However, also want to close the Zagreb mogul grassland tiemuzhen - three times wood of anda has therefore become sworn with him into beasts of burden, JiuGe 13 grassland tribe to tiemuzhen attack.

  • 正如你在祝酒词中所说,中美两国的人民是伟大的人民。如果两国的人民反目成仇,那么我们所处的世界将会黯淡无光。
    As you said in the toast, Chinese people are great people, American people are great people. If our countries' people turn to enemy, then the future of the planet we live will become darker.

  • 希立安墨非和帕德莱克德莱尼在片中饰演的两兄弟参加了反抗英国军队的游击战,但最终因立场不同而反目成仇,面临痛苦的选择。
    Cillian Murphy and Padraic Delaney star as two brothers who join the guerrilla war against British forces. But the men face choices when they end up on opposite sides of the conflict.

  • 《水上血战》于3月29日出版。此时正值第155届划船比赛。该书以交叉叙事的方式讲述了兄弟俩在追逐胜利的过程中反目成仇
    "Blood Over Water", published to coincide with the 155th boat race on March 29th, tells in alternating narratives the story of how the brothers' quest for victory turned them into enemies.

  • 希立安·墨非和帕德莱克·德莱尼在片中饰演的两兄弟参加了反抗英国军队的游击战,但最终因立场不同而反目成仇,面临痛苦的选择。
    Cillian Murphy and Padraic Delaney star as two brothers who join the guerrilla war against British forces. But the men face harrowing choices when they end up on opposite sides of the conflict.

  • 贾仁与阿巴贡是中法古典戏剧中著名的“吝啬鬼”形象,但俩人在与其儿子的情感关系上可谓泾渭分明,一个是和睦温情,一个则反目成仇
    Jia Ren and Abagon are the famous "miser" characters in Chinese and French plays, but they showed distinguishing attitudes to deal with the relationship with their sons.

  • 反目成仇造句相关
