
盖世英雄  gài shì yīng xióng







  • 让她心中苦苦等待的那一个盖世英雄
    Lets that matchless hero who in her heart waited for with hardship.

  • 等我成为了盖世英雄,我会踏着七彩祥云去找你。
    Waited for me to become the matchless hero, I will tread seven color auspicious clouds to look for you.

  • 王力宏首先演唱了《盖世英雄》,与他最新专辑同名。
    Wang's first song was "Unparalleled Hero", the hit single off his latest album of the same name.

  • 我的意中人是个盖世英雄,有一天他会踩着起色云彩来娶我。
    my love is a matchless hero, one day he would pick me to marry on clouds.

  • 现在他邀请大家聆听其第二拨独特音乐风格专辑-盖世英雄
    Now he invites everybody to a second serving of his unique-style melodies on Heroes of Earth.

  • 我的意中人是个盖世英雄,有一天他会踩着起色云彩来娶我。
    The lover in my mind is a super hero, he will come to marry me stepping on colorful clouds one day.

  • 我想这在你2005年的专辑《盖世英雄》中产生了惊人的效果。
    You used this to stunning effect, I think, in your 2005 album Heroes of the Earth.

  • 我突然觉得自己很酷。有超能力,做盖世英雄了吧,去救世了吧。
    If I do have super powers, I can be a HERO.

  • 盖世英雄》是首张成功地将中国传统音乐和流行或西哈结合的专辑。
    Heroes of Earth is one of the first albums to successfully blend traditional Chinese music with pop music or hip hop.

  • 一道聚光灯集中射在印有该演唱会主题「盖世英雄」字样的红幕的一角。
    A lone spotlight focused on the corner of the red drapes, which was emblazoned with the words Dai Shi Ying Xiong (Warriors of Earth), the concert's theme.

  • 出道十多年后的今天,王力宏已堪称亚洲创作天王、华语歌坛的“盖世英雄”!
    Makes a debut more than ten year later today, Wang Lihong has been possible be called Asia to create the Son of Heaven, Chinese song world "the matchless hero"!

  • 他把这种曲风带到了他的下一张专辑,就是2005年推出的《盖世英雄》专辑。
    He continued this blended style into his next album, 2005's Heroes of Earth.

  • 王力宏上一张专辑《盖世英雄》与世界各地音乐人合作,把华人嘻哈推至全世界。
    On Wang Lihong a special edition "Matchless hero" cooperates with from all over the world the music person, hee hee pushes the Chinese people to the world.

  • 欧阳靖出现在王力宏最新专辑《盖世英雄》的主打歌,展示美籍华人的团结,并不惊讶。
    It may not be surprising, then, that Jin appears on the title track of Wang's latest album Heroes of Earth, showing his Chinese-American solidarity.

  • 他的最近一张专辑《盖世英雄》结合了典型的流行音乐元素和原本只有京剧才有的韵味。
    album, takes typical pop candy chords and infuses them with strains that could only have come from the Beijing Opera.

  • 我想如果你喜欢他和欧阳靖唱的《盖世英雄》的话,你就会更喜欢这首,因为我就是这样。
    I guess if you liked his Heroes of Heaven and Earth (with Jin), you've love this song better coz i know i am.

  • 不同于“盖世英雄”演唱会的中国风,今年的演唱会概念很多来自漫画元素,充满未来感。
    Is different in "the matchless hero" concert's national customs, this year's concert concept comes from the cartoon element, will fill in the future the feeling.

  • 在制作专辑《盖世英雄》的时候,我也请来了电影里的京剧唱将--李岩,来配唱部分背景音乐。
    In making "Heroes of Earth, " I included the film's opera singer, Li Yan, whose singing formed part of the background music.

  • (出乎意料的,大部分人喜欢死亡,因为惟有你去世后人们才能定论你的价值,你才称得上盖世英雄)…
    It's funny the way most people death. Once you are dead you are made for life. You have to die before they think you are worth anything…

  • 马来西亚将是《盖世英雄》世界巡回演唱会的最后一站,之前到过中国内地,台湾,新加坡,香港和北美。
    Malaysia will be the last stop for the "Heroes on Earth" world tour which has already covered China, Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong and North America.

  • 他上星期日在吉隆坡武吉加里而国家体育场的2007盖世英雄巡球演唱会的终点演出就是一个很好的例子。
    The show he put up on the last stop of his Heroes on Earth World Tour 2007 at the National outdoor Stadium in Bukit Jalil last Sunday night was a good example.

  • 紫霞:我的意中人是个盖世英雄,有一天他会踩着七色的云彩来娶我,我猜中了前头,可是我猜不着这结局……
    Zixia: my lover is a super hero, he will ride a colorful cloud to marry me; I succeed guessing the former part, but fail to know the ending…

  • 紫霞:我的意中人是个盖世英雄,有一天他会踩着七色的云彩来娶我,我猜中了前头,可是我猜不着这结局……
    Lin Zixia: my lover is a super hero, he will ride a colorful cloud to marry me, i succeed guessing the former part, but fail to know the ending…

  • 我的心上人是个盖世英雄,我知道,总有一天他会身披五彩战衣,踏着鹊桥来接我,今天你能来吗?你的织女!
    My sweetheart is a matchless hero, I know that one day he would fight wearing colorful clothing, follow Bridge to meet me, today you can come? Weaver you!

  • 二00六年三月,三万多名歌迷挤满了台北小巨蛋,要参加他的「盖世英雄」演唱会,打破了以往观众人数纪录。
    In March 2006, more than 30, 000 fans packed the Taipei Arena for his Heroes of Earth concerts, breaking attendance records.

  • 盖世英雄”这本新专辑中注入了京剧和昆曲成分,这两剧种都赋予了千年的古代传统,它们在中国文化中也是独树一帜的。
    And this new album called Heroes of Earth incorporates Peking Opera and Quen-chu which are thousand year old traditions that are also unique to Chinese culture.

  • 如果他值得你爱,那么,请用心去肯定他、爱他、关怀他、等待他,等到他有一天终于变成了盖世英雄,踏着七彩云来娶你。
    but if he deserves it, please, from the bottom of your heart, approve him, love him, take care of him and wait for him, wait for that day when he becomes a real hero and comes to you,  his bride.

  • 上个星期天在吉隆坡的武吉加里尔室外体育场,他演出了“力宏盖世英雄巡回演唱会2007”的最后一场,再次证明了他的非凡的人气。
    He lived up to his reputation once again at his last leg of "Lee Hom Heroes of Earth World Tour 2007" at the Bukit Jalil National Stadium in Kuala Lumpur last Sunday.

  • 这可能仅是一种误解,可能这种90年代风格不能打动年轻的粉丝们,可能这张专辑没有盖世英雄那么好,但这还是张好得没话讲的专辑。
    Perhaps the 90s style doesn't work on the younger fans. Perhaps not as good as Heroes Of Earth but it's still a damn good one.

  • 在同名歌曲中混入中文饶舌,他说:“随着京剧和昆曲的介入,嘻哈音乐进入了一个新的时代。只有新的突破,新的音乐曲风,才能创造出新的盖世英雄。”
    Rapping Chinese in the title song, Wang declares, "With Peking Opera and kung injected/Hip-hop enters a new phase/Only new breakthroughs, new musical styles produce new heroes."

  • 盖世英雄造句相关
