
百无禁忌  bǎi wú jìn jì








  • 对于个人信息,我们百无禁忌
    we are reckless with our personal information.

  • 就像照片中一样,孩童在那天嬉戏百无禁忌
    Just like in the picture it is okay for children to play on that day.

  • 你一成为公众人物,就会成为新闻记者百无禁忌的猎物。
    Once you are in public life, you are fair game to the newsmen.

  • 另一些却百无禁忌,做出很多行为令前类基督徒深感不满。
    Others do all kinds of things which are frowned on by the first group.

  • 白色是最好的底色,只需要留住足够的底色,其他颜色便可以百无禁忌
    White is best impression, need the impression with enough tarry only, other facial expression can 100 without contraindication.

  • 呵呵!那家里供把行刑鬼头刀,岂非百毒不侵,百无禁忌了,纯农民意识作怪。
    Then placing a executing ghost Dao at home is excellent. It's just the peasant consciousness.

  • 在前苏联时代的地下文化积极分子维诺格拉多夫说:“现在可以百无禁忌了”。
    Active in the cultural underground during Soviet times, Vinogradov says, "Nothing is taboo now."

  • 所以连伟哥广告都出现在屏幕上时,你只能说,CNBC为了广告,真是百无禁忌了。
    So even Viagra ads have appeared on the screen, you can say, CNBC for advertising, is a Baiwujinji.

  • 爱不仅可以进入一颗百无禁忌的心,如果疏于防守的话,爱也可以进入设防周密的心。
    Love can find entrance, not only into an open heart, but also into a heart well fortified, if watch be not well kept.

  • 第一年在西华饭店开过“房间熟女轰趴”之后, 似乎每年少不了百无禁忌的爽玩一次。
    After the year we had our Hotel Room Party at Sherwood, it turned out to be an annual ritual to have something outrageously fun.

  • 顾客得以大肆破坏旅馆内的所有物品,从客房、浴室到接待大厅等公共区域都百无禁忌
    The guests were allowed to break everything they found in the hotel, from the bedrooms and the bathrooms right down to the common areas such as the reception hall.

  • 瑞典美女有教养,爱交际,热情好客,而且懂风情,百无禁忌,知道如何让夥伴得到享受。
    Sweden beauty educated, loving communication, hospitality, but also to understand style, Baiwujinji, know how to get partners enjoy.

  • 只有双方都能坦诚相对,说出自己的想法,百无禁忌,沟通无障碍,“了解”也就水到渠成。
    Knowing each other is the sure result when both sides are honest, talking what you really think, with no boundary, when we say communicate with no obstacle.

  • 但同时,她也是个十足的奸诈之人,她百无禁忌——我认为是不惜一切代价——去得到她想要的。
    But then again, she's a total badass who will stop at nothing — and I mean nothing — to get what she wants.

  • 说到百无禁忌, 除了是一部顶级的动作片外, 铁猴子还为香港电影制作开创了安全拍摄的先例。
    Speaking of no-holds-barred, besides being a top notch martial arts film, Iron Monkey also set safety precedents for HK filmmaking.

  • 南韩、台湾和印度经常以百无禁忌、毫无约束的公共政策辩论、宽大的媒体自由、广泛的公民自由及强劲的经济表现备受赞扬。
    South Korea, Taiwan and India are often praised for their freewheeling public debates, broad press freedoms, expanding civil liberties and strong economic performances.

  • 问题:未能把握原文虚化性描写体现的文字夸张的风格,如“天南地北,天上地下,天文地理,谈天说地,百无禁忌”,译文基本上是字字对应,而且对字面意思也曲解了。这是机械式硬译。
    We could chat about everything in the north or in the south, in the space or at the core, related to astronomy or geography, in the Heaven or in the Hell and there were no taboos for us at all.

  • 百无禁忌造句相关
