
溃不成军  kuì bù chéng jūn







  • 敌军被打得溃不成军, 狼狈逃窜。
    Utterly routed, the enemy fled in confusion.

  • 我们的战士把敌人打得溃不成军
    Our soldiers put the enemy to flight.

  • 湖人队把活塞队打得溃不成军
    The Lakers blew the Pistons out of the runing runing water.

  • 但是,在末端我已溃不成军
    But, I was already utterly routed in the terminal.

  • 带着那些溃不成军的伤、连同你的悲、一起逃离。
    With those who routed the injury, together with your grief, to escape together .

  • 其他纵队的伤亡人数将近一半,溃不成军,混作一团地退却了。
    The other columns had retreated, with the loss of half their men, in confused, disorderly masses.

  • 他们盔甲极为精良,挥动锋利长剑,能令大多数对手溃不成军
    Able to afford excellent armour and swords, they can punish most other infantry.

  • 那些破坏他的,正是吃他饭的人;他的劲旅将溃不成军,伤亡的极多。
    Even his table companions shall seek to destroy him, his army shall be overwhelmed, and many shall fall slain.

  • 重装剑士出身贵族,因此盔甲武器极为精良,能令大多数对手溃不成军
    Footmen of the knightly class able to afford excellent armour and swords, they can punish most other infantry.

  • 敌人的身后、头顶甚至脚下都在遭受炮火,因维部队在她眼前变得溃不成军
    Caught from behind or above and sometimes even from below, the Invid army was being wiped out before her eyes.

  • 若是在两、三星期以前,我们可能在压力下溃不成军,但是我们保持沉著不乱。
    Two or three weeks ago, we might have crumbled under the pressure. Westayed poised.

  • 但是法国军队自从莫斯科撤退后就一直溃不成军。这种现象一直没有丝毫变化。
    But in its essentials, the process of the flight and disintegration of the French army went on unchanged.

  • 若是在两、三星期以前,我们可能在压力下溃不成军,但是我们保持沉着不乱。
    Two or three weeks ago, we might have crumbled under the pressure. We stayed poised.

  • 若是在两、三星期以前,我们可能在压力下溃不成军,但是我们保持沉着不乱。
    Two or three weeks ago, we might have crumbled under the pre ure. We stayed poised.

  • 发射时的硝烟和巨响令这种恐怖武器极为震撼人心,令敌军闻声胆裂,溃不成军
    This noisy, smokey and lethal weapon is so intimidating it can cause its targets to run in fear.

  • 群龙无首的燃烧军团在艾泽拉斯上被部落,人类和暗夜精灵的联军打的溃不成军
    Without their commander the Burning Legion forces remaining on Azeroth crumbled under the combined might of the Horde human and night elf armies.

  • 爵士队主帅斯隆说:“我们在比赛中似乎并没有用尽全力,我们几乎溃不成军了。
    "We didn't give them much of a battle, knowing we have to play them again, " said Utah Coach Jerry Sloan.

  • 因为大家都在同一间公司内服务,一旦某个组织溃不成军时,其他组织也将深受其害。
    Because everybody serves in the identical company, once some organization is utterly routed time, during other organizations will be also deep its evil.

  • 因为大家都在同一间公司内服务,一旦某个组织溃不成军时,其他组织也将深受其害。
    Because we are in the same company within the service, once routed an organization, other organizations will also suffer.

  • 王翦见时机已到,下令出兵,把正在撤退的楚军打得溃不成军,楚国败局由此定了下来。
    Wang Jian see time has come, ordered troops to do is to withdraw the army completely, Chu country fiasco thus set down.

  • 10月11日,沈祥福率领的广州医药队在长春客场被对手打得溃不成军,最终以0比6惨败。
    October 11, Shen Xiangfu, led by Guangzhou medical team on the road in Changchun were routed opponents play, which will eventually defeat 0 to 6.

  • 滑膛枪兵是先进的火枪部队,威力射程都极为惊人,可穿透任何盔甲,令敌军闻声胆裂,溃不成军
    The musket is an improved form of firearm. Firing a heavy shot to a good range, it causes fear, and can pierce any armour.

  • 尽管马尔蒂尼缺席,但是我们并没有溃不成军,我们成功的赢得了一场重要的比赛,极大的鼓舞了士气。
    Despite Paolo Maldini's absence, we didn't come apart, but we managed to win a very important game and this gives us a great boost.

  • 他说是说了,但是说完大话之后就立刻逃走,丢下了他身后早已溃不成军的队伍,让他们去听天由命罢了。
    Yet in spite of this, he runs away immediately afterwards, abandoning the divided army in the rear to the hazards of destiny.

  • 在正确的指挥下,新模范军朝着胜利迅速前进,而保皇派在1645年纳斯比战役里受到致命打击,溃不成军
    Once properly organized, the Army advanced rapidly to victory and the Royalists were decisively routed in Naseby in 1645.

  • 若是在两、三星期以前,我们可能在压力下溃不成军,但是我们保持沉着不乱。显然我球队是朝着正确的方向进步。
    Two or three weeks ago, we might have crumbled under the pre ure. We stayed poised. This team has really progre ed in the right direction.

  • 若是在两、三星期以前,我们可能在压力下溃不成军,但是我们保持沉著不乱。显然我球队是朝著正确的方向进步。
    Two or three weeks ago, we might have crumbled under the pressure. We stayed poised. This team has really progressed in the right direction.

  • 若是在两、三星期以前,我们可能在压力下溃不成军,但是我们保持沉着不乱。显然我球队是朝着正确的方向进步。
    Two or three weeks ago, we might hedge crumbled under the pressure. We stayed poised. This team has really progressed in the right direction.

  • 拉斯托普钦谈到俄国官兵遭受逃跑的奥国官兵的践踏,溃不成军,不得不用刺刀穿过逃跑的人群给自己开辟一条道路。
    Rostoptchin was describing how the Russians had been trampled underfoot by the fleeing Austrians, and had had to force a way with the bayonet through the fugitives.

  • 他们挥舞着长柄战斧,令任何敌军步兵溃不成军,面对骑兵亦同样傲然无惧。骑士们身穿精良板甲,对大多数攻击几可无视。
    With their fearsome poleaxes, they can crush enemy infantry and fend off any horseman, while their plate armour makes them hard to kill.

  • 溃不成军造句相关
