
湮没无闻  yān mò wú wén








  • 我不能让这种好人好事湮没无闻
    I can't let this act of kindness go unnoticed.

  • 墨家在汉代以后湮没无闻
    After the Han Dynasty, Mohism fell into oblivion.

  • 这位作者死后很多年,名字一直湮没无闻
    The writer's name remained in eclipse for many years after his death.

  • 我知道他们阴谋使我遭人遗忘、湮没无闻
    I know that there will be a conspiracy to bury me in oblivion.

  • 这位作者死后很多年, 名字一直湮没无闻
    The writer's name remained in eclipse for many years after his death.

  • 迪金森死后很多年,她的名字一直都湮没无闻
    Dickinson's name remained in eclipse for many years after her death.

  • 若非他的语言学着作,众多语言资料仍湮没无闻
    His linguistic work presented much data on languages which would have been little known without his linguistic work.

  • 她的作品在 20 世纪大部份时间里都湮没无闻
    Her work was in eclipse for most of the 20th century.

  • 许多科目得到最好的数学家的注意,但终于湮没无闻
    Many subject engaged the attention of the best mathematicians ultimately faded into oblivion.

  • 经过一连串的桃色事件之后,那歌星便渐渐湮没无闻了。
    After a series of scandalour affairs the singer lapsed into obscurity.

  • 流产的胎儿徒然而来,悄然而去,他的名字也湮没无闻
    Though it came in vain and goes into darkness and its name is enveloped in darkness;

  • 中世纪时,法治共和国思想笼罩在神学的阴影中湮没无闻
    The republic of ruled by law was controlled by divinity in mediaeval.

  • 亚洲和欧洲部落处在这一时期的情况基本上已经湮没无闻了。
    The condition of Asiatic and European tribes in this period is substantially lost.

  • 亚洲和欧洲部落处在这一时期的情况基本上已经湮没无闻了。
    of Asiatic and European tribes in this period is substantially lost.

  • 但在二百余年来,王省山的诗作一直湮没无闻,实为中国文学史的一个损失。
    However, his poetry has been remained unkwon for the past 200 years, which is definately a history of Chinese literature loss.

  • 他虽然长久没有透露自己的计画,他们相信他总不会长此穷困,湮没无闻的;
    Although He had so long concealed His design, they believed that He would not always remain in poverty and obscurity;

  • 然而由于潘柽章于文字狱中罹祸惨死,其后注家征引多讳其真名,导致该书终于湮没无闻
    Because the author was dead in the literary inquisition, the scholars avoid to mention his name after that, so the book finally fall into oblivion.

  • 但是随着马其顿、罗马对希腊的相继征服,古代奥林匹克运动会日渐衰落,直至湮没无闻
    But with the conquering of the Macedonians and the Romans, the Ancient Olympic Games gradually disappeared from the scene.

  • 我们任凭那些不值一文的品质湮没无闻,珍视比较崇高而又永垂不朽的天性,倍感骄傲和眷恋。
    We consign the least worthy qualities to oblivion, and cherish the nobler and imperishable nature with double pride and fondness.

  • 一些工党人希望经历又一次失败后,托利党—这个曾是西方世界胜选最多的党派—会让自己在争吵中湮没无闻
    Some Labour people hoped that, after another defeat, the Tory party—once the Western world's greatest election-winning machine—would quarrel itself into oblivion.

  • 历史上最重大的事件和趋势并不是由少数杰出人物造就的,而是由那些其身份早就湮没无闻的人类群体所创造的。
    The most significant events and trends in history were made possible not by the famous few, but by groups of people whose identities have long been forgotten.

  • 后由于茶质疏于改进、洋茶的残酷竞争,以及澳门商务地位日降,至于民初,澳门与内地的茶叶贸易陷于湮没无闻
    Owing to the quality and the competition abroad, Macau lost its power gradually. The tea business between Macau and the mainland nearly disappeared after the Republican of China.

  • 此后奥林匹克运动长期湮没无闻。1829年由法国人首次进行遗迹发掘,1875~1881年德国人进行了大规模挖掘。
    After the Olympic movement known long-term annihilation. 1829 from France for the first time to explore ruins, 1875 ~ 1881 German carried out a massive excavation.

  • 那些在奴隶贸易中被当作货物一样买卖的人们的姓名、传统与文化均湮没无闻,奴隶贸易规模之大,就像纳粹大屠杀,让人简直无法相信。
    The sheer scale of the transactions of slavery - the untold cargo of people whose names, heritage and culture were extinguished - is, like the Nazi holocaust, almost impossible to take in.

  • 从前路德在学校作学生的时候,就曾埋头于修道院的一间斗室中,如果不是上帝释放了他,他就必一生湮没无闻了。上帝没有让萨文黎遭遇这同样的危险。
    Luther, while a student at school, had buried himself in a convent cell, and he would have been lost to the world had not God's providence released him.

  • 例如谷歌的图书搜索服务,可以通过论证表明它对出版商和作者的帮助要远大于伤害,它可以把图书从湮没无闻的境地中挽救出来,激励读者购买有著作权的著作。
    Google's book-search product, for instance, arguably helps rather than hurts publishers and authors by rescuing books from obscurity and encouraging readers to buy copyrighted works.

  • 成熟品牌按其定义来看就面临着衰落的前景。或许,电视广告的奇迹就在于,当这些品牌可能到了慢慢变得湮没无闻的时候,广告却能使它们年复一年地得以维持。
    Mature brands, by definition, face the prospect of decline, so perhaps the miracle of TV advertising is that it sustains them year after year when they might otherwise fade slowly into oblivion.

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