
百折不挠  bǎi zhé bù náo








  • 百折不挠是通向成功的唯一道路。
    Perseverance is the only road to success.

  • 面对极端困苦而百折不挠
    Perseverance in the face of extreme hardship.

  • 伟大的成就并非来源于力量,而是来源于百折不挠
    Great works are performed not by strength , but by perseverance.

  • 从这件事中,我知道了我们中华民族是百折不挠的!
    In this matter, I know that our Chinese nation is indomitable!

  • 百折不挠和大无畏的精神可以帮助一个人克服许多困难。
    Perseverance and pluck will carry a man through many difficulties.

  • 成功是百折不挠。绝不因暂时的挫折面放弃远大的目标。
    Success is having the courage to meet failure without being defeated. It is refusing to let present loss interfere with your long-range goal.

  • 我想,体操运动员要求有钢铁般的意南和百折不挠的精神。
    I suppose gymnasts require iron will and unswerving spirit.

  • 我想,体操运动员要求有钢铁般的意志和百折不挠的精神。
    I suppose gymnasts require iron will and unswerving spirts.

  • 但你不能让它打败你。想要取得成功你必须变得百折不挠并保持下去。
    But you can't let it stop you. To be successful you must become and remain resilient.

  • 尽管他们为贪婪所役使,但仍显示出惊人勇气、机智和百折不挠的乐观。
    Although driven primarily by greed, they have exhibited exceptional bravery, cunning and resilience.

  • 今年74岁的邓饱经磨难、百折不挠。他东山再起的次数比尼克松还多。
    Tough, abrasive, resilient, Teng, 74, has made more political comebacks than Richard Nixon.

  • 我亲爱的孙子,我希望你学会谦虚、百折不挠,学会即使没人注意也要诚实。
    My cherished grandson , I hope you learn humility by surviving failure and that you learn to be honest even when no one is looking .

  • 但是经过斗争和牺牲考验的孟加拉人民正在勇敢、坚定、百折不挠地面对未来。
    Nevertheless, the people of Bangladesh are facing this future with courage and determination and a fortitude borne out of struggle and sacrifice.

  • 我终于知道,只要我一心一意向一个目标稳步前行,百折不挠,就一定不会失败。
    Now I know that I cannot pursue a worthy goal, steadily and persistently, with all the powers of my mind and yet fail.

  • 从这件事中,我知道了中华民族是百折不挠的!是不会被灾难战胜的!能战胜灾难!
    In this matter, I know that our Chinese nation is indomitable! Disaster will not be defeated! However, we can overcome the disaster!

  • 正确面对挫折可以培养人百折不挠、坚忍不拔的意志和战胜困难、力争向上的勇气。
    May train the human correctly facing the setback indomitable, the firm and unyielding will and the conquest of difficulties, argues vigorously the upward courage.

  • 对“礼仪廉耻忍耐,克己百折不挠”的推崇,使我坚信我将爱好这项运动一生一世。
    Deeply impressed by this saying, I have a strongly confidence that I will go along with this project all through my life.

  • 尤其,在克服一切阻碍公司发展的绊脚石的时候,我们敢于直面,奋勇前行,百折不挠
    Especially in overcoming all the stumbling blocks that is an obstacle to the company's development, we dare to face and courageously forward, tenacity.

  • 我比较喜欢“百折不挠”这四个字,遇到挫折时,怎样去战胜困难、战胜挫折,这很重要。
    I compare to like better"arduous" these four words, meeting frustrate, how win a difficulty and win frustrate, this is very important.

  • 引导成功者的磁石,不是对工作的鄙视与厌恶,而是真挚,乐观的精神和百折不挠的热情。
    The magnet to guide winners is not the distain and loathing to a job but sincere, optimistic spirit and the unswerving enthusiasm.

  • 从这件事中,我知道了我们中华民族是百折不挠的!是不会被灾难战胜的!但是我们能战胜灾难!
    In this matter, I know that our Chinese nation is indomitable! Disaster will not be defeated! However, we can overcome the disaster!

  • ‘嗯,说得太对啦,宝贝儿。过去的艰难使我们坚定,坚韧,百折不挠。让我们排除万难,奋勇向前。’
    'Yes, my baby, you're precise. The past makes us sturdy and tough and unflagging. Everything in our way will be eliminated. Nobody can hinder our advancing strides. '

  • 「要能活在世上最乾涸的地方且历经一切的人必须能屈能伸,百折不挠,」她说:「我们不会轻言放弃。」
    "To be able to live in the driest place in the world, with everything that has happened, the people have to be resilient, to be stubborn, " she said. "We are not giving up.

  • 我们这个国家太大,问题太多、太复杂,这就要求我们这个民族不畏艰险、百折不挠、坚定信心、永远奋斗。
    Our country is so big, problems so numerous and complicated. And we, as a nation, must have courage to overcome difficulty, confidence to win dauntless spirit to work hard and prevail.

  • 比赛极为残酷,洛奇百折不挠,他与阿波罗打满了15个回合,打断了拳王的一根胁骨,并最终击倒了拳王。
    Competition is extremely cruel, Rocky tenacity that he and Apollo play a round of 15, Muhammad was interrupted by the threat of a bone, and eventually knocked down the champion.

  • 小小的嘴巴,上唇突出在下唇的上面;一双机警的眼睛,眼皮稍微搭拉着,使他具有一种爱挖苦的和百折不挠的表情。
    His small mouth with its upper lip out above the lower, his eyelids a little dropped over his watchful eyes, gave hims a satirical and resolute expression.

  • 自由之色,象征着兴奋不已,宽容大度,坚强不屈和百折不挠。橙色象征着希望和快乐,明快而清新,清晰而透明,充满温暖关怀之意。
    Orange is the color of freedom. It symbolizes excitement, magnanimous, adamancy and brawniness. It's lively, clear and warm.

  • 如果有一个侥幸没死、百折不挠的病毒,它可能会(随病猪)流向市场。在那里,这个病毒要面对的是更多的生活在小群落中的健康猪。
    If it was a really lucky, plucky virus, it might make it to market - where it would come up against more healthy pigs living in small herds.

  • 其中众多的神性英雄,以其百折不挠的顽强意志,向往自由的追求意识和救世济民的殉道精神,对中华民族的文化心理产生深远的影响。
    Many deified heroes who bravely pursued freedom and tried to bring people out of the pit of misery with indomitable fortitude have produced a far-reaching effect on Chinese culture and psychology.

  • 若是在美国,这样一再登门造访很可能会被看作用唠叨进行骚扰的行为,而在中国,这位不断上门的百折不挠的调解员却被视为调解员中的楷模。
    In the US such visits might well be seen as a form of nagging harassment, but in China the relentless mediator who kept visiting him is regarded as a model.

  • 百折不挠造句相关
